Tag Archives: conspiracy theories

Becoming Soldiers of the Cross

There is a spiritual battle raging for the hearts and minds of humanity. Are we going to sit on the sidelines and watch humanity being slaughtered by the powers of darkness or will we take the armor of God and learn how to be an effective soldier of the cross? You might be thinking, I am too weak from going through my own trials and tribulations to join the ranks of God’s army. You might think that evil has already won opting to wait upon Christ to deliver you from this increasingly powerful and dangerous world. You might think that you are completely ineffective to confront a world that is sinking deeper and deeper into their conspiracy theories, depression, and drug addiction. You might be thinking with the horrific division in the world caused by giving everyone a platform on social media that it’s nearly impossible to reach a consensus on how to stand against the enemy of our souls. With all these thoughts God’s beloved children will get on their knees before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords asking Him to build His true army of the Cross to stand against the powers of darkness that’s destroying the world. I am convinced through heart-felt surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ we will see the one true path forward for building an indestructible army of the Cross.

This one true path forward will shock most and cause many others to rebel against the clear teachings of God’s Holy Word. The first lesson is to learn that the devil has masqueraded himself as an angel of light (II Corinthians 11:14) to lead God’s precious children astray. We see this tremendously in today’s world where most of God’s children have joined the ranks of Satan believing that they are fighting against the powers of darkness. What if I told you both sides are evil, so evil, that the Catholic pope is telling his followers to vote for the lesser of two evils? I will take it a step further and ask why we should vote for any form of evil. Why should we join their ranks to fight against the other side? We need to have a completely different mindset by coming out from both sides and joining the Army of Light as soldiers of the Cross. Last week we wrote about our true defense by becoming a holy sanctuary, today we are writing about our true offense by becoming soldiers of the Cross. We will never defeat evil by joining the ranks of evil. Stop trusting in politics and their leaders to bring forth truth and righteousness, only God can do that through His army of light. So, how do we become true soldiers of the Cross?

Yes, you heard me right. We must move from a defensive posture to an offensive posture. This will be difficult for most, but not impossible by the grace of God. Before we move to an offensive position it’s absolutely imperative that we are a Holy Sanctuary for God through the Holy Spirit sitting on the throne in our hearts. We have the rules of engagement from God. We have both offensive and defensive weapons from God. We have all the Spiritual gifts from God to be used even in our day. We have God’s providence of opening and closing doors. We have the power of God to overcome every obstacle. We have the confidence of God. We will start with the rules of engagement. We will not follow the ways of the world that constantly finds fault in others, nor do we tear them down, or use vulgar language against them, which we see in every opposing political candidate. On the other hand, soldiers of the Cross will confront others with their sin but always in a way that leads them to a path of righteousness and an amazing joy in the Lord. We seek to discover their problems not to tear them down but to help them to overcome their problems with sound biblical counsel and a loving heart (Romans 15:14, Williams). We always speak words of exhortation, love, and encouragement.

As we put on the full armor of God, we immediately recognize both offensive and defensive weapons. Beginning with our defensive weapons we have the helmet of salvation always growing spiritually from one degree of glory to another, then we have our loins girded about with truth keeping us in God’s way as opposed to mankind’s way, which allows us to put on the breastplate of righteousness. With salvation, spiritual growth, and internalizing God’s truth, which allows us to put on the breastplate of righteousness, we will stand firm as God’s soldiers of the Cross. Now we come to the greatest defensive weapon, the shield of faith that quenches the fiery darts of the evil one. The powers of darkness are destroying humanity and the lukewarm church for their lack of faith. When fallen humanity stopped believing the truth that God has given us everything we need for life and godliness (II Peter 1:3), then they opened the door to psychology and the fiery darts of the wicked leading them into a life of bondage, endless counseling, and drug addiction. Until we have fully put on our defensive weapons of salvation, spiritual growth, biblical knowledge written on our hearts, and total faith in God, then the offensive weapons will be most difficult to use causing you to be less effective as a soldier of the Cross.

Now, we turn to the offensive weapons, the Gospel of peace, and the sword of the Spirit. The Gospel of peace does not storm capitals, or divide a nation with civil war, but it does break down the barrier that separates humanity from a loving God. The Gospel of Peace leads them out of bondage to the loving hands of Jesus Christ through repentance and death to self. Memorize the Gospel presentation below that leads to freedom and a new joyful life in Christ. Now, as God leads we take up the sword of the Spirit and brandish it against the evil one working in the souls of fallen humanity. The sword of the Spirit pulls on the Word of God written on your heart to counter every lie concocted by the devil. We wield the sword against every deception, every falsehood, and every scripture quoted out of context to prove a point or win an argument. With every Spiritual gift, we come against every virus, disease, sickness, and demonic possession. We are trusting in God’s providence to deliver everyone according to His divine will. We come against the outrageous lies of preachers, false prophets, and the political elite with all sufficient truth of God’s Holy word. Every time we wield the sword of the Spirit we wait for our all-powerful God to open and close doors. We never attempt to go through a closed door in our own power, but we wait for God to open the door. Many times we may need to simply shake the dust off our feet and move on.

Finally, we have the power and confidence in God to go where no man has gone before. As a soldier of the Cross, God will lead you to do things that you never thought possible. You will see miracles from entertaining angels unaware to seeing food multiplied on a barren table, and from casting out demons to witnessing people, that you have laid hands on, healed by the grace of God. You will see the darkest of sinners repent and grow into the most loving individuals. You will see people set free from the bondage of psychology and drug addiction, by overcoming their old problems and rejoicing in their new life in Christ. The greatest blessings are to see people participate in the divine nature, be filled with the Holy Spirit, and become effective soldiers of the Cross. This is all precipitated by God’s loving providence and through His magnificent power to overcome every obstacle. In the Spirit we see the doors opening for the next miracle of His grace. We feel His power radiate out from us to perform  His amazing miracle to the glory of God. In faith, we have a new sense of confidence never felt before, not in our ability but in God’s power. We can’t, but He can; and if we don’t, then He will. In conclusion, let me encourage you to connect with other soldiers of the Cross reaching out, together touching others, and changing the world for Christ. We are soldiers of the Cross walking in all of God’s blessings to the glory of God. Amen

The Gospel Presentation

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which explains the many difficulties that you are currently facing in your life. Well, I have good news, God has solved that problem by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin to show us the way to a beautiful new life in Christ. God has dealt with all of our sins past, present, and future by having His son pay the debt for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross in our stead by allowing all of the world’s sins to be placed upon Him as a sacrificial Lamb. As Christ hung on the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Him to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried for three days. On the third day, Christ arose from death to life everlasting. The good news is if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then we will be forgiven for all of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us into all truth helping us in the transformation process of putting off the old life, allowing the old sin nature to die with Christ, and then putting on our new life in Christ by being raised with Christ to everlasting life. You can accept Christ today by confessing your sins to Him through a simple prayer asking Him to forgive you and make you into a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have done that, then you have just begun the greatest journey of your life that leads to heaven and eternal life. Welcome to the Kingdom.

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

Humanity is Losing Its Mind

Why does it appear that humanity is losing its mind and ability to function? For those who have eyes to see, this is very scary. We have all seen the little signs with people repeating themselves or telling the same stories over and over again. We have seen seemingly intelligent people all of sudden act like little children. We have seen the confusion and the word salads from our leaders. Even more disturbing is the anger, the bashing of one another, and the outrageous lies. We have also seen people make terrible decisions often based on an immediate desire while ignoring its future impact. We have seen many so-called improvements or updates go from bad to worse leaving many scratching their heads. Anxiety and stress among the world’s population have increased dramatically with people doing the most insane things or withdrawing completely from society. The suicide rate has increased exponentially. As divisions among the population continue unabated it’s destroying the very fabric of society that binds us together. As humanity grows more godless it no longer questions the rising tide of gross immorality and the unbelievable lawlessness that has gripped the world. It’s like the entire world is sitting on a time bomb while most of humanity is completely oblivious to what’s happening.

As humanity lines up at the counselor’s office and everyone is pointing their fingers at global warming, the latest vaccines, the increasing number of fringe groups, or the other political side to explain what is happening in the world. Others blame the increase in immorality, the lack of religion, humanity’s captivity to technology, or Satan himself for causing all the problems. On the other hand, some are even blaming religion along with the many conspiracy theories for all the problems. Contrary to what is really causing the problem, it should make us all take pause. We should be greatly concerned about where humanity and the world are headed. Dear friends, we are all affected if we want to admit it or not. Humanity is on the brink of annihilation. Although we cannot change the eventual outcome, we can attempt to safeguard our sanity by making a more assertive effort to be in the center of God’s will. So, we must ask the question, what is God’s will for His children living in the Last Days? Although I think the first thing we need to stress is God sees what you are doing. You may fool some, but you will never fool God. He knows your every thought, your every search on the internet, your every view on YouTube, your every surf on social media, and your reading or watching of every news story. You may not be as excluded as you think you are. God knows.

Now, let’s answer the question. What is God’s will for His children living in the Last Days? God knows full well the power of Satan in the Last Days. God knows with every new technology humanity is brought deeper into captivity. This blinding captivity leads people to believe that they have more freedom, that they have more control, and that they are partners in building a brave new world. Of course, this is the greatest lie of the devil. Our captivity is destroying our capacity to interact with others. It is destroying our capacity to truly love others more than we love ourselves. This captivity is leading us down a very dark path that will destroy everything we hold dear. Yes, the love of many will grow cold, which is only the beginning of our horrific descent into oblivion. We only have one option. We must heed the voice from heaven instructing us to come out from among them. I have already written much on this topic but what I give you today will truly set a new path forward for God’s elect children on what to give up. We will identify each source or activity in the world that’s leading God’s children to sin. Once identified, then we must immediately separate ourselves by coming out from her, spiritual Babylon (Revelation 18:4-5).

The obvious areas that must be avoided, such as X-rated movies, bars, strip clubs, and pride marches won’t be mentioned. On the other hand, we will concern ourselves with the areas that are not that obvious and often embraced by God’s children causing them to stumble into sin. We know from the raising of our own children that bad behavior is taught through observation. As children, we often mimicked what we saw in our parents or observed in other children. As adults, we are still learning through observation. The bad behavior we observe in others will become a part of our thoughts and then our actions. We now live in a world where bad behavior is expressed openly on social media, News feeds, videos, and movies. We cannot escape the bashing of one another, the outrageous lies, the finding of fault with others, and the unwillingness to forgive and forget. The absolute hatefulness and foul language cannot be missed. We can only imagine what is happening with the little children that are much more susceptible. We must come out from among them now or be led into the same sins. Also, let me say briefly that we also live in a society with constant flashy advertisements leading people to buy what they don’t need and what they cannot afford. If we enter into debt to appease our desires, then we have followed them in their sins. Again, these flashy advertisements are everywhere from scrolling on social media to watching television or watching YouTube videos. We must come out from among them by stopping our scrolling and viewing.

The other sin that has been ingrained into all of society is tolerance for every form of evil and belief system, either humanistic, scientific, or religious. This tolerance has become so popular in democratic societies where everything will be accepted, and nothing will be challenged. Tolerance has become a code word for total acceptance of what they do in their perverted lifestyles or the acceptance of their scientific discoveries that disagree with God’s Holy Word. Perhaps this is one of the greatest dangers for God’s children to be constantly exposed to other belief systems that are diametrically opposed to God’s truth. These other belief systems are running rampant on social media, News media, videos, movies, and the internet. Yes, discernment is essential, but unfortunately, most of God’s children don’t have enough of His truth assimilated, nor have they matured enough in their faith through their transformation in Christ to even recognize the sin and reject it as a perversion or a lie of the devil. So, our only option is to come out from among them or be led into the same sins. Finally, let me say a brief word about psychology that’s also ingrained into every fabric of society teaching the world that they have discovered how to treat all of your emotional and psychological problems. Although these problems only skyrocketed after the world started turning away from God, they dismiss the fact that those in Christ are made into a new creation and have been given everything they need for life and godliness (II Peter 1:3-4). As believers in Christ, we don’t need their endless counseling and drug therapy. We must come out from among them now or be led into the same sins.

Finally, let me conclude by dealing with a very sensitive topic, politics. In a democratic society, politics is everything, because we are under the illusion that we can actually make major changes, where we can essentially make other people do things against their will and be happy about it. We are under the false premise that if we vote the right political party into office and change the laws to force people to abide by them, then we have the power to make our nation great again. This is all a deception by the powers of darkness. We have no power to make a brave new world through the political process. The only power given to us is to change the world one person at a time through the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. The political parties run by the powers of darkness cannot change the hearts and minds of humanity but only control them by the many things we have already discussed in this article. So, what is our motivation for coming out of spiritual Babylon? We are motivated because we are so appalled at how the world is sinking deeper into chaos and losing its mind. We are motivated knowing that we will no longer be in captivity and no longer following the sins of the world. We are motivated because we are growing up in Christ and no longer affected by the plagues falling upon unrepentant humanity. As the world groans in agony, because of her plagues, we have come out of spiritual Babylon boldly rejoicing in the Lord. Won’t you join me in coming out of spiritual Babylon today?

We will no longer surf the internet and social media platforms or observe godless behavior running rampant on the News media, YouTube, streaming videos, and movies.

We will no longer be partakers of their sins.

We will no longer be held captive to their technology.

We will concentrate on building face-to-face relationships by loving them more than we love ourselves.

We will strive to live in the center of God’s will every moment of every day.

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

Thus Saith The Lord

With all that’s happening in the world, no one says, “Thus saith the Lord.” We hear prophesies, we hear the Bible quoted out of context, we hear people’s comments, we hear conspiracy theories, we hear great speeches, and preachers exhorting the Word, but we don’t ever hear, “Thus saith the Lord.” Yet, the world belongs to God, He created it. So, let us have ears to hear what the Lord says about your little squabbles, your unsanctioned wars, your political maneuvering, and your lying news feeds. Let us listen to what God has to say while we still have time. Continue reading Thus Saith The Lord

Brown Shirts and Lukewarm Christianity

Historically speaking both terms, brown shirts and lukewarm Christianity, have been used to describe a very dark period in the past with an astonishing relevance for today. The last Church to be described in the Book of Revelation had a very unique problem. They were neither hot nor cold, so Jesus Christ described them as being lukewarm. These end-time Christians held tightly to their professed religious doctrines but at the same time embraced many of the teachings from the world, which took precedence. These worldly beliefs could easily sway their behavior towards immorality willing to strike out violently at anyone who would disagree. In their hearts, they believed that they were Christians following the chosen path but in their actions they believed that they were on a higher path toward bringing renewal to a world or country that had lost its way. The match that lit the fire was believing that they were the only ones who possessed the truth, believing that everyone else must be false prophets or working for the enemy. This attitude of always being correct, even with known conspiracy theories, not only divides a nation, but it sends a very sharp blade right down the very heart of Christianity. Continue reading Brown Shirts and Lukewarm Christianity

The Strength of Satan’s Hold

The strength of Satan’s hold on humanity, especially among young people is both terrifying and unimaginable. It is unimaginable because most cannot fathom it and it’s terrifying because it divides all of humanity. You might think that the most notable division is between the West and the East. Well, it goes much deeper than that, you truly have the Western world and the newly formed Eastern alliance, but the division we are looking for is those who follow Jesus Christ exclusively and those who are easily led astray by the political and religious powers of our day. Although these strong political powers are in league with religious groups to appear righteous, they primarily sway the masses through political persuasion. Their religious ploy is to make them appear righteous, which effectively covers up their extreme lawlessness in the eyes of their followers. Only Satan could wield such great power over the masses making them believe that they are following righteousness when all along they are following the powers of darkness and the soon-revealed Antichrist. This is the real division that is separating nations, churches, political parties, and families. This tragic separation will continue to the end bringing unbelievable heartache. Continue reading The Strength of Satan’s Hold