Tag Archives: sins

Humanity is Losing Its Mind

Why does it appear that humanity is losing its mind and ability to function? For those who have eyes to see, this is very scary. We have all seen the little signs with people repeating themselves or telling the same stories over and over again. We have seen seemingly intelligent people all of sudden act like little children. We have seen the confusion and the word salads from our leaders. Even more disturbing is the anger, the bashing of one another, and the outrageous lies. We have also seen people make terrible decisions often based on an immediate desire while ignoring its future impact. We have seen many so-called improvements or updates go from bad to worse leaving many scratching their heads. Anxiety and stress among the world’s population have increased dramatically with people doing the most insane things or withdrawing completely from society. The suicide rate has increased exponentially. As divisions among the population continue unabated it’s destroying the very fabric of society that binds us together. As humanity grows more godless it no longer questions the rising tide of gross immorality and the unbelievable lawlessness that has gripped the world. It’s like the entire world is sitting on a time bomb while most of humanity is completely oblivious to what’s happening.

As humanity lines up at the counselor’s office and everyone is pointing their fingers at global warming, the latest vaccines, the increasing number of fringe groups, or the other political side to explain what is happening in the world. Others blame the increase in immorality, the lack of religion, humanity’s captivity to technology, or Satan himself for causing all the problems. On the other hand, some are even blaming religion along with the many conspiracy theories for all the problems. Contrary to what is really causing the problem, it should make us all take pause. We should be greatly concerned about where humanity and the world are headed. Dear friends, we are all affected if we want to admit it or not. Humanity is on the brink of annihilation. Although we cannot change the eventual outcome, we can attempt to safeguard our sanity by making a more assertive effort to be in the center of God’s will. So, we must ask the question, what is God’s will for His children living in the Last Days? Although I think the first thing we need to stress is God sees what you are doing. You may fool some, but you will never fool God. He knows your every thought, your every search on the internet, your every view on YouTube, your every surf on social media, and your reading or watching of every news story. You may not be as excluded as you think you are. God knows.

Now, let’s answer the question. What is God’s will for His children living in the Last Days? God knows full well the power of Satan in the Last Days. God knows with every new technology humanity is brought deeper into captivity. This blinding captivity leads people to believe that they have more freedom, that they have more control, and that they are partners in building a brave new world. Of course, this is the greatest lie of the devil. Our captivity is destroying our capacity to interact with others. It is destroying our capacity to truly love others more than we love ourselves. This captivity is leading us down a very dark path that will destroy everything we hold dear. Yes, the love of many will grow cold, which is only the beginning of our horrific descent into oblivion. We only have one option. We must heed the voice from heaven instructing us to come out from among them. I have already written much on this topic but what I give you today will truly set a new path forward for God’s elect children on what to give up. We will identify each source or activity in the world that’s leading God’s children to sin. Once identified, then we must immediately separate ourselves by coming out from her, spiritual Babylon (Revelation 18:4-5).

The obvious areas that must be avoided, such as X-rated movies, bars, strip clubs, and pride marches won’t be mentioned. On the other hand, we will concern ourselves with the areas that are not that obvious and often embraced by God’s children causing them to stumble into sin. We know from the raising of our own children that bad behavior is taught through observation. As children, we often mimicked what we saw in our parents or observed in other children. As adults, we are still learning through observation. The bad behavior we observe in others will become a part of our thoughts and then our actions. We now live in a world where bad behavior is expressed openly on social media, News feeds, videos, and movies. We cannot escape the bashing of one another, the outrageous lies, the finding of fault with others, and the unwillingness to forgive and forget. The absolute hatefulness and foul language cannot be missed. We can only imagine what is happening with the little children that are much more susceptible. We must come out from among them now or be led into the same sins. Also, let me say briefly that we also live in a society with constant flashy advertisements leading people to buy what they don’t need and what they cannot afford. If we enter into debt to appease our desires, then we have followed them in their sins. Again, these flashy advertisements are everywhere from scrolling on social media to watching television or watching YouTube videos. We must come out from among them by stopping our scrolling and viewing.

The other sin that has been ingrained into all of society is tolerance for every form of evil and belief system, either humanistic, scientific, or religious. This tolerance has become so popular in democratic societies where everything will be accepted, and nothing will be challenged. Tolerance has become a code word for total acceptance of what they do in their perverted lifestyles or the acceptance of their scientific discoveries that disagree with God’s Holy Word. Perhaps this is one of the greatest dangers for God’s children to be constantly exposed to other belief systems that are diametrically opposed to God’s truth. These other belief systems are running rampant on social media, News media, videos, movies, and the internet. Yes, discernment is essential, but unfortunately, most of God’s children don’t have enough of His truth assimilated, nor have they matured enough in their faith through their transformation in Christ to even recognize the sin and reject it as a perversion or a lie of the devil. So, our only option is to come out from among them or be led into the same sins. Finally, let me say a brief word about psychology that’s also ingrained into every fabric of society teaching the world that they have discovered how to treat all of your emotional and psychological problems. Although these problems only skyrocketed after the world started turning away from God, they dismiss the fact that those in Christ are made into a new creation and have been given everything they need for life and godliness (II Peter 1:3-4). As believers in Christ, we don’t need their endless counseling and drug therapy. We must come out from among them now or be led into the same sins.

Finally, let me conclude by dealing with a very sensitive topic, politics. In a democratic society, politics is everything, because we are under the illusion that we can actually make major changes, where we can essentially make other people do things against their will and be happy about it. We are under the false premise that if we vote the right political party into office and change the laws to force people to abide by them, then we have the power to make our nation great again. This is all a deception by the powers of darkness. We have no power to make a brave new world through the political process. The only power given to us is to change the world one person at a time through the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. The political parties run by the powers of darkness cannot change the hearts and minds of humanity but only control them by the many things we have already discussed in this article. So, what is our motivation for coming out of spiritual Babylon? We are motivated because we are so appalled at how the world is sinking deeper into chaos and losing its mind. We are motivated knowing that we will no longer be in captivity and no longer following the sins of the world. We are motivated because we are growing up in Christ and no longer affected by the plagues falling upon unrepentant humanity. As the world groans in agony, because of her plagues, we have come out of spiritual Babylon boldly rejoicing in the Lord. Won’t you join me in coming out of spiritual Babylon today?

We will no longer surf the internet and social media platforms or observe godless behavior running rampant on the News media, YouTube, streaming videos, and movies.

We will no longer be partakers of their sins.

We will no longer be held captive to their technology.

We will concentrate on building face-to-face relationships by loving them more than we love ourselves.

We will strive to live in the center of God’s will every moment of every day.

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

God Explains the Seven Thunders

We have asked God to explain the seven thunders in the book of Revelation, which would have been completely foreign to those who first received it. They were so foreign that they were not explained at the time. John was immediately stopped from writing down their explanation any further but was told to eat the little book that had at least a partial explanation. Although there was enough of the explanation, as we shall see, that the little book tasted sweet like honey when he first started eating the little book but then later as the little book was digested it became very bitter in his belly (Revelation 10:1-11). This sheds quite a bit of light on the explanation as we shall see. What was John writing down in the little book? It was the explanation of the seven thunders he heard from the angel. If we put this into context with the rest of the book of Revelation it would appear to be more of God’s judgments being poured out on an unrepentant world. We had seen the seven seals, the seven trumpets with the two woes, then after this seemingly long interlude, we have these seven thunders, which will enter into the last seven bowls of God’s wrath.

So, what are these seven thunders? The thunder from thunderstorms is caused by cold air interjecting with hot air. This is a scientific fact. Keep this in mind because this too will shed light on the explanation. This along with what happened with the eating of the little book are perfect symbols to help us understand the meaning of the seven thunders. Also, the number seven shows completeness. Again, let’s put this into the overall context. Whatever happens, it progressively gets worse leading to the total destruction of humanity and the earth for their failure to truly repent before their righteous God. It’s important to see the progression in every plague and woe, hopefully giving humanity a chance to wake up and see the gravity of their sins that is destroying all of humanity and their habitat. However, what we have seen with the nature of sin, it is blinding. Remember, that the world was created only in love without any sin in the world. Wow! Imagine that, no sin whatsoever, until Satan introduced it in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-24). So, not to get too far ahead of ourselves, when sin meets righteousness as the cold air interjects with the hot air it creates very loud thunder.

Now, let’s return to the little book. In the beginning, it tasted as sweet as honey. Dear children, this is exactly how sin is perceived in the beginning by humanity. It looks good. It feels good. It may even be deeply desired. Yet, later on, we realize just how demoralizing and harmful sin can become. To carry on with the analogy, after the sin is digested, or we have walked in the sin, then it becomes sour in the stomach creating a great deal of harm to ourselves from both physical problems to psychological trauma, thus creating a thunderstorm in our lives. Humanity has known from the beginning the devastating effects of sin and has tried desperately to walk only in holiness and righteousness. For those who have been successful, they have experienced the good life and a much closer relationship with their God, the Creator of their souls. Immediately we must ask, “Oh Lord, what are these later-day sins that have such a profound effect upon humanity that they could not be completely revealed in the Book of Revelation?” Well, the obvious answer is that the original recipients of the Book of Revelation would not have understood these sins because they had not yet existed.

As God pulls back the veil we begin to see how devastating these later days sins are and how they could be referred to as thunder. In the beginning, God created us as biological life forms, both male and female to propagate the race. They etched out their survival with rudimentary tools made from the natural resources made available to them and for all of humanity. For thousands of generations, humanity mostly understood their biological distinctiveness and was happy interacting with one another face-to-face and providing for their families from the natural resources made available to them by their creator. They understood their connection to the planet and their responsibilities to every other life form. Yet, a little over a century ago things began to change when rudimentary technology entered the scene. In the beginning, this brought great joy to all of humanity as the sweetness of honey when consumed. In the beginning the new inventions not only made life easier but it gave humanity so much more time to explore endless possibilities from entertainment to the ease of travel to distant places. What thrill it was to speak on a landline phone for the first time or to take a ride in a horseless carriage (an automobile). What a thrill it was to watch shows on the first black-and-white television or experience the joy of the many new kitchen appliances. But this was only the beginning.

Now, things have changed. What started as honey in our mouths is becoming sour in our stomachs. Sin has run head-on with righteousness creating a monumental storm with clashes of thunder. We have gone from the simplicity of rudimentary technology to the things, which will tremendously shock us very shortly if we have eyes to see. We have already seen the captivity. In the beginning, we rejoiced because we had more time. No longer did we need to work in the field from sunup to sundown to provide for our families but now we have exchanged our free time for captivity. This captivity is unknowingly controlled by the powers of darkness giving us a new vision for the future, a vision completely different from our original vision given to us by our Creator. Now the biological distinctiveness between male and female no longer exists. After many years of programming humanity has finally accepted multiple genders along with all the horrors that it engenders. Can you hear the thunder from the approaching storm? This captivity to 24-hour news, the constant streaming of movies, YouTube videos, and social media has made programming much easier for the powers of darkness. We’re learning to accept things almost beyond belief. Even the distinctiveness of our biological life forms is beginning to change.

Yes, the innovation of new drugs to control, manipulate, and improve our body functions is just the beginning. Now the mapping of our DNA for newer improved drugs and vaccines may have just opened Pandora’s box. But what’s coming is even more shocking, not only are we creating artificial intelligence that will exist in walking, and talking humanoids, but they are planning on improving our biological life forms with the latest technologies inserted into our bodies and minds. Can you hear the thunder now? With every step, we are moving further away from our Creator by allowing humanity to recreate us and God in our own image. With every new discovery, there is another thunder until it becomes complete with the seventh thunder ushering in the final bowls of God’s wrath on unrepentant humanity. God’s children must come out from among them now, otherwise it will be impossible to escape their captivity and programming. One day, if we have that long, we will no longer be distinctively biological, but integrated with the latest technology with Satan’s lie to make us better than our original creation. Cyborg is a reality coming soon, rejecting our biological distinctiveness of male and female by allowing technology to recreate us. Once humanity recreates itself, then it no longer needs God as its Creator. Can you hear the thunder now warning us of the coming storm that will destroy everything? Dear Children, come out from their captivity, their programming,  and reject their technology that’s transforming you into the children of darkness. I hear the thunder!

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

When the Witness Stops Witnessing (Video)

Let me remind you that the testimony of the witnesses is so strong it’s like fire coming forth from their mouth to destroy the arguments of those who come against them (Revelation 11:5). Their testimony is like our testimony, which is what Jesus Christ has done for us. The Bible says that there is great power in the message of the Cross and specifically our testimony (I Corinthians 1:18). After watching this important video on my secure website, please share it with others

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2022. All rights reserved.

Nothing Will Stop the Hand of God (Video)

Mankind boasts pridefully that he will stop the hurricanes, the fires, and the viruses sweeping the planet. In his pride, he believes that by reversing global warming then he will stop the hurricanes and the forest fires destroying so many homes. In his pride, he boasts that he will stop all the old and new viruses destroying so many lives by taking the vaccine. The Bible says, “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision” (Psalms 2:4). God mocks or derides the vain attempts of men as He calmly goes forward in the execution of His own purposes. After watching this eye-opening video on my secure website, please share it with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2021. All rights reserved.