Most people in the world today feel lost, which can cause them great fear. This awful feeling of fear can be compared to the unrelenting dreams, that many have experienced, where the scenery and strangers keep changing as one struggles to find their way or make sense of what’s happening. This feeling of being lost can last for what seems like hours. And for those who try to help you find your way, you soon discover that they are also lost, pointing you in one direction and then in another. After watching this powerful video on my secure website, please share it with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.
TIMELY, WONDERFUL show as usual Reverend Daniel Blair! Lorraine Graham Hucks Howard your video “The Message” is TRULY AWESOME! God bless you always Lorraine. Thank you Reverend Daniel Blair for making the video for my song “Jesus You’re the Light of the World” It is REALLY BEAUTIFUL! May this show and ALL Tribulation Radio Shows GLORIFY GOD ALWAYS!
Thank you, Paula Disbrow, for your partnership in the ministry and for your most beautiful Spirit filled singing. I was truly blessed to make your music video and look forward to many more to the glory of God.