As we face a deeply troubled world on the precipice of Armageddon it is essential to remember who we are in Christ. We are a Holy Sanctuary. The moment we surrender our life to Jesus Christ as Lord, the Holy Spirit enters the throne room of our hearts to begin the transformation process. This process will continue for our entire life on planet Earth. It is a process often described in the Bible as growing spiritually from one degree of glory to another (II Corinthians 3:18). Dear children, please remember that we are constantly in a state of spiritual growth, or we are slipping back into the ways of the fallen world run by the powers of darkness. It is essential to remember that we were not created to be stuck in a static personality or given a label by the counselors of psychology. The whole world is being labeled, drugged, and counseled for the rest of their lifetime by the spiritual powers of darkness. Today, we will learn again that as a Christian and faithful follower of Jesus Christ, we have been made into a new creation where old things are passing away, and behold all things have become new (II Corinthians 5:17). Embracing this biblical truth will put you back on the path of God making you into a Holy Sanctuary. As we shall soon discover being God’s Holy Sanctuary is our only sure defense against all of God’s wrath falling upon an unrepentant world. It is our only sure defense for standing against the whiles of the devil and his powers of darkness. Continue reading We Are A Holy Sanctuary
Tag Archives: Throne
In the Center of God’s Will
Living in the center of God’s will on earth as it is in heaven is a most amazing experience filled with awe. If I had only one prayer for all of God’s children living on the planet, it would be that they would all live in the center of God’s will every moment of every day. If that happened it would truly turn the world upside down. Imagine how that would look. The lukewarm church would no longer exist. Everyone in the church would be completely out of the world and following God’s will every moment of every day with both feet firmly planted in the Church, the body of Christ. They would no longer follow the ways of the world. Loving one another would be paramount. Every believer would live to serve others by learning how to recognize their real needs and immediately fulfill them with humility. No longer would they build up their self-esteem by displaying perfected self-images, beautifully crafted rhetoric, and the vanity of rehearsed mannerisms. True love would not be braggadocio but in humility would count others better than themselves (Philippians 2:3). What joy it would be to see God’s magnificent love radiate one to another in selfless acts of service. In an egotistical and prideful world, how can we ever get there? Continue reading In the Center of God’s Will