Tag Archives: God’s love

In the Center of God’s Will

Living in the center of God’s will on earth as it is in heaven is a most amazing experience filled with awe. If I had only one prayer for all of God’s children living on the planet, it would be that they would all live in the center of God’s will every moment of every day. If that happened it would truly turn the world upside down. Imagine how that would look. The lukewarm church would no longer exist. Everyone in the church would be completely out of the world and following God’s will every moment of every day with both feet firmly planted in the Church, the body of Christ. They would no longer follow the ways of the world. Loving one another would be paramount. Every believer would live to serve others by learning how to recognize their real needs and immediately fulfill them with humility. No longer would they build up their self-esteem by displaying perfected self-images, beautifully crafted rhetoric, and the vanity of rehearsed mannerisms. True love would not be braggadocio but in humility would count others better than themselves (Philippians 2:3). What joy it would be to see God’s magnificent love radiate one to another in selfless acts of service. In an egotistical and prideful world, how can we ever get there?

It’s a journey. We will allow God to take us by the hand and lead us back into the center of His magnificent will on earth as it is in heaven. It’s a journey! The first steps in the journey are the most critical. We must begin by putting sin on the cross that has tainted all of humanity. Sin has elevated self and put self on the throne in the throne room of our hearts. Once self is elevated, then it becomes the indisputable ruler or king, making all the decisions based on their own intellect. They always claim to know what’s best by running the numbers, doing their own research, or relying on their own gut feelings. Either way, through mind or emotions they make all the decisions facing their life on the planet. Here is the problem. The throne in the throne room of our hearts was never created for us to sit on. The throne was created by God for His Spirit to sit on (John 4:24). Therefore, it is essential that we get off the throne and allow God to take His rightful place on the throne as the rightful ruler of our lives. This is the most critical and the most difficult step for fallen humanity. We must allow God to rule in our lives. This is the majesty of our created nature, to live in the center of God’s will, every moment of every day. As we will soon discover, this is heaven on earth, as we experience the awe of God and His love ruling in our hearts.

So, what is the benefit of allowing God to sit on the throne in the throne room of our hearts? The biggest benefit is we can become all that God created us to be. With God sitting on the throne, then our transformation in Christ becomes much easier. It becomes easier because God is love. Imagine with me for a minute how it feels to have all of God’s love flowing into our lives. For the first time in our lives, we experience true agape love touching every fiber of our being. As my dear Grace shared with me it’s like a heavenly light all around us eager to get out and touch others for Christ. This heavenly light is God’s powerful love that cannot be bottled up but must be given to others. We are getting an amazing insight into how God’s eternal love works, which flows from God to us and through us to others. In a nutshell, this is God’s will for our lives. Every step of the way, as we shall see, the old sin nature must be confronted and put to death back on the cross. Many of us have gone for years allowing self to reign in our hearts learning how to force our will on others and always seeking what we considered best for ourselves even if it hurt others. So, in the next step of our journey, we must learn how to no longer live for ourselves but how to live for others. We will also learn how to allow God to love others through us, in so doing we will be living in the center of God’s will.

So, how do we live for others and no longer live for ourselves exclusively? This too is most difficult, because we have learned from the crib how to exclusively live for ourselves. Our own needs became paramount causing us to overlook the needs of others. When God takes His rightful place on the throne this will all change. God’s desire since the dawn of creation was to love us individually and to love others through us. That is God’s will. Here is the miracle of love. The more we love others the more God’s love flows down to us and through us. We simply cannot out-love God. The more we give the more we get from God. Dear children as we progress in allowing God’s love to flow through us the more we understand that God’s love is for everyone. We can rebuke others for their sins or hold them accountable, but it cannot negate our love for them. It is God’s love through us to others that will open their eyes and open the door to share the simple Gospel, printed below. This love will open our eyes to their real needs, which gives us an opportunity to meet those needs. However, we need to go deeper to understand how to meet those real needs that don’t typically lie on the surface. We must go well beyond their felt needs to their real needs. To do this we will progress to the next step by learning how to really listen, which is in itself an act of true love.

So, how do we listen, really listen to others? The old sin nature loves to listen to self. People have been known to go from one topic to another without barely taking a breath. They can literally go on for hours. Let me be clear, this trait is not just among women but is prevalent in both biological sexes. So, yes listening can be difficult at times but not impossible because until we learn how to listen we will never know their real needs and how to discern when a door of opportunity opens up for sharing the Gospel. We must realize that the mind is multifunctional, that is, it can pretend to listen and think about something else at the same time. Or more to the point the mind can pretend to listen and also think about its next response when it gets an opportunity or an opening. So, the first task in learning to listen is to clear our minds of all thoughts, except reading their body language, which is an important element of listening, not to determine your response at this point, but simply to clarify what they are speaking as you continue your listening. Again, to discover their real needs we must learn to really listen. To prove that we have been listening we must respond with what we heard for either clarification or additional information needed.

Finally, to be in the center of God’s will, we hear the still small voice of God directing our path. In the beginning, this will take a lot of discernment. The best thing we can do to hone our discernment is to always check God’s word to ensure that the voice is truly coming from God and not our old sin nature that will always attempt to trip us up. God will not violate His word, the Holy Bible. Furthermore, let me also stress that we interpret God’s word in its original context, simply put, what was God talking about. You may need to read the whole chapter or the whole Psalm. It may even be necessary to read the whole book. What is God addressing, what is He talking about. Put the verse in context. The good news is in time God will write His words from the Bible on our hearts making it much easier to discern the voice of God. The Spirit will bring those words back to our memory. In addition to discernment, we also have the genuine feeling from the indwelling Spirit agreeing with the word of God and the still small voice. All three must agree. The still small voice of God, the Biblical Word in context, and the indwelling Spirit must all agree. When they do, then God’s children must step out in faith following God’s will in obedience. As we follow in obedience, then we are living in the center of God’s will realizing all the joyous moments filled with His glory. We become the true lights of the world shining forth God’s magnificent light filled with His self-giving agape love.

 The Gospel Presentation

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which explains the many difficulties that you are currently facing in your life. Well, I have good news, God has solved that problem by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin to show us the way to a beautiful new life in Christ. God has dealt with all of our sins past, present, and future by having His son pay the debt for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross in our stead by allowing all of the world’s sins to be placed upon Him as a sacrificial Lamb. As Christ hung on the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Him to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried for three days. On the third day, Christ arose from death to life everlasting. The good news is if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then we will be forgiven for all of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us into all truth helping us in the transformation process of putting off the old life, allowing the old sin nature to die with Christ, and then putting on our new life in Christ by being raised with Christ to everlasting life. You can accept Christ today by confessing your sins to Him through a simple prayer asking Him to forgive you and make you into a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have done that, then you have just begun the greatest journey of your life that leads to heaven and eternal life. Welcome to the Kingdom.

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