The inability to hear God is rather unsettling for those who claim to be believers and especially during a day when things just don’t seem to be working out as they had planned. It’s quite disturbing when everyone seems to have a different message from God concerning what’s happening to the world and more specifically what’s happening to humanity. Many are crying out, “Why can’t I hear God?” After watching the video on my secure website, please share it with others.
In today’s world, we have a new medium, no doubt designed by Satan himself, to hold the entire population’s thoughts captive to him. Each medium is saying come over here and follow me, from the professors of higher education to the news media, to Hollywood’s avalanche of movies, and to the algorithm of Social Media. We will examine how each of these mediums are holding your mind captive and how Jesus Christ’s call to follow Him exclusively will set you free to explore the endless possibilities of what your mind is capable of and the great joy of participating in His Kingdom work. Don’t miss the three amazing vocalists that will give you application to the truth in the video. After watching the video on my secure website, please share with others.
As we approach the end, we need to know, which truths we are willing to be persecuted for, even to death if necessary. We cannot wait until it happens before we decide. Let’s be clear, your persecutors will typically give you an opportunity to recant of your strongly held beliefs and accept their false religion or heretical beliefs. If you refuse to recant then you will be hated, shunned, or persecuted. We must prepare now … After watching the video on my secure website, please share with others.
So, how can we, “Learn the path to perfection in a world full of hate.” I believe there is a great desire to be perfect. We have always wanted the perfect haircut, the perfect set of clothes or the perfect marriage. It is in our human nature to want perfection. Yet, it’s a proven fact that very few find it and now we live in a day where most no longer desire it. Many, on the other hand, desires selfish power and control over others which has turned them into very hateful people. In a world full of bullies, antagonists and mean-spirited people there is no wonder that the world is so divided. Stay tuned for three amazing vocalists putting feet to our message. After watching the video please share with others.
As we fast approach the end of days, we have seen an increase in demonic activity, psychological problems, and increasing pressure from the religious establishment to accept other belief systems in the name of tolerance. This ready resource will equip the end time saint to stand against the whiles of the devil and how to remain faithful to Jesus. Stand Firm by Rev. Daniel W. Blair is a beautiful hardcover edition with group study questions and prayers at the end of each chapter. Please consider ordering the book today, please click here.