Tag Archives: family and friends

Discovering Our True Legacy

I am getting much older now, so discovering my true legacy to pass on to my children and their descendants has been uppermost in my mind. A legacy is what you leave behind, something significant with a profound meaning, that will always be remembered. I could pass on my many books, jewelry, along with other prized possessions, but I have discovered that is not my true legacy that will be remembered for the rest of their lives. I have discovered my true legacy is to pass on what I know about God. I can remember a time in my life when I had no desire to hear the Christian Gospel. In fact, I would run from Christians and anyone else who attempted to talk to me about Christ. I had an unbelievable fear at the time that was not fully understood until much later. Simply put, I discovered from reading the Bible that “… everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed” (John 3:20, ESV). Well, honestly speaking, that was me at the time. Although it was difficult for me at the time to give up some of my favorite sins, it has been the most amazing journey of discovering my true legacy. A legacy I feel compelled to pass on to all of my family and friends. Continue reading Discovering Our True Legacy