Tag Archives: destroy

Proof That The World is Ending

Most people have heard the prophecies that the world is ending. Most people have followed science that also claims that the world is ending if we don’t stop the causes of global warming. There is one other proof that should awaken all of humanity across every race and different belief system. This proof takes the hypothesis that we have been created by a higher being that has held the entire universe together since the beginning, either as a free form of biological evolution adapting to a changing environment or as a static form of creationism for the sole purpose of serving our Creator. Either way, I hypothesize that we were created to serve our Creator, and if that changes then there is no longer any need to maintain the created universe in its present form; it must be brought to an end. The whole purpose of the created order was to serve the Creator and if that changes, then there’s no longer any need for the creation to exist, which prophetically leads true believers to a new heavens and a new earth. Remember, God had no problem destroying the world with water the first time that humanity turned away from Him (Genesis 6:5). This time God will destroy the world and all of humanity with fire from the sun. Continue reading Proof That The World is Ending

Stand Firm Against the Coming Beast (Video)

The beast is coming to destroy the witness of God’s children. In the first great persecution of Christians, they were falsely accused or blamed for burning down a section of Rome. Two thousand years later history is on the brink of repeating itself. We don’t know at this point how much of America will be burnt down if any at all, but we do know … Please watch this important and timely video on my secure website, then share it with others.

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He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2021.

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The Second Woe – The Muslim Invasion (Video)

The Bible says, “One woe is past; and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter” (Revelation 9:12). In my last article, “The Silent Pandemic of Mental Illness,” we discussed the first Woe that had its conception in the First Century but was not fully realized until the Sixth Century with the opening of the first mental hospital in Iraq. Today we will discuss the second Woe that also had its beginning in the First Century with a number of heresies coming against the true teachings of our Lord. After watching this shocking video on my secure website, please share it with others

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.

The Prophetic War Manual (Video)

The whole world is being conditioned to follow a certain path that promises an exciting future free from hunger, greed, a so-called religious imperialism and the enslavement of the old morality. It’s slated to introduce a brave new world of fading borders, mutual agreement among nations and a push towards space exploration. The whole world has been gradually conditioned for nearly sixty years now and those in future leadership are determined not to let their plans fail. This is one of the most important videos you will watch, please share with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2018. All rights reserved.