Listed below is today’s Prayer by Rev. Daniel W. Blair. This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved. You also have an opportunity to receive these prayers into your inbox by filling out the form below “Subscribe to Morning Prayers.”
Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 9/11/2024
Subject: “Remembering 911”
Good morning Heavenly Father. Well, it’s been exactly twenty-three years since what has come to be known as 911, one of our country’s greatest emergencies. The nation was shocked but suddenly the church buildings were full of frightened people reaching out to you, Oh Lord, for your grace and mercy. As the nation drifted back into lukewarmness, trials and tribulations have not stopped to try the faith of your people. In comparison to 911, it was just a dress rehearsal. Our country is under siege. The West coast is engulfed in raging fires, the central part lies in imminent danger of a supervolcano, while the eastern seaboard is in constant danger of another powerful hurricane. So, we cry out to you, Oh Lord, praying that these present and coming trials, that include the latest pandemic, will bring true conviction upon the hearts and minds of your beloved children to repent of their trespasses, die to self, and live wholly for you. When trials come, we pray that they will only seek your counsel. Let them see the crown of life through their tested faith and godly perseverance. We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
“Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him” (James 1:12).
Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 9/10/2024
Subject: “Awaken the Lukewarm Church, Oh Lord”
Good morning Heavenly Father. We pray, Oh Lord, that you open the eyes of the lukewarm church who has been blinded by the world. They are happy that their pews are occupied, and their coffers are full but don’t realize that most of their members are carnal. Because of their carnal mind, they are unable to keep the law of God and need constant counseling schooled by the methods of psychology. Open their eyes to see that their inability to keep the law of God is because their members have not completely surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Help them to see that when they truly die to self, allowing Christ to make them into a new creation then it gives them both the desire and the ability to obey the law of God. True believers in Christ may need an occasional exhortation, encouragement, admonishment, or a loving rebuke, but we, Oh Lord, know that they don’t need constant, non-ending counseling allowing them to remain as little more than babies in Christ or of a carnal mind, which is an enmity to God. We pray that you awaken the lukewarm church. We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Romans 8:7).
Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 9/9/2024
Subject: “We Have A Living Hope”
Good morning Heavenly Father. Thank you, Lord, for giving us the assurance of our salvation in your anointed Word, the Bible. Not only did you give us assurance, but you have shown us what the new life in Christ looks like and specifically how it changes our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Seeing this change in our lives gives us real hope, not the false hope peddled by the lukewarm church that needs continued counseling for its members. Thank you, Lord, for showing us it’s not the counseling methods or man’s laws or doctrines that have changed us, but it’s entirely by our faith in Jesus Christ. We believe that you alone made us into a new creation. We trust you, Oh Lord to grow us from one degree of glory to another through the indwelling Spirit. We praise you Lord for putting a tremendous desire within each of our hearts that wants to follow you alone and keep all your blessed commands. Thank you, Lord, for your abiding love. As we see and experience the changes in our lives, we have hope of being your Holy Sanctuary, we have real hope of eternal life. We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
“These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God” (I John 5:13).
Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 9/7/2024
Subject: “Stand Fast in the Lord”
Good Morning Heavenly Father. Help us, Oh Lord, to come quietly before you casting out all old memories and all the worries that are plaguing fallen humanity. Help us not to have a talkative spirit but to embrace the tranquility of silence and solitude. Please, Oh Lord, open our minds to think your thoughts after you, so that we look beyond the veil and see how you are magnificently holding everything, in all of creation, together. Oh what joy it is to feel your presence leading us and directing us to fit uniquely in the Body of Christ not through our own wisdom or initiative but through your gracious favor allowing us to become all that we were created to be. We are deeply saddened that many people are trapped in a cycle of drug addiction, horrible memories, and constant fear of being used. Deliver them, Oh Lord, by casting all of their trust and faith in you alone which will open a window to a world of absolute joy and bliss. We pray that all of your beloved children will come together in unity of spirit and no longer be cast about by the ways of the fallen world. We humbly pray this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
“Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved” (Philippians 4:1).
Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 9/6/2024
Subject: “We Prove Our Love for You, Oh Lord”
Good morning Heavenly Father. Thank you, Father, for showing us through your learned Apostle how we can prove our love for you. Unfortunately, many of your beloved children these days claim to love you, the most-high invisible God but hate their brother for whom they have seen. We thank you, Lord, for making it also clear in the second greatest commandment to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Lead us to have true selfless, compassionate, and merciful love to both our neighbor and our brother in the Lord as our proof of our love for you. Then you said, Oh Lord, that we must also love our enemies. So, we must love everyone to prove our love for you and aim for perfection. We pray that you will help us to always look beyond their flaws, their bad behavior, and even their incapacity or unwillingness to love us back, as we have loved them. Let us be satisfied that our love will flow through them and back to you, our mighty God. The more we love others, the more we feel your love for us. Hallelujah! We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
“If a man says, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen (I John 4:20)?”
Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 9/5/2024
Subject: “Thy Will Be Done”
Good morning Heavenly Father. Our life is an open book that’s written on by your hand, the hand of God, to do with as you please. We pray that this will always be true not only for us but for all your beloved children. We are confident that when we allow you to lead us, we can and have brought about positive change along with great improvement to the world. Historical research will prove that the Church, your people, has championed Christian upbringing, obedience to all of your commands, and following the direction of the Holy Spirit to improve humanity. On the other hand, we have seen great harm caused by fallen humanity creating humanism, secularism, psychology, along with tolerance for other religions, and the many perversions of our day. Help us, Oh Lord to be a positive and powerful influence upon the world by allowing you alone to direct our path. We feel that our world is on the brink, at the crossroads, of following paganism and the destruction of humanity. We always pray, “that your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Help us, Oh Lord to always work to that glorious end. We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:9-10).
Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 9/4/2024
Subject: “The Corruption of Evil Communications”
Good morning Heavenly Father. We come humbly before you today with inquiring minds seeking to understand the downfall of our country and the world. How could some among us not see this great fall and rebuke publicly those who wish to restore her greatness? Admittedly those wishing to do so may not have the righteousness of a nation in mind. We pray, Oh Lord that you will open the eyes of all your beloved children to see the tragic downfall of righteousness and its cause. With the fascination of movies, social media, YouTube videos, and technology we have unknowingly opened Pandora’s Box by becoming bed partners with every form of evil imaginable. It did not take long, Oh Lord for a whole nation to become corrupt justifying their bad behavior and eventually rejecting you as their God. We pray that you give your children great strength to come out from among them by rejecting these forms of entertainment that have also morphed into short clips of evil on our newsfeeds and timelines. Lead us to withdraw from every form of evil and return to being holy and righteous people who are called by your Name. We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
“Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners” (I Corinthians 15:33).
Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 9/3/2024
Subject: “Work Out Your Own Salvation”
Good morning Heavenly Father. Forgive us Father when we stray from the path of growing up in Christ. Yes, you have taught us that our spiritual growth must happen every hour of every day. No matter what we are doing we must not forget that we belong to you and that obedience is required for our spiritual growth. The more we read the Bible, the more you write your laws upon our hearts through the indwelling Spirit. Help us, Oh Lord to never be satisfied with a stagnant level of spirituality but to continue our struggles of putting off the old life and putting on the new life in Christ. Although these are great struggles at times, we are confident of our success because you are working in us to will and to act according to your good purpose. Although some theology may appear difficult in the beginning to understand, we are confident that you help us to work it out, using it for our benefit. Thank you for giving us everything we need to work out our own salvation, even in the midst of our greatest trials. We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
“Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:12-13).
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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.
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It is so heartbreaking to see all the evil around us. So sad!! But God promised to watch over His children til Jesus comes and take us home. I pray everyday for God’s divine protection over all of us and our families. Thank you Brother for sharing your prayers. God bless you.
Thank you my dear friend, Sheryl, for your loving encouragement and prayers for all of God’s precious children. God bless you too.
Thank you Brother Daniel for sharing this powerful prayer of standing firm. God bless you always.
Lord, Empower us to stand firm and stay strong in our walk with You in Jesus’ name. Amen
Thank you my dear friend for your love and encouragement as we stand firm together. God bless you Sheryl.
Much love dear brother, WOW we are close to His return. Standing in agreement with you in prayer. Ps.1
Thank you Sylvia for your loving comment and agreement in prayer. God bless you and have a wonderful day.
thank you Daniel for never wavering from the truth. from God’s warnings to us all. you always bring light to this darkness. Deb and I so love and appreciate your love and persistent strength for spreading his great love and truth for us. may you be safe.healthy. we love you. eyes and ears wide open.
Hello Gil & Debbie for your wonderful uplifting and encouraging comment. God bless you both.
Thank you Reverend Blair for making the video for my song
“You Are Beautiful in Jesus”, and using it for your March 13th, 2023 Devotion. May our video ENCOURAGE Christians to ALWAYS STAND FIRM, ALWAYS GLORIFYING THE LORD!
You are most welcome, Paula, my dear sister. It was a joy in the Lord to make all of your beautiful music videos that reside on my website. I believe that all of your beautiful music video greatly encourage the flock. God bless you.
It’s wonderful 😊 to receive a godly uplifting special message. That comes from your heart with the truth of the Gospel. Amen 🙏
Thank you, Grace, my dear sweet kindred spirit. God bless you for your wonderful encouragement.
Thank you Reverend Blair for making the video for my song Cover My Life With Your Love, and using it for your March 10th, 2023 Devotion. May our video ENCOURAGE Christians to ALWAYS STAND FIRM, ALWAYS GLORIFYING THE LORD!
You are most welcome, Paula, my dear sister, for all that you do for the ministry. Your whole family has been a blessing to the ministry through your love and support. I especially love your singing on my morning devotions. God bless you.
Reverend Blair, your daily devotions ALWAYS ENCOURAGE me in the Lord and are such a GREAT COMFORT and STRENGTH to my soul! Thank you for your ministry! God bless you always!
Thank you my dear sister, Paula, I feel the same way about your singing on Tribulation Radio. God bless you my friend.
What a powerful prayer! We all need to open our eyes. We need to stand firm and stay strong in our walk with the Lord every day. Yes the struggle is real but God is bigger and greater than our struggle. Thank you for sharing your heart. God bless you Pastor Daniel.
Thank you my dear friend and precious sister in the Lord for your comment and the knowledge that you are praying my prayers with mw to the glory of God. God bless you Sheryl.
LORD you are worthy to be praised! Even when it may feel like we are being pressed down and shaken by what we see and are going through. But LORD your word says many are the afflictions of the righteous but You deliver us from all of them. Lord I lift up our brethren that may be afflicted by illness or challenges may You heal where needed and May you make a way of escape. In Jesus mighty name. Amen
Thank you my dear sister, Elda, for your beautiful prayer for all those who are afflicted by illnesses and challenges. The Scripture that comes to mind says, “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). Yes, Lord Jesus, glorify your Name though us in the midst of our sufferings. May God be praised.
Pray for us in Kenya
Yes, we have many others that we also pray for in Kenya. May you stay blessed trusting in God alone to provide all that you need.
Thank you for your beautiful prayer. Thank you for your friendship. I pray you are doing well and in good health. God bless you.
Good morning Sheryl, yes I am doing well and so far in good health, praise God. All the prayers and my writings come directly from our Lord, so we will give Him all the glory. I pray my dear friend that you and your boys are also in good health and drawing ever closer to our risen Lord. God bless you too Sheryl.
Hello my dear friend,
Thank you for the powerful prayer on More than Conquerors and Have no fellowship with the darkness. This touched my heart. All is well with my soul and I pray all is well with you and your family. You are always in my prayers. Thank you and God bless you.
Wow! So, nice to hear from you my friend. Thank you so much for your sweet comment and especially for your prayers. I praise the Lord that it is well with your soul and I hope and pray that your family is doing well too. We are ok, taking one day at a time trusting in God’s loving providence. God bless you too, my dear friend, Sheryl.
Amen! Lord help us not to fall and be loyal to you as you are so faithful to us! Lord guide us, speak to us, and as many of us are willing to be your hands and feet protect us. Send your heavenly host of angels to surround us. Lord, we need your mighty strength daily! Thank you, Rev. Daniel Blair, for your prayer to our Precious Father!
Thank you Elda for your precious comment. God bless you my dear sister in the Lord.
Amen! Help us Lord to love all especially when we are treated unjustly we can only do it through your strength and love. In Jesus ñame blessing Rev!
Amen my dear sister, only through the strength of our Lord Jesus Christ is it really possible to love those who have treated us unjustly. God bless you too Elda.
Thank you Pastor Daniel for all your prayers. The Coming of the Day of God is so powerful! The battle seems to be so real lately. I’m hanging in there trusting God to get me through it. Please keep me in your prayers. I need prayer of empower to stand strong in my walk with the Lord. I pray all is well with you and your family. May God bless you and be with you.
Thank you Sheryl for your comment about my morning prayers. I am so thankful to hear that you are hanging in there and trusting God.Yes, I have already started praying for you to stand firm in the coming days. We most definitely need one another as we draw closer to the end. Also, thank you so much for your prayers for me and my family. May our God graciously bless you too. Finally, for your private concerns I am sending you a direct email.
Praise the Lord! Lord we thank You for your mercies are new every morning! May we always walk in humility in fear of You by reverence. God bless you Rev.
Thank you dear sister Elda for your comment. God bless you too
Good Evening Pastor Daniel,
Thank you for sharing your messages of “Restore Others” and “Redeem the Time”… Both prayers are so powerful and it is a wake up call for all of us to get our hearts right with God. Thank you for being obedient to God and being faithful to the Lord in all you do to minister to us through your prayers. God bless you my dear friend!
Good Evening Sheryl, It is great to see you here making a comment on my website. It brings great encouragement to my heart that my public prayers are blesssing my dear friends in Christ. You too have been missed, so it is nice to hear from you. God bless you too, my dear friend.
A GREAT prayer and Scripture INDEED, to GUIDE us on how NOT to be derailed, but to KEEP JESUS ON HIS THRONE of our heart, so HE KEEPS HIS RIGHTFUL PLACE there at the CENTER of our life, where EVERY thought and action GLORIFIES HIM when HE is LORD of our life! PRAISE GOD ALWAYS!
Thank you my dear sister, Paula Disbrow, for your beautiful encouraging words. Yes, we both say all glory to God.
Praise the LORD! Good Morning, Family of God! Reverend Blair, what a passionate, loving and humble prayer prayed from the posture of complete adoration unto the Father of Lights! God bless you, Man of God, and thanks for sharing! I am in TOTAL AGREEMENT with this anointed prayer. God bless you all! Agape, Sister Ginger!
Good Morning Ginger. Thank you for your wonderful comment. I am truly blessed that you are encouraged in the Lord with my morning prayers. God bless you my friend and have a wonderful day.