Tag Archives: lie

When Does Lying Become Lying Deception

Most people have told a little white lie and not thought too much about it because it was a slight exaggeration of the facts. While others have told an outrageous lie to conceal the entire truth. Well, dear children, no matter the size, either a little white lie or an outrageous lie, to God it is still a lie and a sin. And every sin has its consequences (Galatians 6:7). Today, I would like to speak to you about when lying becomes lying deception, typically a sin orchestrated by the powers of darkness. This is a sin so grievous in the sight of God that it will receive the same punishment as the devil and his powers of darkness. It is essential that we learn what lying deception is or what it means, so we don’t fall into this horrific sin against our holy God. We need to learn when lying becomes lying deception putting us in league with the devil. Sadly this explanation will shock a lot of God’s children never realizing that their lies have become lying deception putting them in a very dangerous position with God. It will put them in a position to reap the full unmeasured consequences of their sin. Continue reading When Does Lying Become Lying Deception

Are You Being Controlled Psychologically

This is a most difficult question to answer because most will never know that they are being controlled psychologically. This control always begins with captivity and captivity begins with addiction. So, to understand this process that leads to being psychologically controlled, we must understand the methods used to lead you to the first steps of addiction. How are people addicted? Simply put it begins with your innermost desires. In the beginning, our Creator instilled a desire into our DNA that would not lead to captivity but would lead us to true freedom. On the other hand, Satan introduced new desires through his lying deception telling us that we could be like God knowing both good and evil. This evil became the dominant desire leading to the fall affecting all of humanity. This dominant desire remains today even among those who claim to know Christ as their savior, which is realized through the great falling away. Yes, Satan and his powers of darkness are tapping into these evil desires to lead all of humanity into captivity by ultimately rejecting God as their Creator. As we shall see these evil desires are deep within humanity, often suppressed or completely ignored because of some previous religious upbringing. What we shall see is technology can reach deep within humanity to access these innermost desires. Continue reading Are You Being Controlled Psychologically

What Does God Say Concerning Things to Come? (Video)

Give us ears, Oh Lord, to hear what you are saying, about what is going on in the world. We must ask, “Do you really want to know?” In one word, pandemonium. Stark raving madness, unimaginable fear, unnerving stress, uncontrollable anger, thoughts of suicide, or striking back to harm others is running rampant throughout the entire world. Nearly every person is being affected by one or more psychological problems known to man, driving many into a dark pit of depression, while many others feel as if they will explode from within. No, this is not some sci-fi movie, it’s happening now. It’s reality. After watching this video on my secure website, please share it with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2021. All rights reserved.

God’s Children Are Slipping into Darkness (Video)

God’s children are slipping into darkness. Every day the world seems like it’s growing crazier. The News Media, Social Media, and the tabloids are aflame with stories of people completely losing it in public, unfortunately, some of these are professed believers in Christ. For the sake of brevity, we will only look at a few of the most important things that cause God’s children to slip into darkness. These are things that keep me up at night as I weep greatly in the Spirit for God’s precious children. After watching this extremely important video on my secure website, please share it with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.

The Greatest Lie Perpetrated Upon Mankind (Video)

What is the greatest lie? As we sit comfortably in our own little corner, we are told what to believe about the rest of the world. Important facts are purposefully withheld. We simply don’t see the big picture but only the picture given to us by the News media and Social Media. Most alarming is that history is either forgotten or changed leaving most people to experience life in the moment, to experience only what’s happening now. After watching this eye-opening video on my secure website, please share it with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.