Tag Archives: mankind

Mental Ascent to Heavenly Bliss

It is the Spirit of God that helps us to make the mental ascent to heavenly bliss. Without the Spirit, it would be impossible. Without the beautiful mind created by God, it would be impossible. It’s not only possible for the followers of Jesus Christ, but also essential to maintain our sanity in a world gone mad. All the hateful rhetoric and all the horrible actions of humanity begin in the mind. As we fast approach the End of Time, Satan and the powers of darkness have taken over total control of what most people think even if they vehemently deny it. Satan wants your mind. Thoughts from the enemy come in like a flood leading humanity to think the most horrendous thoughts even if they don’t express those thoughts openly. Often those thoughts from the enemy will return again and again leading most to dwell on those thoughts for hours at a time as if they were their own thoughts. As a believer, if you are honest, you too have had to contend with these unwarranted thoughts invading your space more than you realize. Thoughts from the enemy often sneak in when you least expect them to tempt you to entertain the thought even if it’s only for a brief moment in time. Today we will talk about how to guard your thoughts so that every thought, even for the briefest amount of time, will be pleasing to God. Continue reading Mental Ascent to Heavenly Bliss

Helping Christians Stand Firm (Video)

“Daniel W. Blair humbly received this message from the Lord on October 17 and 18, 2021”

Helping Christians to stand firm has been our commission from the Lord for many years now. However, it’s only been in the last few years that we have realized just how important it is for the survival of Christianity. Yes, classic Christianity is dying, and its followers are being easily captured by the powers of darkness to do their bidding. They are no longer standing firm in their faith but have now become a mouthpiece for Satan as he leads the entire world into greater confusion, precipitated by the powers of darkness leading everyone to express their own wavering opinion. After watching this video on my secure website, please share it others

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2021. All rights reserved.

Why Do I Still Believe in a World of Unbelief? (Video)

Why do I still believe in Jesus Christ in a world of growing unbelief? The short answer is, I would be horrified to face another day without Christ in my life. Although we are in the world and feel all the negative influences from the world, they are only momentary distractions having no lasting effect. We feel exactly what the world feels but it has no hold on us. Please read this very personal blog article culminating in 23 years of online ministry after serving previously as a pastor for many years. After watching the complete video on my secure website, please share it with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2021. All rights reserved.

When Heaven Goes Silent (Video)

There is infighting on the left, shallowness on the right, and lawlessness in the center, yet no one is crying out to hear a voice from heaven. Almost no one is speaking the deep truths of our Almighty God who reigns over all. Although we all acknowledge the lukewarm church and the great falling away, we are still amazed that for most, heaven appears to remain silent. Come with me and I will show you how to listen to the voice from heaven. After watching this video on my secure website, please share it with others … your slavery is in the balance.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2021. All rights reserved.

What’s Really Wrong with America? (Video)

If we could open the door and see what’s really wrong with the world and particularly with America, what would it be? We could easily say its lawlessness or the lack of love and acceptance that’s created numerous divisions, which continue to splinter to even smaller groups. Or we could take a bolder approach and say its humanity’s rejection of their Savior, Jesus Christ, that’s causing the problem. All this is true but let me suggest that we use a scalpel instead of a sword to look at an even deeper truth that has adversely affected every single person upon the planet since the fall. After watching the video on my secure website, please share it with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.