Tag Archives: Philippians 2:12

Becoming More Like Christ

Are you becoming more like Christ daily? I hope so because only the mature in Christ will stand firm during the coming apocalypse. Unfortunately, most are becoming more like the world, or they are becoming more like the lukewarm church. The world is sinking daily into its sins. Laws are being passed to give them the liberty to do whatever vain imagination enters into their perverse minds. Every sin is justified through their freedom of expression or their freedom of speech. Every sin is justified by the majority decision of those in their democracy. Every sin is justified by nullifying God’s beautiful commandments through misguided theology or its rejection in the public domain. Every sin is justified because modern man says we are living in a new world and the old laws are no longer relevant. They proudly say, “If it’s not breaking one of our laws, then it must be accepted by all.” So, goes the thinking of the contemporary world. They proclaim loudly, “Don’t question my behavior or my right to think whatever I want even if leads to tragic consequences for others.” One would need to stand outside of time itself to recognize how far the world has sunk into depravity. One step at a time the entire world has rejected God’s laws of righteousness. Continue reading Becoming More Like Christ