Tag Archives: higher learning

The Prophecy (Video)

Why does anyone reject a true prophet? Why would anyone reject, “The Prophecy.” Clearly, prophecies tend to dash people’s hope. Although I may proclaim loudly it doesn’t need to do that, for most it will. Hope is a very powerful tool in the hands of those who wish to shape the destiny of a nation. It’s very powerful when people want something different than what they had before. After watching this video please share with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2018. All rights reserved.

The Amazing Truth of What We Were Originally Created to Be (Video)

I firmly believe that we would need to be blind if we haven’t seen the great trouble humanity and the world is experiencing. We appear to be on the brink of imploding. That is, like the ancient Roman Empire, we will not be destroyed from the great forces from outside, but from within. The trajectory of humanity and the world will end in death and destruction, if we don’t return to what we were originally created to be. We need to return to the beginning to understand, the amazing truth of what we were originally created to be. Featuring two amazing vocalists Paula Disbrow and Vickie Truett along with much more to the glory of God. After watching the video please please share with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2018. All rights reserved.