Tag Archives: change

Divergent Methodology for Change

We all know that the world is in a crisis. We have heard the drums of war leading to World War III. We have seen the many signs of a global catastrophe. We have witnessed the pandemics, the many natural disasters, and the horrific effects of regional wars. What’s on the horizon will traumatize us beyond belief if we don’t change. In America, we have two very different political parties vying for change, saying they can bring peace and prosperity to a beleaguered nation. Although they both have different methodologies for obtaining their goals, neither one can really change the hearts and minds of the population. Neither one can really bring forth peace and prosperity to a world in crisis. Although I personally lean towards the conservative position because I detest the brainwashing of our precious children along with their approval of godless depravity, I know they too will never completely change the hearts and minds of the population. The world will remain divided because of the democratic process to accept two divergent platforms. Although the Antichrist will force his will upon the entire world, he too will never change everyone. Even the threat of persecution or death will not change what has been deeply implanted on the souls of the population through many years of indoctrination from both parties. Continue reading Divergent Methodology for Change

The Final Word to Mankind (Video)

If you could write one more article, or make one last speech, or record one last video for mankind what would you say? More importantly, what would God want to say through you for all of mankind? What would be His final Word to mankind? I believe He would simply and very powerfully say, “you can’t do it.” What? You cannot really change mankind. After watching the video on my secure Website, please share with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2019. All rights reserved.

The Amazing Truth of What We Were Originally Created to Be (Video)

I firmly believe that we would need to be blind if we haven’t seen the great trouble humanity and the world is experiencing. We appear to be on the brink of imploding. That is, like the ancient Roman Empire, we will not be destroyed from the great forces from outside, but from within. The trajectory of humanity and the world will end in death and destruction, if we don’t return to what we were originally created to be. We need to return to the beginning to understand, the amazing truth of what we were originally created to be. Featuring two amazing vocalists Paula Disbrow and Vickie Truett along with much more to the glory of God. After watching the video please please share with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2018. All rights reserved.


Resist the Lies of The Devil by Walking in The Promises (Video)

The lies of the devil have caused most of the problems in our world today. It’s not just the lies, but the fact that so many of the world’s population actually believe the lies. Have you ever wondered why there is such an increase in emotional and psychological problems? … Have you ever wondered why there is such an increase in drug addiction? … Psychological problems, drug addiction and suicide are caused primarily from listening to the lies of the devil. So, follow me along to discover how to “Resist the lies of the devil by walking in the promises.” After watching this video please share with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2018. All rights reserved.

The Silent Majority Needs to Stop Being Silent (Video)

For years we have heard about the silent majority and I have wondered as of late why must they remain silent. It’s reported that President Nixon first used the term back in the sixties. Then another popular term arose ten years later called the moral majority, which I might add, has also remained silent. On the other hand, it is the fringe groups of heathenisms that we hear the most about, leading many to think that they are the majority. Well, they are not! So, it’s past time! The silent majority needs to stop being silent. A very wise person once said, “It’s far easier to kill a terrorist than to slay an ideology …”. What we are fighting and need to raise our voice about is education, because an ideology is built and maintained with education. This has been proved time and again …

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2018. All rights reserved.