We are thankful for all that has come from the hand of God! We are so thankful that for the first 1,500 years of Church history there was little question or disagreement about the prophetic teachings concerning the things to come in the Last Days. Every successive generation believed that they were living in the Last Days and were mostly convinced that they all needed to go through the Great Tribulation to prepare the Church to be the blameless Bride of Christ. They gladly embraced the worst trials and tribulations imaginable with severe persecutions from facing the lions to being burnt at the stake, and to excruciating torture. After watching this eye-opening prophecy on my secure website, please share it with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.
AWESOME show Reverend Blair! Cindi Tilkens Jennings, Thank you for sharing your BEAUTIFUL song “Heal Our Land”. YES! God wants people to REPENT of their MANY sins. THEN and ONLY then will He HEAL our land. (II Chronicles 7:14). Thank you Reverend Blair for making the video for my song “The End Times Song”. You did an AMAZING job! May this show and all Tribulation Radio Shows ENCOURAGE Christians to STAND FIRM, ALWAYS GLORIFYING THE LORD!
Thank you Paula for highlighting the importance of the vocalists on all the Tribulation Radio Shows that always gives honor and praise to our Mighty God and application to His message for the Church.