Tag Archives: Satan

Angels and Demons Among Us

Most believers have cherished opinions on what angels and demons can and cannot do. Some have struggled against Satan and his powers of darkness, while others have actually entertained angels unaware. Today, we will take a deeper dive into this very important topic, of fallen angels, because it will be essential as we draw closer to the end. We hear quite a bit about Satan and his demonic powers but little about angels. However, Satan and the demons are actually fallen angels. The Bible says, “And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him” (Revelation 12:9, ESV). Although this was done over two thousand years ago because of their rebellion against God in heaven, to this day they are still making war against God’s faithful remnant, who keep God’s commandments (Revelation 12:17). This is a psychological warfare to lead humanity to join them in their rebellion against God. In my last article, we wrote about how Satan and his powers of darkness are clandestinely leading humanity to not trust in God exclusively. Today we will look at how the fallen angels are leading humanity to rebel against God by embracing everything the world has to offer.

To understand this rebellion, let’s observe how one of the ancient rulers from the past followed Satan’s path in rebellion against God. Isaiah the prophet described in detail how this ancient ruler, Nebuchadnezzar, rebelled against God, which led to his eventual downfall and tragic outcome. The Bible says, “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” (Isaiah 14:12). The prophet indicates that Nebuchadnezzar (referred to as Lucifer) is a star that has fallen from heaven, which immediately opens the possibility of a fallen angel. And then the prophet refers to him in terms of divinity, which are the same type of terms used by Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In the Book of Revelation, it says that Jesus Christ is the giver of the “Morning Star” (Revelation 2:28); and that He claimed to be “The Bright and Morning Star” (Revelation 22:16). This reference used by Jesus Christ indicates that the Spirit who inspired the prophet Isaiah saw the prideful attempt of humanity to join the rebellion and be like God. Furthermore, it’s noteworthy that this rebellion against God has been repeated often throughout history. The earliest example was when united humanity decided to build the Tower of Babel that would reach up to heaven to be like God (Genesis 11:1ff).

Pride, which many see as the cardinal sin, is a chief hallmark of Satan and the fallen angels, which we have seen in many of the world’s rulers. The prophet continues, “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:13-14). The last few words of this inspired writing encapsulate humanity’s desire to join the rebellion against God by becoming more or equal to the most High God. Although millions will be led astray in each epoch in history, humanity will never succeed in supplanting God. The pride of mankind and the power of the fallen angels will never succeed. All of their wealth and prestige will fail. The inspired prophet concludes, “Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit” (Isaiah 14:15). This is the eventual outcome of every fallen angel and Satan, who has led them in their rebellion against God, not only in heaven but also on the Earth. Although there are many more examples throughout history, we will concentrate on what the fallen angels are attempting to do now in leading humanity to rebel against God, their Creator.

Let’s be very clear about who these fallen angels have been targeting, ever since Satan’s initial defeat, and being cast out of heaven with his rebellious angels (Revelation 12:9). The Bible says, “And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 12:17). Yes, born again believers in Christ who make up the faithful remnant, keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. This testimony of Jesus Christ is the Gospel presentation, which is the power unto salvation (Romans 1:16). This faithful remnant is the only one not in open rebellion against God. They have effectively come out from the world and are no longer being tossed about by every wind of doctrine or senseless opinion coming from the world (Revelation 18:4-5). Every day these faithful followers of Christ are growing up from one degree of glory to another (II Corinthians 3:18) becoming new people in Christ and allowing old things to pass away (II Corinthians 5:17). Make no mistake the rebellion against God will grow stronger every day driving humanity to eventually persecute His remnant for not participating in the rebellion.

So, who are these fallen angels? Is it possible for them to have human form like the holy angels sent by God? The Bible says, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Hebrews 13:2). For those of us who have actually entertained angels, at the time quite unaware, know with all assurance that angels can take human form. My own experience happened early in my ministry when I invited an older homeless man home to have dinner and spend the night in a spare room. I discovered in the midst of our meal that he claimed to be a retired priest who began to share things that deeply warmed our hearts and brought great encouragement to a new Church Pastor and minister of the Gospel. After he attended the next morning’s worship service I never saw him again, but he will always rest deeply in my cherished memories. Yes, I believe that fallen angels can also take on human form and be very instrumental in leading humanity in open rebellion against God. Like holy angels sent by God, they will not reveal their actual identity because they may not know themselves. However, with the proper discernment from God, I believe that His faithful remnant will know or at least suspect.

Finally, let’s be very clear, the only reason for discernment is to allow God’s children to stay clear of suspected fallen angels in the same way we keep our minds and thoughts clear from the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-20). For someone who has seen demonic possession in an individual that I was attempting to help and has also seen the great psychiatric effects it has had on so many people, then I don’t take spiritual warfare lightly. Now, as far as fallen angels are concerned, it should never be our place to identify them publicly, which would put a clear target on us and our associates. Having said that, there are certain traits, characteristics, or behaviors that should alert every true believer in Christ. Perhaps the number one trait, unlike God’s Holy angels, they want everything the world can offer. They want and strive for monetary wealth, typically making them billionaires. They want power and prestige to control the destiny of humanity. They want total control and typically take whatever they want even if it is illegal. They are extremely prideful believing that they have all the answers for ailing humanity. They constantly boast that they can accomplish amazing things for the good of all humanity. What they really want is, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:14). Oh Lord, open our eyes to recognize the fallen angels amongst us and their undisclosed or purposely hidden rebellion against you.

Make no mistake, this rebellion led by the fallen angels, is at the height of deception. The people in the world following them in their rebellion will not be lunatics or misguided people. They are not psychopaths or deeply troubled people. They will be normal. Most will claim to know God, they will openly express a deep love for Him, attempting to justify everything that they are doing with Holy Scripture. They are not too much unlike the people in every epoch that blindly followed great leaders in rebellion against God believing all along that they were on the side of righteousness because the other side looked so bad and so grossly perverted. Yet, our quest for the righteousness of humanity apart from God’s simple methods can become incredibly blinding leading us to believe that we with our own political or religious power can produce righteousness. This has been the trap of the enemy from the beginning. This has produced the rebellion against God in every epoch of history. Only the simple Gospel presented in sincere love will ever change the world or we have made the Cross of Calvary to non-effect, which is the devil’s plan. Come out from among them, dear children, and become the faithful remnant, using only the weapons of righteousness to the glory of God.

The Gospel Presentation

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which explains the many difficulties that you are currently facing in your life. Well, I have good news, God has solved that problem by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin to show us the way to a beautiful new life in Christ. God has dealt with all of our sins past, present, and future by having His son pay the debt for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross in our stead by allowing all of the world’s sins to be placed upon Him as a sacrificial Lamb. As Christ hung on the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Him to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried for three days. On the third day, Christ arose from death to life everlasting. The good news is if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then we will be forgiven for all of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us into all truth helping us in the transformation process of putting off the old life, allowing the old sin nature to die with Christ, and then putting on our new life in Christ by being raised with Christ to everlasting life. You can accept Christ today by confessing your sins to Him through a simple prayer asking Him to forgive you and make you into a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have done that, then you have just begun the greatest journey of your life that leads to heaven and eternal life. Welcome to the Kingdom.

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

GREAT DECEPTION – Is Not What You Think

When the Antichrist or the Beast of the Book of Revelation finally appears like an angel of light he will not be who he appears to be. The Bible says, “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (II Corinthians 11:14). How can such evil be transformed into what appears to be so holy and righteous? This is the great deception that is already coming upon the whole world. How will God’s children, His faithful remnant, prepare for such a time as this when the entire world is being led astray and are being taught how to worship the Beast, either publicly or in the sanctuary of their own homes? Deception is an interesting concept that must clearly be understood if we are to recognize the signs that are being unveiled. Deception is given one spoonful at a time or by such small measures over time that the larger population will never notice until it’s too late. The other key to understanding deception is that much larger events will be unveiled to take your eyes off what is really happening behind the scenes, one step at a time, to deceive you and the rest of the world population. Deception causes many different events to happen to keep your mind preoccupied, which is one of Satan’s oldest tricks.

To discover this great deception, we need to look at the many small things that have been happening, one step at a time, that’s bringing the entire population into secretive bondage so that they can be properly controlled. Everything we will look at together started after the last great war when Hitler was finally defeated in Germany. As most of the world was celebrating their new freedom from tyranny, Satan moved in with his greatest deceptions to enslave all of humanity and prepare them to eventually worship the Beast or the Antichrist. Before we go any further, let’s define worship. In the strictest sense, it’s your time and trust, although it took humanity a little bit to get there. It typically starts with belief and adoration, which is present in every world religion. Christ indicated that true worshippers must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23). Essentially whatever you worship you must believe that it is true and that you have given yourself completely to it, in the spirit, or your whole self unreservedly. This worship equates to giving both your time and your trust. Typically, we give ourselves, our time, and trust completely to whatever we are worshipping, to give us everything we need now, and eventually everything we need for all of life.

You might be thinking, I don’t see this level of trust in anyone. I wouldn’t be so sure. I will attempt to prove to you that you have been trusting more than you know. The more you trust the easier it becomes to adore and praise whatever you are worshipping along with giving more of your time. Don’t underestimate what praise and adoration, even if it’s done silently, does to your soul and spirit. Satan wants your worship. He wants your trust. He wants all of your time. And he wants your praise and adoration. He doesn’t care what your religion or non-religion is, because he has already given everyone something to put all their trust in, to the point of consuming your time leading to praise and adoration, even if it’s done silently. As I have already stated this has been done very slowly over many, many years, leading the entire population to trust in the works of the devil to give them everything they need for all of life. So, let’s briefly look at some of the greatest needs of humanity, and then we will see individually how these needs have led humanity to trust at a level never before seen in history willing to give all of their time. All over the world people are turning away from every religion and embracing every foul form of sin and the rankest of perversions. Christians have become so involved with the world that for the first time in history, we are visibly seeing lukewarm Christianity.

Briefly, the world is trusting in their prescription drugs, their psychiatrists, scientists, social media with its videos, and the 24-hour news media. But it’s the level of trust that puts most of the population in jeopardy as it consumes their time. This is not a casual trust. When the pharmaceutical industry was established, natural remedies were essentially taken off the market and no longer advertised. As more people got off the natural remedies and addicted to excessive medication, then modern illness began to skyrocket along with people’s trust in their prescription drugs. Before these new drugs hit the market most people saw that natural remedies were nature’s way of keeping them healthy oftentimes giving God all the glory. At about the same time psychologists and the world’s counselors became very popular promising to solve every emotional and psychological problem with counseling and psychotropic drugs often needed for an entire lifetime. I have written extensively about this in my newest book, “Annals of Prophetic Writings” which interprets the Second Woe in the Book of Revelation. This woe witnesses a large portion of humanity suffering greatly from psychological problems because they stopped trusting in God exclusively to give them everything they need for life and godliness, which would solve all of their mental problems. The trust level of those utilizing their services has grown significantly to a phenomenal level. Step by step the whole population was being led to trust in something other than trusting in God exclusively.

As more people turned away from God and His anointed teachings in the Bible they began to trust in new scientific discoveries even if it disagreed with the Bible. This opened Pandora’s box to believe in and trust every new discovery. Perhaps this biggest sticking point is the Bible clearly teaches that God created everything that exists and that we did not evolve from a tadpole or a monkey. Nor did God make some men female and some females male, which has opened an avalanche of increasing perversions. The trust level in every new scientific discovery has increased exponentially as people consume their time reading every new scientific discovery. If that’s not enough people are beginning to trust every new opinion on social media and the news media as if it’s the gospel truth casting them in one direction, then another. The level of trust in these various sites, which includes television, reels, streaming videos, and full-length movies is designed to give them the professed truth, which is quite astounding leading them to orchestrate their entire lives around what they are learning and believing in their hearts. The big problem is their time is consumed as their minds are constantly filled with so much nonsense that they can never hear the still small voice of God. Again, their trust level rises in these so-called experts or the best-sounding opinions. This is exactly what the devil wants. He wants all of your time, your allegiance, and your praise and adoration. He wants your trust exclusively and he wants all of your time, which is worship. Along with your trust and the use of your time. Satan needs one more thing to solidify his control of you and all of humanity; he needs all of your personal information.

Why is this so essential? With your personal information, it is much easier to manipulate you into doing his will and the will of the establishment that’s run by the powers of darkness. The Second Beast in the Book of Revelation instructed humanity to make an image of the Beast, Artificial Intelligence, which is seen as part of his great signs, which deceived humanity (Revelation 13:14). Furthermore, the Bible says, “And he [the Second Beast] had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” (Revelation 13:15). This is amazing technology to design and produce Artificial Intelligence in the form or image of a human being and give it the ability to both think and speak. This is already being accomplished at an alarming rate. Moreover, to teach it to have the ability to discern if humanity is worshiping the first Beast (or Antichrist) and if not to be killed is an alarming technology, essentially giving it power over humanity. Already this technology with the help of Artificial Intelligence can track your internet searches, your activity on social media, following the news media, reading scientific discoveries, prescription drug purchases, and your counseling with a psychiatrist. Remember this is all necessary to evaluate your level of trust. Everything is being tracked by artificial intelligence, which will become very soon the image of the Beast utilizing advanced algorithms that will know your every movement and your involvement in the world. Misbehave or do not participate in the world, then you will have consequences.

God is still on His throne and is concerned about His children during the Great Tribulation. The Bible says, “Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, lest you take part in her sins, lest you share in her plagues; for her sins are heaped high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities” (Revelation 18:4-5). What makes this extremely difficult in coming completely out of the world is that the coming Beast or Antichrist will appear as an angel of light caused in large part because he appears to be fighting against the increasing evil in the world. He will make profound promises of what he will accomplish. Simply put, the more evil the other side looks the more he will look like a true savior of the world. Satan does not want you to come out from the world, he wants you to embrace it that much more as the supposed new world of holiness and righteousness. He wants you in the world or you will be punished. And this is the job of the image of the Beast, or Artificial Intelligence, to track and report you to the establishment so that you can be punished, imprisoned, or brought back into the world as a willing participant. We must trust exclusively in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, giving Him all of our time. When you don’t, then you have just opened the door to Satan and his powers of darkness. Dear children, this is the Great Deception. On this Christmas Eve in the year of our Lord, 2024. I am praying that all of God’s precious children will humble themselves under the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords, it is He alone who will raise you up and give you everything you need for life and godliness.

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire” (II Peter 1:3-4, ESV).

The Gospel Presentation

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which explains the many difficulties that you are currently facing in your life. Well, I have good news, God has solved that problem by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin to show us the way to a beautiful new life in Christ. God has dealt with all of our sins past, present, and future by having His son pay the debt for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross in our stead by allowing all of the world’s sins to be placed upon Him as a sacrificial Lamb. As Christ hung on the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Him to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried for three days. On the third day, Christ arose from death to life everlasting. The good news is if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then we will be forgiven for all of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us into all truth helping us in the transformation process of putting off the old life, allowing the old sin nature to die with Christ, and then putting on our new life in Christ by being raised with Christ to everlasting life. You can accept Christ today by confessing your sins to Him through a simple prayer asking Him to forgive you and make you into a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have done that, then you have just begun the greatest journey of your life that leads to heaven and eternal life. Welcome to the Kingdom.

Get  a  copy  of  my  new  book  by  Clicking  Here


This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

Mental Ascent to Heavenly Bliss

It is the Spirit of God that helps us to make the mental ascent to heavenly bliss. Without the Spirit, it would be impossible. Without the beautiful mind created by God, it would be impossible. It’s not only possible for the followers of Jesus Christ, but also essential to maintain our sanity in a world gone mad. All the hateful rhetoric and all the horrible actions of humanity begin in the mind. As we fast approach the End of Time, Satan and the powers of darkness have taken over total control of what most people think even if they vehemently deny it. Satan wants your mind. Thoughts from the enemy come in like a flood leading humanity to think the most horrendous thoughts even if they don’t express those thoughts openly. Often those thoughts from the enemy will return again and again leading most to dwell on those thoughts for hours at a time as if they were their own thoughts. As a believer, if you are honest, you too have had to contend with these unwarranted thoughts invading your space more than you realize. Thoughts from the enemy often sneak in when you least expect them to tempt you to entertain the thought even if it’s only for a brief moment in time. Today we will talk about how to guard your thoughts so that every thought, even for the briefest amount of time, will be pleasing to God. Continue reading Mental Ascent to Heavenly Bliss

Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

If I could describe the world today with one word it would be an “enigma” (something difficult to understand). Everyone is trying to figure out everything from the latest prophecy to the latest conspiracy theory, and from the latest church doctrine to the latest tradition. The war is raging on social media and in the halls of Congress dividing the nation not between a few political parties but between every human being. If that’s not bad enough the war is raging in the Churches and between the growing number of denominations or sects. The whole world is seeing through a glass darkly. They look, they read, they try to figure things out and they simply don’t understand. People have read the entire Bible, and they still don’t understand. Everything seems like an anomaly, like the shifting sands of the Sahara Desert. As we fast approach the End, we no longer have time to try and figure out things on our own and develop our own little favorite doctrines at the exclusion of others. We don’t have time to seek after our favorite prophecies and sliced up sermons on the internet or social media. Simply put, we are out of time. Continue reading Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

Can You Hear Christ Knocking

Once again humanity as a whole has rejected God and has recreated Him in their own image. Since the fall in the Garden of Eden, humanity has attempted to fill this great void in their hearts caused by rejecting God. Humanity created idols, gods made in the images of the known world, and even darker images of the unseen world. The void created in the hearts of humanity is a horrible thing causing them to feel extremely anxious and lost, always searching for some kind of meaning in their lives. In time every type of world religion was created to help mankind to fill this awful void. Although in the beginning it primarily began with idol worship, in time it developed into detailed theology and ever-increasing traditions to help humanity fill the void from rejecting the one true God. We have also observed humanity, especially in the Last Days, attempting to fill the void in their hearts by essentially becoming their own god. Even most of those who have chosen a religious label have allowed themselves to become their own little god sitting on the throne in the throne room of their hearts. There is only one true way to fill that indescribable void bringing us to the precipice of what we were originally created to be. Keep reading to discover how to fill the void in our hearts. Continue reading Can You Hear Christ Knocking