If we count up the number of different voices that we hear from the world in the course of a day and the voices that we hear in our own minds from memories to vain imaginations and from trying to figure things out to what we are going to say next, a thousand voices may not seem that far-fetched. The problem with attempting to assimilate this many voices it can create a great deal of confusion leading to anxiety, stress, and even depression. Silence and solitude for Christians have become a thing of the past, long forgotten in the dusty annals of church doctrine. Before we look at silence and solitude, let’s examine some of these different voices that come at us at the speed of light, each of them begging for our undivided attention and the acceptance of it as the undeniable truth. I don’t need to tell you where all these voices come from in the world. You already listen to these many voices on social media platforms, YouTube, television, radio, podcasts, the internet, newspapers, books, magazines, apps on your cellphone, political rallies, and people you encounter along the way. Yes, we all listen to these voices proclaiming to have the only truth. Continue reading Living With A Thousand Voices
Tag Archives: fallen humanity
The Harvest of the Earth
At the end of the age just prior to the fall of Babylon, the Son of Man with His holy angels did reap the righteous souls of the earth as the other angels did reap the souls of fallen humanity. Speaking of the other angels, the Bible says, “And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God” (Revelation 14:19). Jesus said that the wheat and tares would grow up together until the harvest at the end of the age (Matthew 13:30). It is necessary to wait until the wheat had become mature in their faith, and if we press our analogy, then the tares must also become mature in their evil desires, to become pridefully self-sufficient apart from their Creator. As the evil gets even more evil and the righteous get more righteous, then it will cause a natural division among the worldwide population. We are not talking about religious people versus non-religious people, but we are talking about righteousness and evil contrary to their professed religious beliefs. This separation will eat into the very fabric of society causing unbelievable chaos. It will eat into the very fabric of the family unit ripping it apart, creating great pain and untold suffering. You might be thinking, why is God allowing this to happen? Or you might be thinking, why doesn’t God come back and get the righteous and allow the evil to tear themselves apart? Continue reading The Harvest of the Earth
Invasion of the Antichrist Spirit
No one can say exactly when this invasion took place, but we have seen the visible signs of it since they put the colored lights on the White House to hail same-sex marriages during the Obama administration. What we have seen since that day has been earth-shattering if we had eyes to see. Once we can clearly see the invasion of the Antichrist spirit, then the Antichrist and his minions will come more into focus. The Antichrist spirit is like a multi-headed beast (Revelation 13:1-2) reaching his tentacles into every area of society to overcome God’s children and to control fallen humanity. This is accomplished by raising up his dedicated minions to do his bidding even if they don’t realize that they are working for Satan and his Antichrist. His methodology from the beginning has been control, to control humanity even when they don’t realize that they are being controlled. See my last article “Are You Being Controlled Psychologically.” We will briefly examine each of these minions, filled with the Antichrist spirit, to do his bidding. Although there will be a global reach, it will be centered in spiritual Babylon, the seat of his power. Continue reading Invasion of the Antichrist Spirit
In The Blink of an Eye (Video)
If you lived for 125 years, compared to eternity that would only be in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, most live far less than that because of the increase in new diseases, viruses, and other health-related issues. Some have their life ended early because of lawlessness, immorality, and abortion. Others enter death early because of wars, famines, and increasing natural disasters or global warming. Furthermore, over 1 million people die of car accidents every year globally; their lives too have changed in the blink of an eye. We are all dying. Our life span on planet earth is truly in the blink of an eye compared to eternity. After watching this video on my secure website, please share it with everyone you care about. Their eternal life depends on it.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2023. All rights reserved.
When the Witness Stops Witnessing (Video)
Let me remind you that the testimony of the witnesses is so strong it’s like fire coming forth from their mouth to destroy the arguments of those who come against them (Revelation 11:5). Their testimony is like our testimony, which is what Jesus Christ has done for us. The Bible says that there is great power in the message of the Cross and specifically our testimony (I Corinthians 1:18). After watching this important video on my secure website, please share it with others
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2022. All rights reserved.