False Hope Will Not Stop the End

False Hope Will Not Stop the End (Video)

The greatest lie of Satan is giving fallen humanity false hope. He has been doing that since the beginning by causing us to question God. We can hear his voice down through the ages, “Did God really say?” And we hear it loud and clear today. Both the right and the left are giving this country false hope. The left is saying we can save the planet by reducing fossil fuels or doing without them completely. After watching the video on my secure website, please share with others.

This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2019. All rights reserved.

3 thoughts on “False Hope Will Not Stop the End (Video)”

  1. You are so very welcome Reverend Blair. It is a JOY and HONOR to be a part of your GOD GIVEN, POWERFUL End-Time Ministry. God bless you always too.

  2. Cindi Tilkens Jennings! Your song (Unless the Lord Builds the House) and your voice are both BEAUTIFUL! Reverend Daniel Blair your message is GREAT and VERY POWERFUL as usual! GLORY TO GOD ALWAYS for this WONDERFUL show!

    1. Thank you, Paula Disbrow, for your kind words of encouragement. I am in total agreement about Cindy Tilkens Jennings as I stated in the video. I pray that everyone will be blessed by listening to the full length of your most amazing song entitled, “The End Times Song.” Thank you for being a part of our End-Time Ministry, God bless you.

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