If you had to, how would you describe your faith? More importantly, how would God describe it? That is something we want to be sure about when we consider this question, “What will be the measure of your faith when Christ returns?” Faith has been a very loose term tossed around to describe many different things. … While there may be a certain element of truth in all these definitions, for the sake of this article I will only look at the aspect that Christ looks at upon His return to earth. Please share with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2018. All rights reserved.
“Live for me I am JESUS your destiny” Thank you GOD bless you sister and friend Paula Disbrow. Beautiful song. I want to thank you for being faithful to our LORD and SAVIOUR! Thank you GOD for your Glory and beauty! GOD be the Glory! “” Say no to Disney, say yes to Destiny””