Tag Archives: second woe

The Silent Pandemic of Mental Illness

The last thing the world needs is another pandemic. Yet, this new pandemic of mental illness has been in the works for over two thousand years when the prophet announced the three woes coming soon upon the world (see Revelation 8:13). In its infancy, long before it was ever recognized as an epidemic, few people suffered from mental illness while even fewer souls were classified as being insane. By the sixth century, this all changed. The epidemic was growing exponentially in the East with the first mental hospital constructed in Baghdad, Iraq in 750 AD. By the nineteenth century, the epidemic moved to Europe and then to the United States. With the growing number of mental disorders being cataloged in the “Diagnostic Statistical Manual” the pharmaceutical industry started producing an array of mind-altering drugs to treat every symptom. As the epidemic grew, most people were reluctant to admit to having a mental disorder and they soon became the unseen majority, popping their pills and suffering in silence. This silence caused the closure of many mental hospitals and the rise of numerous counseling centers to handle the sheer number of patients. Mental illness is real, causing a great drain on the world’s economy and the productivity of its workforce. As the world suffers in silence it’s time for God’s prophets to proclaim loudly what’s causing this silent pandemic.

The fallen world has always been good at explaining things away or casting the blame in the wrong place. When we look at the book of Revelation and specifically at the three woes, it’s essential that we don’t encapsulate them into our limited time frame. If we make God’s prophecy start, continue, and stop at a specified time as seen in many prophetic charts and timelines, then we will miss the scope and true interpretation of God’s timeless prophecies. The first woe in the book of Revelation corresponds with the angel sounding the fifth trumpet causing a star to fall from heaven allowing a heavenly personage to open the bottomless pit, clearly the releasing of the demonic hordes from the pits of hell. (Read Revelation 8:13-9:2). The ensuing verses describe in graphic detail what comes out of the pits of hell to torment fallen humanity causing the pandemic of mental illness. The Bible says, “And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power” (Revelation 9:3). Locusts throughout history have brought forth devastating plagues because of their behavior to swarm with millions of others destroying everything in its path and also causing the sky to grow dark by blocking out the sun’s light and giving rise to unprecedented fear.

In the next verse (See Revelation 9:4) the locusts are commanded not to follow their natural instinct to destroy the grass, the trees, or any green thing. Their primary target is only those who have turned away from God and are NOT marked with His heavenly seal. The Bible says, that every true believer is sealed with the promised Holy Spirit (See Ephesians 1:13). On the other hand, all of fallen humanity will be affected by this woe being sent from heaven that’s causing the pandemic of mental illness. These locusts swarming upon fallen humanity, metaphorically speaking, will create sudden and deep darkness in a person’s life. Those suffering from mental illness have indicated their great struggle to concentrate, stay focused, and to see their way going forward as if they were in a deep fog. In many cases, they have experienced an unwillingness to continue working or even having a desire to leave their beds. Many others struggle to walk in both kingdoms, the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of fallen humanity steeped in the grossest of immorality, driving them in one direction and then another. For some, the darkness in their souls has turned them further away from God leading them to dabble in the black arts and satanic rituals seeking to fill the void left in their tormented souls.

The Bible continues to describe these demons from hell sent to torment fallen humanity by indicating that these locusts have tails like a scorpion that will sting their victims and torment them for five months. Although the five months was selected because that’s the normal season for locust, from May to September, symbolically it could last the entire life span of a human.  (See Revelation 9:5, and 9:10). This amazing apocalyptic language describes in graphic detail what these evil hordes of demonic invaders can do to fallen humanity for rejecting their Creator. In recent studies, the scorpion causes great pain to their predators, not to kill but to drive them away. The scorpion’s sting is rarely fatal. For the human, the pain from a scorpion is extremely painful because the venom, consisting of a variety of different toxins, magnifies the pain receptors in the brain causing intense pain. In the same way, mental illness can cause intense pain that’s not always observable but very real as many suffer for years in silence. Critical symptoms of a scorpion sting can consist of muscle twitching, drooling, and sweating. It’s quite remarkable, that these are the same symptoms often seen in mentally ill patients who are on the threshold of insanity. The scorpion was specifically chosen by God’s prophet to demonstrate how its sting relates so closely to these symptoms of mental illness.

There are many facets to mental illness causing a torrent of behavior problems, where their actions are beyond just strange. Their behavior is capable of causing great harm to others as well as to themselves. There is also a litany of both aggressive and repressive emotions from the sudden outburst of crying to unhinged anger and to the damaging effects of buried emotions. Perhaps the greatest and most damaging emotion is fear. They have a fear of living or facing another day. They have a fear that others might know their true condition. They fear that others will know of their hourly struggles to maintain a rational mind without the constant onslaught of stress, anxiety, depression, and a host of other psychological disorders. They fear that others might discern their horrible thoughts that once shocked their own sensibilities but now have full reign. Their demonically inspired thoughts can come with no warning and at any time or in any place, which can lead them to display a glazed-over look in public. The Bible says, “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them” (Revelation 9:6). They say that mental anguish is the greatest pain of all, driving people to the threshold of insanity with constant thoughts of committing suicide.  This silent pandemic of mental illness is spreading at an alarming rate, that’s also spilling into the streets of America.

Let’s be very clear, this is a demonic invasion. The Bible goes to great lengths in the following verses, of this eye-opening prophecy, that this is an unseen enemy that will attack the minds of fallen humanity with unrelenting vengeance. Before we proceed, read carefully Revelation 9:7-11. Notice what it says in the last verse, “And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon” (Revelation 9:11). The name “Abaddon” literally means destruction, which is exactly the intent of this demonic force. He is bent on the destruction of the mental faculties of fallen humanity, driving them further and further away from any semblance of a rational mind. Whereas the literal meaning of “Apollyon” is to destroy. This is his ultimate goal. When the mind is destroyed of even the most beautiful people there is nothing left but a hollow shell grasping for the simplest meaning of life and their intended place in it. There is nothing more horrifying than to lose one’s mind unable to make rational choices or intelligent decisions. There is nothing more fearful on this earth than to be alive in the body but mentally dead and on the precipice of insanity. This silent pandemic of mental illness is real and much worse than any virus.

The good news is this condition can change. It’s not fatal. The world, however, does not have a remedy. There is no vaccine for this pandemic. Counseling will not work. Drugs will not work. Attempting to cast out Satan will not work. Becoming an expert in spiritual warfare will not work. Let me be very clear mental illness is real for fallen humanity. As a Christian counselor for many years, I truly sympathize with them and understand their psychological struggles and their deep emotional pain. I know the world is trying its best to fight this pandemic allowing the population to return to a sense of normalcy. Even at their best though, the fallen world can no more defeat this pandemic of mental illness than it can defeat the wrath of God being poured out on unrepentant humanity. The only course of action in overcoming either is to turn back to God and recognize Him as both your Creator and your Savior. Cry out to God now in heartfelt repentance asking Him for forgiveness for turning your back on Him and loving the things of this world. Believe the Gospel that God’s Son, Jesus Christ, died on the Cross for your sins and was raised on the third day to give you a new transformed life. Once you are sealed by the living God, you will no longer rest under His wrath, His plagues, or His woes. Praise God! And all of God’s people will rejoice.

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2025. All rights reserved.

GREAT DECEPTION – Is Not What You Think

When the Antichrist or the Beast of the Book of Revelation finally appears like an angel of light he will not be who he appears to be. The Bible says, “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (II Corinthians 11:14). How can such evil be transformed into what appears to be so holy and righteous? This is the great deception that is already coming upon the whole world. How will God’s children, His faithful remnant, prepare for such a time as this when the entire world is being led astray and are being taught how to worship the Beast, either publicly or in the sanctuary of their own homes? Deception is an interesting concept that must clearly be understood if we are to recognize the signs that are being unveiled. Deception is given one spoonful at a time or by such small measures over time that the larger population will never notice until it’s too late. The other key to understanding deception is that much larger events will be unveiled to take your eyes off what is really happening behind the scenes, one step at a time, to deceive you and the rest of the world population. Deception causes many different events to happen to keep your mind preoccupied, which is one of Satan’s oldest tricks.

To discover this great deception, we need to look at the many small things that have been happening, one step at a time, that’s bringing the entire population into secretive bondage so that they can be properly controlled. Everything we will look at together started after the last great war when Hitler was finally defeated in Germany. As most of the world was celebrating their new freedom from tyranny, Satan moved in with his greatest deceptions to enslave all of humanity and prepare them to eventually worship the Beast or the Antichrist. Before we go any further, let’s define worship. In the strictest sense, it’s your time and trust, although it took humanity a little bit to get there. It typically starts with belief and adoration, which is present in every world religion. Christ indicated that true worshippers must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23). Essentially whatever you worship you must believe that it is true and that you have given yourself completely to it, in the spirit, or your whole self unreservedly. This worship equates to giving both your time and your trust. Typically, we give ourselves, our time, and trust completely to whatever we are worshipping, to give us everything we need now, and eventually everything we need for all of life.

You might be thinking, I don’t see this level of trust in anyone. I wouldn’t be so sure. I will attempt to prove to you that you have been trusting more than you know. The more you trust the easier it becomes to adore and praise whatever you are worshipping along with giving more of your time. Don’t underestimate what praise and adoration, even if it’s done silently, does to your soul and spirit. Satan wants your worship. He wants your trust. He wants all of your time. And he wants your praise and adoration. He doesn’t care what your religion or non-religion is, because he has already given everyone something to put all their trust in, to the point of consuming your time leading to praise and adoration, even if it’s done silently. As I have already stated this has been done very slowly over many, many years, leading the entire population to trust in the works of the devil to give them everything they need for all of life. So, let’s briefly look at some of the greatest needs of humanity, and then we will see individually how these needs have led humanity to trust at a level never before seen in history willing to give all of their time. All over the world people are turning away from every religion and embracing every foul form of sin and the rankest of perversions. Christians have become so involved with the world that for the first time in history, we are visibly seeing lukewarm Christianity.

Briefly, the world is trusting in their prescription drugs, their psychiatrists, scientists, social media with its videos, and the 24-hour news media. But it’s the level of trust that puts most of the population in jeopardy as it consumes their time. This is not a casual trust. When the pharmaceutical industry was established, natural remedies were essentially taken off the market and no longer advertised. As more people got off the natural remedies and addicted to excessive medication, then modern illness began to skyrocket along with people’s trust in their prescription drugs. Before these new drugs hit the market most people saw that natural remedies were nature’s way of keeping them healthy oftentimes giving God all the glory. At about the same time psychologists and the world’s counselors became very popular promising to solve every emotional and psychological problem with counseling and psychotropic drugs often needed for an entire lifetime. I have written extensively about this in my newest book, “Annals of Prophetic Writings” which interprets the Second Woe in the Book of Revelation. This woe witnesses a large portion of humanity suffering greatly from psychological problems because they stopped trusting in God exclusively to give them everything they need for life and godliness, which would solve all of their mental problems. The trust level of those utilizing their services has grown significantly to a phenomenal level. Step by step the whole population was being led to trust in something other than trusting in God exclusively.

As more people turned away from God and His anointed teachings in the Bible they began to trust in new scientific discoveries even if it disagreed with the Bible. This opened Pandora’s box to believe in and trust every new discovery. Perhaps this biggest sticking point is the Bible clearly teaches that God created everything that exists and that we did not evolve from a tadpole or a monkey. Nor did God make some men female and some females male, which has opened an avalanche of increasing perversions. The trust level in every new scientific discovery has increased exponentially as people consume their time reading every new scientific discovery. If that’s not enough people are beginning to trust every new opinion on social media and the news media as if it’s the gospel truth casting them in one direction, then another. The level of trust in these various sites, which includes television, reels, streaming videos, and full-length movies is designed to give them the professed truth, which is quite astounding leading them to orchestrate their entire lives around what they are learning and believing in their hearts. The big problem is their time is consumed as their minds are constantly filled with so much nonsense that they can never hear the still small voice of God. Again, their trust level rises in these so-called experts or the best-sounding opinions. This is exactly what the devil wants. He wants all of your time, your allegiance, and your praise and adoration. He wants your trust exclusively and he wants all of your time, which is worship. Along with your trust and the use of your time. Satan needs one more thing to solidify his control of you and all of humanity; he needs all of your personal information.

Why is this so essential? With your personal information, it is much easier to manipulate you into doing his will and the will of the establishment that’s run by the powers of darkness. The Second Beast in the Book of Revelation instructed humanity to make an image of the Beast, Artificial Intelligence, which is seen as part of his great signs, which deceived humanity (Revelation 13:14). Furthermore, the Bible says, “And he [the Second Beast] had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” (Revelation 13:15). This is amazing technology to design and produce Artificial Intelligence in the form or image of a human being and give it the ability to both think and speak. This is already being accomplished at an alarming rate. Moreover, to teach it to have the ability to discern if humanity is worshiping the first Beast (or Antichrist) and if not to be killed is an alarming technology, essentially giving it power over humanity. Already this technology with the help of Artificial Intelligence can track your internet searches, your activity on social media, following the news media, reading scientific discoveries, prescription drug purchases, and your counseling with a psychiatrist. Remember this is all necessary to evaluate your level of trust. Everything is being tracked by artificial intelligence, which will become very soon the image of the Beast utilizing advanced algorithms that will know your every movement and your involvement in the world. Misbehave or do not participate in the world, then you will have consequences.

God is still on His throne and is concerned about His children during the Great Tribulation. The Bible says, “Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; for her sins are heaped high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities” (Revelation 18:4-5). What makes this extremely difficult in coming completely out of the world is that the coming Beast or Antichrist will appear as an angel of light caused in large part because he appears to be fighting against the increasing evil in the world. He will make profound promises of what he will accomplish. Simply put, the more evil the other side looks the more he will look like a true savior of the world. Satan does not want you to come out from the world, he wants you to embrace it that much more as the supposed new world of holiness and righteousness. He wants you in the world or you will be punished. And this is the job of the image of the Beast, or Artificial Intelligence, to track and report you to the establishment so that you can be punished, imprisoned, or brought back into the world as a willing participant. We must trust exclusively in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, giving Him all of our time. When you don’t, then you have just opened the door to Satan and his powers of darkness. Dear children, this is the Great Deception. On this Christmas Eve in the year of our Lord, 2024. I am praying that all of God’s precious children will humble themselves under the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords, it is He alone who will raise you up and give you everything you need for life and godliness.

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire” (II Peter 1:3-4, ESV).

The Gospel Presentation

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which explains the many difficulties that you are currently facing in your life. Well, I have good news, God has solved that problem by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin to show us the way to a beautiful new life in Christ. God has dealt with all of our sins past, present, and future by having His son pay the debt for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross in our stead by allowing all of the world’s sins to be placed upon Him as a sacrificial Lamb. As Christ hung on the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Him to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried for three days. On the third day, Christ arose from death to life everlasting. The good news is if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then we will be forgiven for all of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us into all truth helping us in the transformation process of putting off the old life, allowing the old sin nature to die with Christ, and then putting on our new life in Christ by being raised with Christ to everlasting life. You can accept Christ today by confessing your sins to Him through a simple prayer asking Him to forgive you and make you into a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have done that, then you have just begun the greatest journey of your life that leads to heaven and eternal life. Welcome to the Kingdom.

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

Humanity’s Last Prophetic Warning

Oh Lord, let this last prophecy sink deep into the hearts of all humanity contrary to their nationality, belief system, and even their standing on the world stage. Let it even open the eyes of the agnostic to see the majestic glory of your heavenly Kingdom as the ruler and Creator of all that exists. As we fast approach the end, time is running out for humanity. Over two thousand years ago the Revelation was given to the seven churches in Asia, which became a symbol for every church age (Revelation 2:1-3:22). We are now living in the age of the Lukewarm church, which has integrated the teachings of the world with the holy doctrines of Christianity. The whole Revelation is a dynamic prophecy written for every age from the First Century until now leading God’s children to be prepared for every age. Now, most believers in the church of the faithful remnant agree that this is the final age because almost the entire world has turned away from Jesus Christ as Lord. They no longer keep in step with the Spirit, but have integrated the teachings of psychology, other world religions, philosophies, and science leading them into every perversion and further away from God as their Creator. Continue reading Humanity’s Last Prophetic Warning

Final Warning Video

This is an old video produced 13 years ago to encapsulate my theology concerning the Great Tribulation and the visible rapture of God’s faithful remnant. It is also an introduction to my first book written on the subject in 2006, entitled, Final Warning. Although, God has given me more clarity over the years the basic premise concerning the Great Tribulation has not ever changed. There is a great heresy sweeping the planet in preparation for the arrival of Antichrist, which must be dealt with by every believer in Christ.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

The Second Woe – The Muslim Invasion (Video)

The Bible says, “One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter” (Revelation 9:12). In my last article, “The Silent Pandemic of Mental Illness,” we discussed the first Woe that had its conception in the First Century but was not fully realized until the Sixth Century with the opening of the first mental hospital in Iraq. Today we will discuss the second Woe that also had its beginning in the First Century with a number of heresies coming against the true teachings of our Lord. After watching this shocking video on my secure website, please share it with others

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.