So how does one know if they are a hypocrite, or in our modern-day vernacular, a two-faced person? This is a question that we should all want to answer, and soon, because judgment is coming. We have all since early childhood learned how to put on multiple faces. There was a face for our parents, one for our teachers, one for our Church pastor, and one especially for our close friends. We learned how to change faces like the old adage says, “in a heartbeat.” Unfortunately, this soon followed us into adulthood as we happily displayed … After watching this powerful video on my secure website, please share it with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.
AWESOME show Reverend Blair! Thank you Vickie Truett for sharing your AMAZING song “New Creation”, ALWAYS a blessing to my heart! And yes, like your lyrics say ALWAYS PRAISE HIM! Thank you Reverend Blair for making the video for my song “Help Me Jesus Serve You Alone”. You did a BEAUTIFUL job with the pictures showing Christians serving others demonstrating the love and compassion of Christ. May this show and all Tribulation Radio Shows GLORIFY GOD ALWAYS and encourage Christians to ALWAYS STAND FIRM!
As always, thank you my friend for your blessed comment, support, and participation in our ministry. God bless you Paula