Tag Archives: captivity

Humanity is Losing Its Mind

Why does it appear that humanity is losing its mind and ability to function? For those who have eyes to see, this is very scary. We have all seen the little signs with people repeating themselves or telling the same stories over and over again. We have seen seemingly intelligent people all of sudden act like little children. We have seen the confusion and the word salads from our leaders. Even more disturbing is the anger, the bashing of one another, and the outrageous lies. We have also seen people make terrible decisions often based on an immediate desire while ignoring its future impact. We have seen many so-called improvements or updates go from bad to worse leaving many scratching their heads. Anxiety and stress among the world’s population have increased dramatically with people doing the most insane things or withdrawing completely from society. The suicide rate has increased exponentially. As divisions among the population continue unabated it’s destroying the very fabric of society that binds us together. As humanity grows more godless it no longer questions the rising tide of gross immorality and the unbelievable lawlessness that has gripped the world. It’s like the entire world is sitting on a time bomb while most of humanity is completely oblivious to what’s happening. Continue reading Humanity is Losing Its Mind

God Speaks to the Islamic Nations

What you are seeking to do is very dangerous for your people. Come against my people, the Nation of Israel will see you burying your people for months to come. I have given Israel all the land from the sea to the river not for what they have done but for who they are. I have chosen the people of Israel and delivered them out of captivity to give them a land flowing with milk and honey. I know that they have been a wayward people that I have had to rebuke many times over the years, delivering them from captivity on two separate occasions and delivering them from planned annihilation at the hands of Hitler. I have brought them back into their own land to live peacefully with all those who have taken up residence in the land. Although I am very disappointed that they rejected my only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, I have not given up on them for their capital city of Jerusalem will one day be in heaven and will come down to the new heavens and the new earth. There will come a day soon when all of Israel will be saved. This will be a glorious day indeed surpassing any day in the past. So, I am giving you one last warning, to the Islamic people, do not come against my people Israel or you and your clans will pay dearly. All those who stand with you will fall with you and great will be that fall. Thus saith the Lord God of Israel.

Received by Rev. Daniel W. Blair, He Reigns Christian Ministries, August 5, 2024

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

God Explains the Seven Thunders

We have asked God to explain the seven thunders in the book of Revelation, which would have been completely foreign to those who first received it. They were so foreign that they were not explained at the time. John was immediately stopped from writing down their explanation any further but was told to eat the little book that had at least a partial explanation. Although there was enough of the explanation, as we shall see, that the little book tasted sweet like honey when he first started eating the little book but then later as the little book was digested it became very bitter in his belly (Revelation 10:1-11). This sheds quite a bit of light on the explanation as we shall see. What was John writing down in the little book? It was the explanation of the seven thunders he heard from the angel. If we put this into context with the rest of the book of Revelation it would appear to be more of God’s judgments being poured out on an unrepentant world. We had seen the seven seals, the seven trumpets with the two woes, then after this seemingly long interlude, we have these seven thunders, which will enter into the last seven bowls of God’s wrath. Continue reading God Explains the Seven Thunders

Are You Being Controlled Psychologically

This is a most difficult question to answer because most will never know that they are being controlled psychologically. This control always begins with captivity and captivity begins with addiction. So, to understand this process that leads to being psychologically controlled, we must understand the methods used to lead you to the first steps of addiction. How are people addicted? Simply put it begins with your innermost desires. In the beginning, our Creator instilled a desire into our DNA that would not lead to captivity but would lead us to true freedom. On the other hand, Satan introduced new desires through his lying deception telling us that we could be like God knowing both good and evil. This evil became the dominant desire leading to the fall affecting all of humanity. This dominant desire remains today even among those who claim to know Christ as their savior, which is realized through the great falling away. Yes, Satan and his powers of darkness are tapping into these evil desires to lead all of humanity into captivity by ultimately rejecting God as their Creator. As we shall see these evil desires are deep within humanity, often suppressed or completely ignored because of some previous religious upbringing. What we shall see is technology can reach deep within humanity to access these innermost desires. Continue reading Are You Being Controlled Psychologically

The Two Witnesses in Revelation (Video)

Most Christians are familiar with the two witnesses in the book of Revelation, even though they may prove to be an enigma. To help us understand their witness we need to listen to the angel that opened their eyes to the problem that will face the Church in each age from the First Century until now. The angel accomplished this by having the two witnesses do a couple of amazing things before they were allowed to witness. After watching this powerful video on my secure website, please share it with others

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2022. All rights reserved.