Tag Archives: Bible

Thus Saith The Lord

With all that’s happening in the world, no one says, “Thus saith the Lord.” We hear prophesies, we hear the Bible quoted out of context, we hear people’s comments, we hear conspiracy theories, we hear great speeches, and preachers exhorting the Word, but we don’t ever hear, “Thus saith the Lord.” Yet, the world belongs to God, He created it. So, let us have ears to hear what the Lord says about your little squabbles, your unsanctioned wars, your political maneuvering, and your lying news feeds. Let us listen to what God has to say while we still have time. Continue reading Thus Saith The Lord

Our Goal, Transformation in Christ

Yes, transformation in Christ is a reality. You have come out of the world, which has given you an amazing amount of free time. Free at last! You have gloriously redeemed the time (Colossians 4:5). You have redeemed the time by no longer being tutored by the world through all their technologies. Now, let me invite you to join me in an awe-inspiring journey that will joyfully experience your miraculous transformation in Christ. It starts with the mind, the marvelous mind created by God. A mind exquisitely designed for all of humanity created in the image of an omniscient God. The Bible says, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Romans 12:2). If you have read my previous article and have already started coming out of the world, then you have taken the first step. You forcefully stopped Satan from conforming your mind to the ways of the world by constantly filling your mind with useless and contradictory thoughts. But this is only the first step in the journey, many don’t make it this far or immediately reverse course returning to the ways of the fallen world. Continue reading Our Goal, Transformation in Christ

This May Be Your Last Opportunity

This may be your last opportunity to secure my most relevant articles for the past three years, which I have put into a book and no longer exists on my website. Although this was a great deal of work, it was well worth the effort if it truly helps God’s children to face the very difficult days ahead, for all of us, and the most devastating times for our only home, planet Earth. These articles from my new book, “Annals of Prophetic Writings,” will help you stand firm when the world falls apart. These articles will help you to identify the coming Antichrist to enslave all of humanity. They will keep you on the narrow path when false prophets abound. These articles will also help you with the transformation process believing that God has truly given us everything we need for life and godliness. Furthermore, these articles will articulate the things to come and those things that are happening now. Dear children, a time is coming quickly when all social media and news platforms will be united as one to control the masses. Don’t let Satan and his Antichrist replace all the physical books, historical writings, and the anointed Bible with technology that can easily be changed or rewritten. Hold tightly to what’s been passed onto you from previous generations of saints who have walked close to their Savior every moment of every day. All physical books proclaiming the truth will be banned or burned. Start collecting your books today to be passed on to your children and grandchildren before it’s too late. My new book, “Annals of Prophetic Writings,” along with the rest are deeply discounted to put them into the hands of all God’s children before it’s too late. Visit our online bookstore today while books remain. https://www.danielsblog.org/bookstore/

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

Discovering Our True Legacy

I am getting much older now, so discovering my true legacy to pass on to my children and their descendants has been uppermost in my mind. A legacy is what you leave behind, something significant with a profound meaning, that will always be remembered. I could pass on my many books, jewelry, along with other prized possessions, but I have discovered that is not my true legacy that will be remembered for the rest of their lives. I have discovered my true legacy is to pass on what I know about God. I can remember a time in my life when I had no desire to hear the Christian Gospel. In fact, I would run from Christians and anyone else who attempted to talk to me about Christ. I had an unbelievable fear at the time that was not fully understood until much later. Simply put, I discovered from reading the Bible that “… everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed” (John 3:20, ESV). Well, honestly speaking, that was me at the time. Although it was difficult for me at the time to give up some of my favorite sins, it has been the most amazing journey of discovering my true legacy. A legacy I feel compelled to pass on to all of my family and friends. Continue reading Discovering Our True Legacy

Pressing On Toward The Goal

Pressing on toward the goal is beyond difficult when your whole world has been turned upside down. Even in the worst of tragedies, there was a semblance of normality when hope remained for completing the course. There was hope when there remained true companions on the course participating in the struggle of pressing on toward the goal. However, when the hope diminished by an unrecoverable loss, then the goal faded in the distance. When the goal fades along with the hope of reaching it, then new struggles emerge cutting deep within the heart. How does one recover the hope of their calling? How can a new goal be established that resurrects a world that has been completely turned upside down? There are solid answers to both these questions that have penetrated deep within my heart by the Holy Spirit, our true Comforter in times of pain and great loss. The loss was the unrecoverable loss of my sweet wife, Robin, who struggled for fifteen years with Alzheimer’s disease. This is a horrific disease that takes a person slowly, one piece at a time, over the course of many years. Through each step, the caregiver is also sorely affected pressing us to me more for their continued happiness and self-worth. Continue reading Pressing On Toward The Goal