Tag Archives: election results

Watchman on the Wall

We cannot magically turn Sodom and Gomorrah into a holy nation by electing new leaders. Wake up, dear children. We are still on the same path. The election results have not changed any hearts, it has not drawn anyone closer to the Lord. It may have driven fear into the other side. It may have given you some temporary joy and peace that things might be better, but it will not change the direction of this nation headed to the abyss unless it truly repents. As a watchman on the wall, it is his job to warn the people that they are headed to certain destruction, that they are still headed toward Armageddon, and that they will reap the consequences of a perverted nation that has turned its back on God. Nothing has changed. Abortions are still legal in most states claiming that life after conception doesn’t exist up to a certain week or month. They still teach little children, without the parent’s consent, that they can choose their own gender. They still allow perversions to be flaunted in the streets of America while people’s hearts drift further and farther away from their Holy God. Nothing has changed nor will it change until people are led to repent and trust in God exclusively. The heart must be changed and that cannot be accomplished through a political process. Continue reading Watchman on the Wall