Tag Archives: Great Tribulation

GREAT DECEPTION – Is Not What You Think

When the Antichrist or the Beast of the Book of Revelation finally appears like an angel of light he will not be who he appears to be. The Bible says, “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (II Corinthians 11:14). How can such evil be transformed into what appears to be so holy and righteous? This is the great deception that is already coming upon the whole world. How will God’s children, His faithful remnant, prepare for such a time as this when the entire world is being led astray and are being taught how to worship the Beast, either publicly or in the sanctuary of their own homes? Deception is an interesting concept that must clearly be understood if we are to recognize the signs that are being unveiled. Deception is given one spoonful at a time or by such small measures over time that the larger population will never notice until it’s too late. The other key to understanding deception is that much larger events will be unveiled to take your eyes off what is really happening behind the scenes, one step at a time, to deceive you and the rest of the world population. Deception causes many different events to happen to keep your mind preoccupied, which is one of Satan’s oldest tricks. Continue reading GREAT DECEPTION – Is Not What You Think

There’s Power to Stand Firm

We are all facing unprecedented times with the next election in the United States looming closer and closer. There is a lot of apprehension as to which candidate will be elected and the formidable consequences facing all of humanity. Most Christians rely on whatever power they have to stand firm and not be led astray by the great deception. Unfortunately, many are relying on their own choices to determine their best course of action. The good news is that God has given us great power to stand firm on His truth alone and not be swayed by the world’s teaching, much of it manipulated by the powers of darkness under the cloak of religious morality. Yes, we all see the great daggers cast at the other political party; one claiming the other side is the “enemy within” essentially destroying everything Christ stands for and the other claiming the other side is on the dangerous path of “fascism.” Now, some on the right are going so far as claiming the other politician is the Antichrist as they fear the worsening depravity will bring us to the precipice of Armageddon. We must not be swayed by every political hyperbole or fine-sounding argument. Let’s examine everything with a sound mind. Last week we wrote about “Seeing Through A Glass Darkly” returning to the source and interpreting Scripture properly, today we will talk about the great power given to us to stand firm on the truth we have received. Continue reading There’s Power to Stand Firm

Technology Will Be Your Undoing

This is the lead article in my new book, “Annals of Prophetic Writings.” I am convinced that technology will be our undoing because it will rob us of our time, of only walking in the Spirit and spending an ample amount of time building face-to-face relationships. We need to start at the beginning and discover together how technology will be our undoing. As biological life forms, we have always created tools to help us carve out our existence on the planet. We created tools to plant and harvest food, which gradually increased in efficiency leading to an agrarian society. We also in the beginning created tools to harvest wildlife for food or to kill them for protection, which also gradually increased in efficiency. The same could be said for tools for constructing shelters. These were all basic tools meant primarily for survival. After many thousands of years, this all changed. In the modern age, tools were invented not just for necessity but for added convenience to supposedly give humanity more time. In the beginning, these tools were sufficiently well built lasting for many years or an entire lifetime. Well, in time everything began to change, again. Tools were now built more cheaply to increase the bottom line creating a throwaway society. This in itself has had a tremendous impact on the world economy. Continue reading Technology Will Be Your Undoing

Final Warning Video

This is an old video produced 13 years ago to encapsulate my theology concerning the Great Tribulation and the visible rapture of God’s faithful remnant. It is also an introduction to my first book written on the subject in 2006, entitled, Final Warning. Although, God has given me more clarity over the years the basic premise concerning the Great Tribulation has not ever changed. There is a great heresy sweeping the planet in preparation for the arrival of Antichrist, which must be dealt with by every believer in Christ.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

When the Witness Stops Witnessing (Video)

Let me remind you that the testimony of the witnesses is so strong it’s like fire coming forth from their mouth to destroy the arguments of those who come against them (Revelation 11:5). Their testimony is like our testimony, which is what Jesus Christ has done for us. The Bible says that there is great power in the message of the Cross and specifically our testimony (I Corinthians 1:18). After watching this important video on my secure website, please share it with others

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2022. All rights reserved.