Tag Archives: Malachi 3:6

Rediscover the Power of Classic Christianity (Video)

To be a classic is to be like an original without all the defects caused by improper use and the passage of time. Classic Christianity is not any different. For two millenniums Christianity has endured the changes of self-righteous man and many defects caused by their unbelief. Christianity, as it was in the First Century, is no longer the same in the 21st Century. Christianity has grown old. It’s no longer relevant for the modern man. After watching this powerful video on my secure website, please share it with others

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Rediscover the Power of Classic Christianity

To be a classic is to be like an original without all the defects caused by improper use and the passage of time. Classic Christianity is not any different. For two millenniums Christianity has endured the changes of self-righteous man and many defects caused by their unbelief. Christianity, as it was in the First Century, is no longer the same in the 21st Century. Christianity has grown old. It’s no longer relevant for the modern man. He feels as though he can no longer find comfort or direction from today’s lukewarm church to truly deliver him from his self-imposed bondage. So, he has reached out to the world of fallen humanity to seek answers to his ever-enlarging problems. There is not a day that goes by where we don’t see this in the modern world as man’s behavior is growing more irrational every day. The world offers him many choices from other world religions to the growing popularity of Satanism or the all-encompassing humanistic teachings of psychology that fits every world religion or nonreligion. As mankind sinks deeper and deeper into his sins and their consequences, he needs to rediscover classic Christianity with its unlimited power to overcome all of his problems. We present to you today a step-by-step rediscovery of classic Christianity to unlock the mystery from ages past. Continue reading Rediscover the Power of Classic Christianity