Unfortunately, when many come to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord, they don’t have much self-confidence. Often times it happens in their early childhood when parents or others are very critical of them and even express all manner of negative talk about their abilities. This often follows these dear souls into adulthood causing them monumental problems, creating self-doubt and a lack of self-confidence. Not only do they doubt their abilities, but they doubt if they can receive the full portion of a wonderful life free from a life of unrelenting pain, agony, and despair. The good news is that Jesus Christ promises to erase the past as if it never existed. Although many have heard this good news and have sincerely believed it in their hearts, yet they still struggle daily to see it manifested in their lives because their lives often feel like a never-ending Ferris wheel of ups and downs. Dear children, let’s do a deep dive into Holy Scripture and discover how we can experience the great life of self-confidence found only in Christ Jesus. Continue reading How To Build Our Self-confidence
Tag Archives: holy scripture
Finding Rest For Our Souls
The whole world is heavy laden with many worries driving them to the pit of despair. Furthermore, anxiety, stress, and a multitude of other psychological problems are driving the world to the brink of global destruction and even mass suicide. For many years the world has sought to cover up these problem with drugs for every little conceivable physical or mental issue, which have created even greater pain caused by unrealized side effects. The counselor’s offices are full as the whole world has learned how to trust in psychology to solve their multitude of problems. These problems have increased tenfold because of the recent wars, the horrific weather patterns, and the unchecked lawlessness in every area of society. Although many world religions struggle to help their followers, unfortunately, most realize that they cannot bring real change to them and humanity as a whole. As the world turns away from trusting in God exclusively their burdens will only grow heavier and heavier driving them into a deeper pit of despair, to the depths of total darkness, and Satanic influence. As I survey the suffering and confusion in the world my heart is breaking. Continue reading Finding Rest For Our Souls
Spiritual Babylon Rides the Beast
At the initial writing of the book of Revelation, Babylon was considered to be Rome which ruled the nations in the world with great power, and the beast was considered to be a Roman emperor or Caesar. With the founding of the new world, America became the new seat of power in the world rivaling every other nation or kingdom to this day. It has attracted immigrants from around the world in search of prosperity and freedom to worship or believe as they wish. Although in the beginning, Christianity appeared to dominate the stage setting forth its new political agenda, it was not long before others coming would magnify their own voices in a free society. It was not long before America became a bright shining city sitting on a hill allowing the popular vote to set the agenda for both beliefs and practices. It was not long before the city, spiritual Babylon, was riding the beast allowing it to take them wherever it wanted to go. The woman riding the Beast was Mystery Babylon, later described as the great city (Revelation 17:4-5;18). The beast through the guise of a free and democratic process was setting the agenda and leading the entire population to sin against Almighty God. Little by little one perversion after another was accepted as the nation chanted USA, USA. Continue reading Spiritual Babylon Rides the Beast
Listen to the Voice of God (Video)
Welcome to the new year 2022, it will be unlike anything we have ever experienced. Therefore, it is essential to hear only what God has to say about what’s happening now and what is coming soon upon the world. So, we bend our ears to hear the voice of God. We listen intently to hear that still small voice that comes ever so quietly from the indwelling Spirit. After watching this eye-opening prophecy on my secure website, please share it with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2022. All rights reserved.
What is Causing the Chaos? (Video)
We spoke briefly about the chaos affecting humanity on my latest News Brief, today we will look at what’s causing it to become the worse thing to ever fall upon humanity. Chaos engenders an image of things totally out of control, where stark raving madness and the walking dead barely scratch the surface of uncovering the complete picture. After watching this powerful video on my secure website, please share it with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2021. All rights reserved.