In the Last Days following the Shepherd of our souls has become increasingly difficult for most people who call upon the Name of Jesus Christ. The Good Shepherd has been leading His children, for some time now, to come out from the world and be separate (Revelation 18:4-5). Unbeknown to most, the closer we get to the End the more difficult it has become. Regrettably, this difficulty has not only left His people in bondage to the world, but it has also caused them to miss the greatest blessings beyond imagination. First, we will examine the difficulty of coming out from the world and the extent of the bondage that will ultimately lead to destruction. Then, secondly, we will discuss the great blessings of taking the first steps in resisting the world and coming out of bondage. The further you come out of the world, the more you will experience blessings beyond imagination as you follow only the Good Shepherd of your soul, Jesus Christ. Dear children, I pray that you will join me on this journey that will open your eyes to a bondage you never knew existed until you are set free. Be free at last to enjoy blessings beyond measure! Continue reading A Blessing to Flee Bondage Now
Tag Archives: image of the beast
Come Out From Among Them
This will be the most difficult thing to do for most, who claim to be Christians, but once accomplished, it will be the most rewarding, with the greatest blessings. The world has been on a downward spiral since the last Great War. I have preached about it and taught about it for the past forty-five years. It was not caused by just one person, one political party, or one political leader. It started when people felt they no longer needed God to solve their mounting problems. They turned to science, psychology, the internet, and finally to Artificial Intelligence (or the Image of the Beast) to solve all their problems apart from an omniscient (all-knowing) God. As the world turned away from God they began to slip deeper and deeper into all manner of depravity. Changing political leaders, passing new laws, and even displaying the Ten Commandments in every classroom will not stop this descent. At this point, there is only one way to stop the descent, we must come out from among them as stated in the Bible, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities” (Revelation 18:4-5). Continue reading Come Out From Among Them
The Prophecy: A Revelation for God’s Children (Video)
Revelation is Dynamic. When the scales fall off our eyes then we are amazed at the dynamic nature of the book of Revelation, which thrills our hearts. It’s happened, it’s happening, and it will shortly come to pass or be fulfilled. Through these lenses, we see something quite amazing. As the prophecy is fulfilled, step by step, it colors in more of the drama between the powers of darkness and the children of light. It progressively unveils the raging battle between an all-powerful God and the dragon seeking to unseat His authority. After watching this entire eye-opening video on my secure website, please share it with others.
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