Historically speaking both terms, brown shirts and lukewarm Christianity, have been used to describe a very dark period in the past with an astonishing relevance for today. The last Church to be described in the Book of Revelation had a very unique problem. They were neither hot nor cold, so Jesus Christ described them as being lukewarm. These end-time Christians held tightly to their professed religious doctrines but at the same time embraced many of the teachings from the world, which took precedence. These worldly beliefs could easily sway their behavior towards immorality willing to strike out violently at anyone who would disagree. In their hearts, they believed that they were Christians following the chosen path but in their actions they believed that they were on a higher path toward bringing renewal to a world or country that had lost its way. The match that lit the fire was believing that they were the only ones who possessed the truth, believing that everyone else must be false prophets or working for the enemy. This attitude of always being correct, even with known conspiracy theories, not only divides a nation, but it sends a very sharp blade right down the very heart of Christianity. Continue reading Brown Shirts and Lukewarm Christianity
Tag Archives: Adolf Hitler
The Slippery Slope of Deception
People are deceived when they think they have a new truth that no one else has, a truth, beyond scripture and the words of God. It typically starts with conspiracy theories, theories that cannot be proved. Although conspiracy theories may appear to be logical and easily accepted by those who distrust the establishment or the other political party, they will never be accepted as truth by those who have come out from among them and remain separate. Once you lose the anchor of God’s holy word and the indwelling Spirit you become open for every deception of the devil, his antichrist, and the false prophet. It becomes a very slippery slope moving you further away from God and His unchanging truth. The further you move away, the more the commands of God get lost in the rear-view mirror. What makes deception even more difficult in today’s world is everyone claims to have their own corner on the truth bringing great confusion among the people. This so-called truth is cemented in their social media echo chamber causing greater division among the population and driving them further away from God’s unchanging truth. When this happens everything seems more plausible opening the door to deception and every conspiracy theory. Continue reading The Slippery Slope of Deception
Are You Prepared for the Antichrist
There are many Antichrist types in the world today, however, the last dreaded Antichrist sent by Satan and the powers of darkness has not yet been publicly revealed (I John 2:18). We will discuss some of the major characteristics of the Antichrist. More importantly, we will help God’s children to prepare for his coming. We will not encourage them to start pointing fingers at potential candidates. This is very important because if we all did this it would lead to hysteria and a global panic. I am confident that when the last Antichrist arrives on the scene God’s faithful remnant will know. It will not be a matter of public debate or open discourse. On the other hand, God’s faithful remnant will spend their time making last-minute preparations for themselves and their families. Before we begin our discussion let me be very clear about what the Bible says, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (II Thessalonians 2:3). There are two very important points: we will be here when the Antichrist arrives, if we are still alive, and secondly, there will be a great falling away from the true faith. Continue reading Are You Prepared for the Antichrist