Tag Archives: evil

Becoming Soldiers of the Cross

There is a spiritual battle raging for the hearts and minds of humanity. Are we going to sit on the sidelines and watch humanity being slaughtered by the powers of darkness or will we take the armor of God and learn how to be an effective soldier of the cross? You might be thinking, I am too weak from going through my own trials and tribulations to join the ranks of God’s army. You might think that evil has already won opting to wait upon Christ to deliver you from this increasingly powerful and dangerous world. You might think that you are completely ineffective to confront a world that is sinking deeper and deeper into their conspiracy theories, depression, and drug addiction. You might be thinking with the horrific division in the world caused by giving everyone a platform on social media that it’s nearly impossible to reach a consensus on how to stand against the enemy of our souls. With all these thoughts God’s beloved children will get on their knees before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords asking Him to build His true army of the Cross to stand against the powers of darkness that’s destroying the world. I am convinced through heart-felt surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ we will see the one true path forward for building an indestructible army of the Cross. Continue reading Becoming Soldiers of the Cross

Humanity is Losing Its Mind

Why does it appear that humanity is losing its mind and ability to function? For those who have eyes to see, this is very scary. We have all seen the little signs with people repeating themselves or telling the same stories over and over again. We have seen seemingly intelligent people all of sudden act like little children. We have seen the confusion and the word salads from our leaders. Even more disturbing is the anger, the bashing of one another, and the outrageous lies. We have also seen people make terrible decisions often based on an immediate desire while ignoring its future impact. We have seen many so-called improvements or updates go from bad to worse leaving many scratching their heads. Anxiety and stress among the world’s population have increased dramatically with people doing the most insane things or withdrawing completely from society. The suicide rate has increased exponentially. As divisions among the population continue unabated it’s destroying the very fabric of society that binds us together. As humanity grows more godless it no longer questions the rising tide of gross immorality and the unbelievable lawlessness that has gripped the world. It’s like the entire world is sitting on a time bomb while most of humanity is completely oblivious to what’s happening. Continue reading Humanity is Losing Its Mind

We Were Created in Love

What an amazing truth that all of creation was created in love. Every life form from the animal kingdom to the crown of His creation, humanity, was created in love. We were created to love God, our Creator, and to love one another. This was the perfect world before Satan entered the scene and led humanity to sin against God, their Creator (Genesis 3:1-24). Can you only imagine what it was like to see the entire world loving one another with no hate or malice? Can you imagine the entire world, including the animal kingdom loving their Creator, God? When mankind turned away from God taking all of God’s creation with them they lost true agape love. What a horrible day that was for the entire world. Instantly, with the introduction of sin, we lost our capacity to love. We lost our ability to truly love others more than we love ourselves. God sent His only begotten Son to show us the Way back, but we hung Him on a Cross. That way given to us by Jesus is still valid. It’s still accessible to all those who step out in faith believing that all things can be made new again in love. In true agape love, we can touch heavenly bliss rising above all the hate and confusion in the fallen world. Continue reading We Were Created in Love

Thus Saith The Lord

With all that’s happening in the world, no one says, “Thus saith the Lord.” We hear prophesies, we hear the Bible quoted out of context, we hear people’s comments, we hear conspiracy theories, we hear great speeches, and preachers exhorting the Word, but we don’t ever hear, “Thus saith the Lord.” Yet, the world belongs to God, He created it. So, let us have ears to hear what the Lord says about your little squabbles, your unsanctioned wars, your political maneuvering, and your lying news feeds. Let us listen to what God has to say while we still have time. Continue reading Thus Saith The Lord

The Harvest of the Earth

At the end of the age just prior to the fall of Babylon, the Son of Man with His holy angels did reap the righteous souls of the earth as the other angels did reap the souls of fallen humanity. Speaking of the other angels, the Bible says, “And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God” (Revelation 14:19). Jesus said that the wheat and tares would grow up together until the harvest at the end of the age (Matthew 13:30). It is necessary to wait until the wheat had become mature in their faith, and if we press our analogy, then the tares must also become mature in their evil desires, to become pridefully self-sufficient apart from their Creator. As the evil gets even more evil and the righteous get more righteous, then it will cause a natural division among the worldwide population. We are not talking about religious people versus non-religious people, but we are talking about righteousness and evil contrary to their professed religious beliefs. This separation will eat into the very fabric of society causing unbelievable chaos. It will eat into the very fabric of the family unit ripping it apart, creating great pain and untold suffering. You might be thinking, why is God allowing this to happen? Or you might be thinking, why doesn’t God come back and get the righteous and allow the evil to tear themselves apart? Continue reading The Harvest of the Earth