It’s breaking my heart that God’s people are being manipulated. Satan has not only led God’s children into deception and error he is also now manipulating them to fight a war that they cannot win, which will drive fear into their hearts. I have always been amazed by the ebb and flow of history. For every action there is a reaction. After watching the video on my secure website, please share with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2018. All rights reserved.
Show gave me shivers! A SERIOUS, TRUE, POWERFUL, BEAUTIFUL show! Cindy Tilkens Jennings and Ed Hollyfield, I LOVE your SPIRIT FILLED music! SO STRENGTHENING! SO ENCOURAGING! PRAISE GOD Reverend Daniel Blair for the HOLY SPIRIT working through you putting this show (and it’s accompanying article) together VERY FAST, yet… VERY WELL DONE! So led by the HOLY SPIRIT to do this for the Faithful Remnant you were, for we know TIME IS SHORT until persecution comes! God help us stand firm!
Thank you my dear sister in the Lord for your wonderful comment about the Show. I would like to encourage everyone to also listen to the two beautiful music videos on the Show sung by Paula Disbrow. May God receive all the glory for this Tribulation Radio Show.
Amen Reverend Daniel Blair! MAY GOD GET ALL THE GLORY ALWAYS!
You’re very welcome Reverend Daniel Blair. The 2 videos on the show are ones you made BY THE GRACE OF GOD and FOR HIS GLORY! They are truly heart touching, moving, powerful, and beautiful with the pictures GOD led you to choose to go with the songs HE gave me. Thank you for making the videos to ENCOURAGE and STRENGTHEN people in the LORD to stand firm IN HIM. Thank you for your faithfulness and dedication to GOD that you would use the music GOD has given me to make videos that GLORIFY GOD and point people to HIM.
Amen my dear sister in the Lord Paula Disbrow, as you always say, “All Glory to God!”