As we face a deeply troubled world on the precipice of Armageddon it is essential to remember who we are in Christ. We are a Holy Sanctuary. The moment we surrender our life to Jesus Christ as Lord, the Holy Spirit enters the throne room of our hearts to begin the transformation process. This process will continue for our entire life on planet Earth. It is a process often described in the Bible as growing spiritually from one degree of glory to another (II Corinthians 3:18). Dear children, please remember that we are constantly in a state of spiritual growth, or we are slipping back into the ways of the fallen world run by the powers of darkness. It is essential to remember that we were not created to be stuck in a static personality or given a label by the counselors of psychology. The whole world is being labeled, drugged, and counseled for the rest of their lifetime by the spiritual powers of darkness. Today, we will learn again that as a Christian and faithful follower of Jesus Christ, we have been made into a new creation where old things are passing away, and behold all things have become new (II Corinthians 5:17). Embracing this biblical truth will put you back on the path of God making you into a Holy Sanctuary. As we shall soon discover being God’s Holy Sanctuary is our only sure defense against all of God’s wrath falling upon an unrepentant world. It is our only sure defense for standing against the whiles of the devil and his powers of darkness. Continue reading We Are A Holy Sanctuary
Tag Archives: vain imaginations
Living With A Thousand Voices
If we count up the number of different voices that we hear from the world in the course of a day and the voices that we hear in our own minds from memories to vain imaginations and from trying to figure things out to what we are going to say next, a thousand voices may not seem that far-fetched. The problem with attempting to assimilate this many voices it can create a great deal of confusion leading to anxiety, stress, and even depression. Silence and solitude for Christians have become a thing of the past, long forgotten in the dusty annals of church doctrine. Before we look at silence and solitude, let’s examine some of these different voices that come at us at the speed of light, each of them begging for our undivided attention and the acceptance of it as the undeniable truth. I don’t need to tell you where all these voices come from in the world. You already listen to these many voices on social media platforms, YouTube, television, radio, podcasts, the internet, newspapers, books, magazines, apps on your cellphone, political rallies, and people you encounter along the way. Yes, we all listen to these voices proclaiming to have the only truth. Continue reading Living With A Thousand Voices
Proof That The World is Ending
Most people have heard the prophecies that the world is ending. Most people have followed science that also claims that the world is ending if we don’t stop the causes of global warming. There is one other proof that should awaken all of humanity across every race and different belief system. This proof takes the hypothesis that we have been created by a higher being that has held the entire universe together since the beginning, either as a free form of biological evolution adapting to a changing environment or as a static form of creationism for the sole purpose of serving our Creator. Either way, I hypothesize that we were created to serve our Creator, and if that changes then there is no longer any need to maintain the created universe in its present form; it must be brought to an end. The whole purpose of the created order was to serve the Creator and if that changes, then there’s no longer any need for the creation to exist, which prophetically leads true believers to a new heavens and a new earth. Remember, God had no problem destroying the world with water the first time that humanity turned away from Him (Genesis 6:5). This time God will destroy the world and all of humanity with fire from the sun. Continue reading Proof That The World is Ending
The Coming Storm to Control all of Humanity (Video)
The storm is coming. Satan and the powers of darkness want total control of every person on the planet. They want to control your action, your speech, and your every thought. Large worldwide religious movements have tried to do this, and it did not work. Imperialism did not work, nation-building did not work, the United Nations did not work, even progressive liberalism isn’t working. Only one thing is! Unfortunately, it’s not God’s beautiful truth, because He will not force His will upon humanity. On the other hand, Satan, the master planner, and deceiver, is already at work to control the entire world. After watching the video on my secure website, please share it with others
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2021. All rights reserved.
The Truth is Falling on Deaf Ears (Video)
Clearly, the Spirit is speaking, even in the last days, but very few take the time to hear His voice. This can be primarily explained in one statement, “we are staying too busy and allowing interruptions during our quiet time.” Satan and the world are working overtime to keep you so busy, and if perchance you try to listen to the Spirit, you are interrupted. The Spirit is speaking the truth in the last days but it’s falling on deaf ears. Don’t miss the three amazing vocalists and much more. After watching the video on my secure website, please share with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2019. All rights reserved.