We cannot magically turn Sodom and Gomorrah into a holy nation by electing new leaders. Wake up, dear children. We are still on the same path. The election results have not changed any hearts, it has not drawn anyone closer to the Lord. It may have driven fear into the other side. It may have given you some temporary joy and peace that things might be better, but it will not change the direction of this nation headed to the abyss unless it truly repents. As a watchman on the wall, it is his job to warn the people that they are headed to certain destruction, that they are still headed toward Armageddon, and that they will reap the consequences of a perverted nation that has turned its back on God. Nothing has changed. Abortions are still legal in most states claiming that life after conception doesn’t exist up to a certain week or month. They still teach little children, without the parent’s consent, that they can choose their own gender. They still allow perversions to be flaunted in the streets of America while people’s hearts drift further and farther away from their Holy God. Nothing has changed nor will it change until people are led to repent and trust in God exclusively. The heart must be changed and that cannot be accomplished through a political process. Continue reading Watchman on the Wall
Tag Archives: new creation
Seeing Through a Glass Darkly
If I could describe the world today with one word it would be an “enigma” (something difficult to understand). Everyone is trying to figure out everything from the latest prophecy to the latest conspiracy theory, and from the latest church doctrine to the latest tradition. The war is raging on social media and in the halls of Congress dividing the nation not between a few political parties but between every human being. If that’s not bad enough the war is raging in the Churches and between the growing number of denominations or sects. The whole world is seeing through a glass darkly. They look, they read, they try to figure things out and they simply don’t understand. People have read the entire Bible, and they still don’t understand. Everything seems like an anomaly, like the shifting sands of the Sahara Desert. As we fast approach the End, we no longer have time to try and figure out things on our own and develop our own little favorite doctrines at the exclusion of others. We don’t have time to seek after our favorite prophecies and sliced up sermons on the internet or social media. Simply put, we are out of time. Continue reading Seeing Through a Glass Darkly
We Are A Holy Sanctuary
As we face a deeply troubled world on the precipice of Armageddon it is essential to remember who we are in Christ. We are a Holy Sanctuary. The moment we surrender our life to Jesus Christ as Lord, the Holy Spirit enters the throne room of our hearts to begin the transformation process. This process will continue for our entire life on planet Earth. It is a process often described in the Bible as growing spiritually from one degree of glory to another (II Corinthians 3:18). Dear children, please remember that we are constantly in a state of spiritual growth, or we are slipping back into the ways of the fallen world run by the powers of darkness. It is essential to remember that we were not created to be stuck in a static personality or given a label by the counselors of psychology. The whole world is being labeled, drugged, and counseled for the rest of their lifetime by the spiritual powers of darkness. Today, we will learn again that as a Christian and faithful follower of Jesus Christ, we have been made into a new creation where old things are passing away, and behold all things have become new (II Corinthians 5:17). Embracing this biblical truth will put you back on the path of God making you into a Holy Sanctuary. As we shall soon discover being God’s Holy Sanctuary is our only sure defense against all of God’s wrath falling upon an unrepentant world. It is our only sure defense for standing against the whiles of the devil and his powers of darkness. Continue reading We Are A Holy Sanctuary
Proof That The World is Ending
Most people have heard the prophecies that the world is ending. Most people have followed science that also claims that the world is ending if we don’t stop the causes of global warming. There is one other proof that should awaken all of humanity across every race and different belief system. This proof takes the hypothesis that we have been created by a higher being that has held the entire universe together since the beginning, either as a free form of biological evolution adapting to a changing environment or as a static form of creationism for the sole purpose of serving our Creator. Either way, I hypothesize that we were created to serve our Creator, and if that changes then there is no longer any need to maintain the created universe in its present form; it must be brought to an end. The whole purpose of the created order was to serve the Creator and if that changes, then there’s no longer any need for the creation to exist, which prophetically leads true believers to a new heavens and a new earth. Remember, God had no problem destroying the world with water the first time that humanity turned away from Him (Genesis 6:5). This time God will destroy the world and all of humanity with fire from the sun. Continue reading Proof That The World is Ending
In The Blink of an Eye (Video)
If you lived for 125 years, compared to eternity that would only be in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, most live far less than that because of the increase in new diseases, viruses, and other health-related issues. Some have their life ended early because of lawlessness, immorality, and abortion. Others enter death early because of wars, famines, and increasing natural disasters or global warming. Furthermore, over 1 million people die of car accidents every year globally; their lives too have changed in the blink of an eye. We are all dying. Our life span on planet earth is truly in the blink of an eye compared to eternity. After watching this video on my secure website, please share it with everyone you care about. Their eternal life depends on it.
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