Once again humanity as a whole has rejected God and has recreated Him in their own image. Since the fall in the Garden of Eden, humanity has attempted to fill this great void in their hearts caused by rejecting God. Humanity created idols, gods made in the images of the known world, and even darker images of the unseen world. The void created in the hearts of humanity is a horrible thing causing them to feel extremely anxious and lost, always searching for some kind of meaning in their lives. In time every type of world religion was created to help mankind to fill this awful void. Although in the beginning it primarily began with idol worship, in time it developed into detailed theology and ever-increasing traditions to help humanity fill the void from rejecting the one true God. We have also observed humanity, especially in the Last Days, attempting to fill the void in their hearts by essentially becoming their own god. Even most of those who have chosen a religious label have allowed themselves to become their own little god sitting on the throne in the throne room of their hearts. There is only one true way to fill that indescribable void bringing us to the precipice of what we were originally created to be. Keep reading to discover how to fill the void in our hearts. Continue reading Can You Hear Christ Knocking
Tag Archives: Revelation 3:20
Accept the Gift that Keeps Giving (Video)
As we face another Christmas in the middle of a plague with the darkness of evil all around us, we must ask the question, “What does the Spirit say to the Churches?” In our amazement, the answer comes quickly. After watching this eye-opening video on my secure website, please share it with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.
The Coming Apocalypse and Lukewarm Christianity (Video)
I have been preaching and teaching on the coming Apocalypse for many years, yet there is one thing, more than anything else, that will start the final countdown. This one thing is the alarming growth of lukewarm Christianity throughout the entire world. After watching the video on my secure website, please share with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2019. All rights reserved.