Technology Will Be Your Undoing

Technology Will Be Your Undoing

This is the lead article in my new book, “Annals of Prophetic Writings.” I am convinced that technology will be our undoing because it will rob us of our time, of only walking in the Spirit and spending an ample amount of time building face-to-face relationships. We need to start at the beginning and discover together how technology will be our undoing. As biological life forms, we have always created tools to help us carve out our existence on the planet. We created tools to plant and harvest food, which gradually increased in efficiency leading to an agrarian society. We also in the beginning created tools to harvest wildlife for food or to kill them for protection, which also gradually increased in efficiency. The same could be said for tools for constructing shelters. These were all basic tools meant primarily for survival. After many thousands of years, this all changed. In the modern age, tools were invented not just for necessity but for added convenience to supposedly give humanity more time. In the beginning, these tools were sufficiently well built lasting for many years or an entire lifetime. Well, in time everything began to change, again. Tools were now built more cheaply to increase the bottom line creating a throwaway society. This in itself has had a tremendous impact on the world economy.

However, it is the invention or creation of new tools that mainly concerns us in this article. These later tools have connected humanity in a way that has never been imagined before, essentially giving the powers of darkness unimaginable control. These modern tools go way beyond the first automobile (or the horseless carriage), the telegraph, and the telephone. It goes way beyond the appliances in the home, indoor plumbing, and the assembly line to create mass production. These modern tools are not designed to save time but to consume it. Once time is consumed by spending more and more of our time on the modern tools of technology, then we are completely oblivious to the fact that we are being controlled by a much greater power. This unseen power has a master plan that will shock most if they have eyes to see. Unfortunately, most will not see and eagerly embrace every new technology unable to resist its calling upon their lives. From early morning to late at night every moment is spent on these new technologies shutting out nearly every physical contact with others. Building meaningful face-to-face relationships is quickly becoming a thing of the past. It is a tragedy to see people sitting around the same table and engrossed in their technology as if they are being controlled by a higher plane of existence.

Satan’s four-point master plan is to consume all of your time and create confusion, division, and abandonment of your trust in God. I would say that his plan thus far has been highly successful. Satan and his powers of darkness have used multiple technologies in the past and creating new ones shortly, which will be much more daunting. Perhaps it all started with the old black and white television sets that brought the whole family together in most homes spending their time, consuming new information from the world driving their imagination, and opening Pandora’s box to every known evil. Well, we have seen how that’s turned out going from nightly news to 24-hour news being bombarded with every crime and hateful division in the world. We have gone from evening programming to streaming movies to occupy every moment of every day. Although these streaming movies were successful in consuming humanity’s time, it was the next technology that would do the most harm in creating confusion and then eventually divisions. Social media was created by a seemingly well-meaning young man of Jewish descent. In an instant, it took the whole world by storm in time creating multiple platforms from scrolling on your timeline to messaging apps and from online videos to experimentation with an alternate reality. Essentially every individual contrary to their educational level or moral standing was given a worldwide platform to express their opinions creating confusion, which in time also created stark divisions among the masses of humanity.

This has had a horrendous effect on biblical theology and the prophetic messages from Jesus Christ and His Apostles. False prophets and heresy have completely inundated the modern world. These false teachings have spread like wildfire on all the social media platforms driving many to embrace strange new doctrines and the awfulness of every sin. The greatest danger is that it has led most of humanity to adopt the acceptance of every belief system from every world religion or non-religion to the acceptance of every known perversion. No longer do most Christians believe in the exclusiveness of their doctrines and the ways of life handed down to them from our forefathers. As Christians, we can no longer stand on the wave of the sea being tossed about by every wind of doctrine. On the other hand, we must stand on a solid rock refusing to see or read strange opinions that have only an element of truth but not the whole truth because their senseless opinions have been integrated with the doctrines of the devil. We can only stand on the rock if we are fully immersed in holy scripture that is placed deeply in our hearts by the indwelling Spirit. Not just one or two scripture to prove our baseless doctrine but all the Scripture together bringing us closer to the holy light of God’s infallible truth. This takes many hours of listening only to the still small voice of God. Unfortunately, we live in a world of integration allowing every person to become who they envision themselves to be in the matrix of society.

This integration of the volumes of information coming at humanity at the speed of light causes most to believe that they have everything they need to become everything they pridefully envision themselves to be. God has been completely removed from the equation by casting their trust in the world’s technology to solve all of their problems. Unfortunately, in the last days even the lukewarm church will be led to put their trust in the world’s technology to solve their problems. This rationale is seen in every movie, rehearsed on social media, and available in every search on the internet. When humanity stops trusting in God exclusively, then they will be open to trusting in technology to give them a deeper meaning in life. Humanity is led step by step to trust technology to deliver them from their stressful and fearful lives. Many trust in technology as a proverbial cave to help them escape a world in chaos. As already mentioned, they will eventually trust technology to give them the correct answers for all of life making it easier to depend on the one who controls the technology, which is the powers of darkness and Satan’s Antichrist. See my previous article, “Are You Prepared for the Antichrist?”

The ultimate goal of Satan and his powers of darkness is to use the coming technology to traumatize every individual on the planet. His goal is to lead humanity to a state of bliss as they escape the confines of human existence, amid the chaos, either in an alternate reality or the dominion of shared existence where everyone will be required to believe the same thing. This will be accomplished by his new technology, which will be our undoing. I believe it’s time to come out from among them and their technology by spending all of our precious time in the Spirit allowing Him to fill our day with heavenly bliss and a peace that defies understanding. It’s time to focus on the original prophecies that had been believed by the Church for over nineteen hundred years before the heresy entered the lukewarm church. Simply put, we are in the Great Tribulation allowing fallen humanity to experience the full brunt or the consequences of their collective sins. At the end of the age, Jesus Christ will faithfully return for His faithful remnant who has never stopped trusting in Him exclusively even in the worst of times. They have miraculously stood firm never wavering from the original doctrines, being both salt and light to the fallen world.

Finally, I would like to say a word about the total eclipse that is scheduled to happen on Monday, April 8, 2024, with the best viewing in my home state of Texas. Typically these total eclipses only happen every two hundred years. Perhaps what’s most important to us living in the last days is its prophetic significance and specifically how it may relate to the continent of North America who will experience this viewing. As I write these words, I still believe that there are a few more things that will need to happen before the end of the world, but it doesn’t negate the fact that this could be a sign specifically for a prideful country that has all but turned away from God. As a resident of this country and in the path of the total eclipse I am still praying that this sign will awaken the lukewarm churches of America to repent of their worldly integration and return to trusting in God exclusively. I pray that this latest book, “Annals of Prophetic Writings, which is a collection of all of my previous writings will encourage God’s children to only embrace the original biblical prophecies and not allow them to be integrated with the modern heresies concocted in the nineteenth century. Warning dear children, technology will be our undoing, because it leads to the throne room is Satan and his demonic powers.

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