We cannot magically turn Sodom and Gomorrah into a holy nation by electing new leaders. Wake up, dear children. We are still on the same path. The election results have not changed any hearts, it has not drawn anyone closer to the Lord. It may have driven fear into the other side. It may have given you some temporary joy and peace that things might be better, but it will not change the direction of this nation headed to the abyss unless it truly repents. As a watchman on the wall, it is his job to warn the people that they are headed to certain destruction, that they are still headed toward Armageddon, and that they will reap the consequences of a perverted nation that has turned its back on God. Nothing has changed. Abortions are still legal in most states claiming that life after conception doesn’t exist up to a certain week or month. They still teach little children, without the parent’s consent, that they can choose their own gender. They still allow perversions to be flaunted in the streets of America while people’s hearts drift further and farther away from their Holy God. Nothing has changed nor will it change until people are led to repent and trust in God exclusively. The heart must be changed and that cannot be accomplished through a political process.
Dear children, there is only one path to change, which will never be accomplished by passing new laws or enacting new policies. We only have one option. We must rediscover the path and make a concerted effort to get on it. I am not asking you to be an evangelist, but I am asking you to look at your own heart. Let us learn to look at what God wants to accomplish in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Dear children, it starts with faith believing that God wants to make us into something special. God is not limited to what has happened to you in the past, your old beliefs, or even your propensity to sin. If you trust in God alone He can make you into a new creation filling you with His holiness, the most amazing joy, and a peace that defies understanding. He can fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit where you can actually partake of the divine nature and experience heavenly bliss in all of its glory (II Peter 1:4). If this is not already taking place in your life, then you have never got on the right path, or you have not totally believed in the Gospel message, which is the power unto salvation (Romans 1:16). Unfortunately, many have accepted Christ in their mind believing everything He did for us, but have not grown up in Christ, but have progressively become more like the fallen world.
The good news is once we stop following the world by coming out from the world, then we will be wonderfully made into a new creation and filled with God’s Spirit. Until this happens we will continue to follow all the ways of the world believing that one person by enforcing the right laws and enacting the right policies can make the world into a better place. He may force his will upon the people, but he will not truly change the hearts of humanity. He may even require obedience to your every thought and action with the help of Artificial Intelligence (the image of the beast, Revelation 13:14-15) but he will never truly change your heart. He may even promise you a golden age of prosperity and happiness, but he will never truly change the hearts of humanity. He may even promise to stop all the wars and unite humanity in a common cause to accept one another but he will not change their hearts or have the ability to make them into a new creation. Humanity’s hearts will still remain corrupt even as they outwardly demonstrate tolerance. Humanity will continue to worship and adore self as it embraces science, technology, and psychology to solve all its problems by answering all its questions about life. Humanity will continue to grow further away from what they were originally created to be. The promise of a golden age will never change their hearts, nor will they become all that they were created to be.
Dear children, we must stop trusting the world, its political leaders, and all their promises. Only God has the power to change the hearts of all humanity and usher in a golden age free from the seductive powers of the evil one. This can only be accomplished when God’s children truly come out from the world by focusing all of their thoughts only on what God desires. Every thought must be taken captive to the glory of God (II Corinthians 10:5-6). When we do, then we will immediately reject all the little advertisements, all the silliness, all the pundits or commentators, all the so-called professionals, and everything else that keeps us chasing after the ways of this world. After the mind has been emptied of all the foolishness in the world, then we must immediately fill it with the holiness of God (I Peter 1:13-16). This is only accomplished by slowly reading the Bible one book or one letter at a time in deep prayer and meditation asking God through the indwelling Spirit to help us understand and apply its truth to our lives. I always slowly read and digest the Word of God until I feel a warming in my heart, a conviction, or the still small voice of God. The more we do this the more we come out of the world allowing God through His Spirit to change us into a beautiful new creation by growing us from one degree of glory to another (II Corinthians 5:17; 3:18). The more we grow, the more the things of the world become less attractive and even more repulsive.
When we truly come out from the fallen world, then we begin to see the world with a different set of eyes. We see God’s beautiful creation in a completely different light. We cherish the sunrise and the sunset. We embrace the silence and solitude to hear the voice of God. We are being changed, but as you know not everyone is on this path. They follow every news article. They follow every post on social media. They follow the words of every popular politician. They embrace the noise of YouTube videos and every new movie that falls deeper and deeper into the pit of immortality. They follow every new scientific theory which changes like the wind, blowing in one direction, then another. They trust in the latest technology to give them the truth and every new advancement in psychology to explain the darkness in their souls. Their hearts are not being changed and they are not becoming all that Christ wants them to be. As they fall deeper into the world being led in one direction, then another their hearts are hardened against God for all the trials and tribulations in their lives.
As the world cries out in agony they attempt to explain away the horrific consequences of their sins by blaming Mother Nature, global warming, unprovoked wars, and natural disasters. As the watchman on the wall, things will not get any better for the world until they fall down before Christ and repent of all their sins. Things will not get any better in the world until they turn from the world (Revelation 18:4-5). Things will not get any better in the world until they allow the Holy Spirit to make them into a new creation, growing them from one degree of glory to another. Dear children, start putting off the old life and putting on the new life today (Ephesians 4:22-24) or experience the full brunt of the plagues and woes falling upon unrepentant humanity from the hand of God. Dear children, the days will only get hotter as the sun brings forth more intense forest fires engulfing entire cities and scorching mankind (Revelation 16:8-9). Unexplained viruses and diseases will be unleashed upon the world creating one pandemic after another (Revelation 16:2). The pollution will continue to grow in the seas interrupting the sea lanes and killing scores of sea life (Revelation 16:3). Even with mankind’s intervention the fresh water from the rivers to our water supply will be tainted bringing forth alarming diseases and death (Revelation 16:4-7). Yet, with all the final bowls of God’s wrath humanity refuses to repent (Revelation 16:11).
Finally, the kingdom of the beast or the final Antichrist will see his entire nation engulfed in spiritual darkness with increased lawlessness, violence, and every known perversion (Revelation 16:10-11). The eventual fall of Babylon will be horrific as the kings from the East will gather their forces together by uniting their countries with a common goal of destroying the West (Revelation 16:12-16). Even as the world faces Armageddon, God’s beloved children who have come out from the world allowing God through the Spirit to grow them spiritually from one degree of glory to another will be shielded from the full brunt of His righteous wrath (I Thessalonians 5:1-11). They may suffer but they will not be defeated or overcome. They may suffer but the joy of their salvation will reside in their hearts. They may suffer but they will not be destroyed. God’s children will continue to shine forth with the light of God’s glory shining forth from their faces. As the world weeps, God’s children will have a peace that defies understanding. Nothing will destroy the magnificent love they have for the risen Lord looking for every opportunity to share the simple Gospel printed below the prayer. As a watchman on the wall, you have been warned of the approaching final bows of God’s wrath. Holy Father, please help your beloved children to stand firm.
Please join me in prayer,
Subject: “Thank You for Your Chastisement”
Good morning Heavenly Father. We have learned over the years, dear Lord, that believers don’t talk much about being rebuked or chastened by you. They typically cast the blame on the devil or another poor soul. Occasionally they may even cast the blame on themselves referring to it as simply an accident or fate. Rarely have we heard, or seen believers fall down before you in repentance seeking your forgiveness acknowledging that it was your rebuke or chastisement that had brought them to their senses. Although we are certain that your plagues and woes are meant for fallen humanity, we do acknowledge that we will still reap the consequences of our sins. We also acknowledge that as a loving Father, you do rebuke or chasten us to keep us from falling deeper into our sins and their unavoidable consequences. Thank you, Father, for your great love for us, your beloved children. We pray that all of your beloved children will be enthusiastic and repent of their secret sins or their favorite sins that they are unwilling to give up. Please Lord, convict us of our unrighteousness. We pray this in the blessed Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent” (Revelation 3:19).
The Gospel Presentation
We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which explains the many difficulties that you are currently facing in your life. Well, I have good news, God has solved that problem by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin to show us the way to a beautiful new life in Christ. God has dealt with all of our sins past, present, and future by having His son pay the debt for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross in our stead by allowing all of the world’s sins to be placed upon Him as a sacrificial Lamb. As Christ hung on the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Him to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried for three days. On the third day, Christ arose from death to life everlasting. The good news is if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then we will be forgiven for all of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us into all truth helping us in the transformation process of putting off the old life, allowing the old sin nature to die with Christ, and then putting on our new life in Christ by being raised with Christ to everlasting life. You can accept Christ today by confessing your sins to Him through a simple prayer asking Him to forgive you and make you into a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have done that, then you have just begun the greatest journey of your life that leads to heaven and eternal life. Welcome to the Kingdom.
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