Tag Archives: God

Our Goal, Transformation in Christ

Yes, transformation in Christ is a reality. You have come out of the world, which has given you an amazing amount of free time. Free at last! You have gloriously redeemed the time (Colossians 4:5). You have redeemed the time by no longer being tutored by the world through all their technologies. Now, let me invite you to join me in an awe-inspiring journey that will joyfully experience your miraculous transformation in Christ. It starts with the mind, the marvelous mind created by God. A mind exquisitely designed for all of humanity created in the image of an omniscient God. The Bible says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2). If you have read my previous article and have already started coming out of the world, then you have taken the first step. You forcefully stopped Satan from conforming your mind to the ways of the world by constantly filling your mind with useless and contradictory thoughts. But this is only the first step in the journey, many don’t make it this far or immediately reverse course returning to the ways of the fallen world. Continue reading Our Goal, Transformation in Christ

A Blessing to Flee Bondage Now

In the Last Days following the Shepherd of our souls has become increasingly difficult for most people who call upon the Name of Jesus Christ. The Good Shepherd has been leading His children, for some time now, to come out from the world and be separate (Revelation 18:4-5). Unbeknown to most, the closer we get to the End the more difficult it has become. Regrettably, this difficulty has not only left His people in bondage to the world, but it has also caused them to miss the greatest blessings beyond imagination. First, we will examine the difficulty of coming out from the world and the extent of the bondage that will ultimately lead to destruction. Then, secondly, we will discuss the great blessings of taking the first steps in resisting the world and coming out of bondage. The further you come out of the world, the more you will experience blessings beyond imagination as you follow only the Good Shepherd of your soul, Jesus Christ. Dear children, I pray that you will join me on this journey that will open your eyes to a bondage you never knew existed until you are set free. Be free at last to enjoy blessings beyond measure! Continue reading A Blessing to Flee Bondage Now

Living With A Thousand Voices

If we count up the number of different voices that we hear from the world in the course of a day and the voices that we hear in our own minds from memories to vain imaginations and from trying to figure things out to what we are going to say next, a thousand voices may not seem that far-fetched. The problem with attempting to assimilate this many voices it can create a great deal of confusion leading to anxiety, stress, and even depression. Silence and solitude for Christians have become a thing of the past, long forgotten in the dusty annals of church doctrine. Before we look at silence and solitude, let’s examine some of these different voices that come at us at the speed of light, each of them begging for our undivided attention and the acceptance of it as the undeniable truth. I don’t need to tell you where all these voices come from in the world. You already listen to these many voices on social media platforms, YouTube, television, radio, podcasts, the internet, newspapers, books, magazines, apps on your cellphone, political rallies, and people you encounter along the way. Yes, we all listen to these voices proclaiming to have the only truth. Continue reading Living With A Thousand Voices

The Harvest of the Earth

At the end of the age just prior to the fall of Babylon, the Son of Man with His holy angels did reap the righteous souls of the earth as the other angels did reap the souls of fallen humanity. Speaking of the other angels, the Bible says, “And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God” (Revelation 14:19). Jesus said that the wheat and tares would grow up together until the harvest at the end of the age (Matthew 13:30). It is necessary to wait until the wheat had become mature in their faith, and if we press our analogy, then the tares must also become mature in their evil desires, to become pridefully self-sufficient apart from their Creator. As the evil gets even more evil and the righteous get more righteous, then it will cause a natural division among the worldwide population. We are not talking about religious people versus non-religious people, but we are talking about righteousness and evil contrary to their professed religious beliefs. This separation will eat into the very fabric of society causing unbelievable chaos. It will eat into the very fabric of the family unit ripping it apart, creating great pain and untold suffering. You might be thinking, why is God allowing this to happen? Or you might be thinking, why doesn’t God come back and get the righteous and allow the evil to tear themselves apart? Continue reading The Harvest of the Earth

The Strength of Satan’s Hold

The strength of Satan’s hold on humanity, especially among young people is both terrifying and unimaginable. It is unimaginable because most cannot fathom it and it’s terrifying because it divides all of humanity. You might think that the most notable division is between the West and the East. Well, it goes much deeper than that, you truly have the Western world and the newly formed Eastern alliance, but the division we are looking for is those who follow Jesus Christ exclusively and those who are easily led astray by the political and religious powers of our day. Although these strong political powers are in league with religious groups to appear righteous, they primarily sway the masses through political persuasion. Their religious ploy is to make them appear righteous, which effectively covers up their extreme lawlessness in the eyes of their followers. Only Satan could wield such great power over the masses making them believe that they are following righteousness when all along they are following the powers of darkness and the soon-revealed Antichrist. This is the real division that is separating nations, churches, political parties, and families. This tragic separation will continue to the end bringing unbelievable heartache. Continue reading The Strength of Satan’s Hold