Tag Archives: still small voice

Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

If I could describe the world today with one word it would be an “enigma” (something difficult to understand). Everyone is trying to figure out everything from the latest prophecy to the latest conspiracy theory, and from the latest church doctrine to the latest tradition. The war is raging on social media and in the halls of Congress dividing the nation not between a few political parties but between every human being. If that’s not bad enough the war is raging in the Churches and between the growing number of denominations or sects. The whole world is seeing through a glass darkly. They look, they read, they try to figure things out and they simply don’t understand. People have read the entire Bible, and they still don’t understand. Everything seems like an anomaly, like the shifting sands of the Sahara Desert. As we fast approach the End, we no longer have time to try and figure out things on our own and develop our own little favorite doctrines at the exclusion of others. We don’t have time to seek after our favorite prophecies and sliced up sermons on the internet or social media. Simply put, we are out of time. Continue reading Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

Our Goal, Transformation in Christ

Yes, transformation in Christ is a reality. You have come out of the world, which has given you an amazing amount of free time. Free at last! You have gloriously redeemed the time (Colossians 4:5). You have redeemed the time by no longer being tutored by the world through all their technologies. Now, let me invite you to join me in an awe-inspiring journey that will joyfully experience your miraculous transformation in Christ. It starts with the mind, the marvelous mind created by God. A mind exquisitely designed for all of humanity created in the image of an omniscient God. The Bible says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2). If you have read my previous article and have already started coming out of the world, then you have taken the first step. You forcefully stopped Satan from conforming your mind to the ways of the world by constantly filling your mind with useless and contradictory thoughts. But this is only the first step in the journey, many don’t make it this far or immediately reverse course returning to the ways of the fallen world. Continue reading Our Goal, Transformation in Christ

Listen to the Voice of God (Video)

Welcome to the new year 2022, it will be unlike anything we have ever experienced. Therefore, it is essential to hear only what God has to say about what’s happening now and what is coming soon upon the world. So, we bend our ears to hear the voice of God. We listen intently to hear that still small voice that comes ever so quietly from the indwelling Spirit. After watching this eye-opening prophecy on my secure website, please share it with others.


This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2022. All rights reserved.

Getting Caught Up in the Spirit

“Getting caught up in the Spirit” is a term we don’t often hear about among modern-day Christians. It’s a term that makes little sense to most believers. In the Old Testament, there are many references to prophets, kings, and military leaders having the Spirit of God fall upon them to fulfill a specific task for the Lord. Some even fell into a trance with their eyes wide open (See Numbers 24:2-5). Most of us are acquainted with the many times throughout biblical history where the Spirit of God came upon certain men and women to prophesy the Word of the Lord. The most striking, however, were those being caught up in the Spirit and translated to another place and time (See Ezekiel 8:1-3; Acts 8:39-40; II Corinthians 12:1-5, Revelation 1:9-20). Throughout New Testament history many godly men and women have also been caught up in the Spirit through deep prayer and meditation. Sadly, to say, most Christians today spend far less than an hour of uninterrupted prayer, with almost no one practicing the discipline of meditation. Furthermore, almost all these prayers are one-way communication telling God what is needed. Unfortunately, they have not mastered the art of listening to God through many hours of deep meditation. Yet, we live in a day where almost everyone is claiming to speak for God creating a tremendous amount of confusion and even causing weaker Christians to stumble. So, my question is: “How can so many speak for God, when almost no one is listening?” Continue reading Getting Caught Up in the Spirit