Tag Archives: heavenly bliss

Mental Ascent to Heavenly Bliss

It is the Spirit of God that helps us to make the mental ascent to heavenly bliss. Without the Spirit, it would be impossible. Without the beautiful mind created by God, it would be impossible. It’s not only possible for the followers of Jesus Christ, but also essential to maintain our sanity in a world gone mad. All the hateful rhetoric and all the horrible actions of humanity begin in the mind. As we fast approach the End of Time, Satan and the powers of darkness have taken over total control of what most people think even if they vehemently deny it. Satan wants your mind. Thoughts from the enemy come in like a flood leading humanity to think the most horrendous thoughts even if they don’t express those thoughts openly. Often those thoughts from the enemy will return again and again leading most to dwell on those thoughts for hours at a time as if they were their own thoughts. As a believer, if you are honest, you too have had to contend with these unwarranted thoughts invading your space more than you realize. Thoughts from the enemy often sneak in when you least expect them to tempt you to entertain the thought even if it’s only for a brief moment in time. Today we will talk about how to guard your thoughts so that every thought, even for the briefest amount of time, will be pleasing to God. Continue reading Mental Ascent to Heavenly Bliss

Finding Rest For Our Souls

The whole world is heavy laden with many worries driving them to the pit of despair. Furthermore, anxiety, stress, and a multitude of other psychological problems are driving the world to the brink of global destruction and even mass suicide. For many years the world has sought to cover up these problem with drugs for every little conceivable physical or mental issue, which have created even greater pain caused by unrealized side effects. The counselor’s offices are full as the whole world has learned how to trust in psychology to solve their multitude of problems. These problems have increased tenfold because of the recent wars, the horrific weather patterns, and the unchecked lawlessness in every area of society. Although many world religions struggle to help their followers, unfortunately, most realize that they cannot bring real change to them and humanity as a whole. As the world turns away from trusting in God exclusively their burdens will only grow heavier and heavier driving them into a deeper pit of despair, to the depths of total darkness, and Satanic influence. As I survey the suffering and confusion in the world my heart is breaking. Continue reading Finding Rest For Our Souls

We Were Created in Love

What an amazing truth that all of creation was created in love. Every life form from the animal kingdom to the crown of His creation, humanity, was created in love. We were created to love God, our Creator, and to love one another. This was the perfect world before Satan entered the scene and led humanity to sin against God, their Creator (Genesis 3:1-24). Can you only imagine what it was like to see the entire world loving one another with no hate or malice? Can you imagine the entire world, including the animal kingdom loving their Creator, God? When mankind turned away from God taking all of God’s creation with them they lost true agape love. What a horrible day that was for the entire world. Instantly, with the introduction of sin, we lost our capacity to love. We lost our ability to truly love others more than we love ourselves. God sent His only begotten Son to show us the Way back, but we hung Him on a Cross. That way given to us by Jesus is still valid. It’s still accessible to all those who step out in faith believing that all things can be made new again in love. In true agape love, we can touch heavenly bliss rising above all the hate and confusion in the fallen world. Continue reading We Were Created in Love

Our Goal, Transformation in Christ

Yes, transformation in Christ is a reality. You have come out of the world, which has given you an amazing amount of free time. Free at last! You have gloriously redeemed the time (Colossians 4:5). You have redeemed the time by no longer being tutored by the world through all their technologies. Now, let me invite you to join me in an awe-inspiring journey that will joyfully experience your miraculous transformation in Christ. It starts with the mind, the marvelous mind created by God. A mind exquisitely designed for all of humanity created in the image of an omniscient God. The Bible says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2). If you have read my previous article and have already started coming out of the world, then you have taken the first step. You forcefully stopped Satan from conforming your mind to the ways of the world by constantly filling your mind with useless and contradictory thoughts. But this is only the first step in the journey, many don’t make it this far or immediately reverse course returning to the ways of the fallen world. Continue reading Our Goal, Transformation in Christ

The Day of the Lord Will Come (Video)

Why do most Christians say that they believe that Christ can come back at any time but don’t act accordingly? This has been a question that has occupied my mind for some time now. Although we have not yet recognized the man of lawlessness or the dreaded Antichrist, we have all seen the tremendous increase in lawlessness and the many other signs of Christ’s coming. I have personally written about these prophetic signs for many years now, simply adding my voice to the many apostles and prophets that have come before us since the dawn of Christianity (See II Peter 3:1-3). After watching this timely video on my secure website, please share it with others.

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