Tag Archives: AI

A Blessing to Flee Bondage Now

In the Last Days following the Shepherd of our souls has become increasingly difficult for most people who call upon the Name of Jesus Christ. The Good Shepherd has been leading His children, for some time now, to come out from the world and be separate (Revelation 18:4-5). Unbeknown to most, the closer we get to the End the more difficult it has become. Regrettably, this difficulty has not only left His people in bondage to the world, but it has also caused them to miss the greatest blessings beyond imagination. First, we will examine the difficulty of coming out from the world and the extent of the bondage that will ultimately lead to destruction. Then, secondly, we will discuss the great blessings of taking the first steps in resisting the world and coming out of bondage. The further you come out of the world, the more you will experience blessings beyond imagination as you follow only the Good Shepherd of your soul, Jesus Christ. Dear children, I pray that you will join me on this journey that will open your eyes to a bondage you never knew existed until you are set free. Be free at last to enjoy blessings beyond measure! Continue reading A Blessing to Flee Bondage Now

What is Causing the Chaos? (Video)

We spoke briefly about the chaos affecting humanity on my latest News Brief, today we will look at what’s causing it to become the worse thing to ever fall upon humanity. Chaos engenders an image of things totally out of control, where stark raving madness and the walking dead barely scratch the surface of uncovering the complete picture. After watching this powerful video on my secure website, please share it with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2021. All rights reserved.

What is Causing the Unimaginable Chaos? (Video)

We spoke briefly about the chaos affecting humanity on my latest News Brief, today we will look at what’s causing it to become the worse thing to ever fall upon humanity. Chaos engenders an image of things totally out of control, where stark raving madness and the walking dead barely scratch the surface of uncovering the complete picture. After watching this powerful video on my secure website, please share it with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2021. All rights reserved.

The Prophecy (Video)

Why does anyone reject a true prophet? Why would anyone reject, “The Prophecy.” Clearly, prophecies tend to dash people’s hope. Although I may proclaim loudly it doesn’t need to do that, for most it will. Hope is a very powerful tool in the hands of those who wish to shape the destiny of a nation. It’s very powerful when people want something different than what they had before. After watching this video please share with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2018. All rights reserved.