Daily Devotion

Listed below is today’s Prayer by Rev. Daniel W. Blair. This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved. You also have an opportunity to receive these prayers into your inbox by filling out the form below “Subscribe to Morning Prayers.”

Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 1/22/2025

 Subject: “Decree and Declare”

Good morning Heavenly Father. Oh Lord, As children of God we make many declarations from your Word to both comfort and admonish others. You have placed your Words upon our hearts by the Spirit making it most difficult to remain quiet, so we will declare it freely to all who has ears to hear. Help us to always be careful to make our proclamations within their original context so they don’t lose their original meaning. To fail to do so has created many false teachings in our day. As new creations in Christ we are led by your Spirit to set our lives on a specific course believing that it’s within your providence, so we happily decree and declare it knowing that you will establish it according to your divine will. Thank you Father for shining your bright and holy light upon our ways to confirm that our decree has been truly established by you. Lead your children to never decree and declare a thing that has only come from their prideful desires and not from your express will for their lives. We will only declare and decree what you have placed upon our hearts to accomplish in our individual lives. We pray this is the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

“Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways” (Job 22:28).


Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 1/21/2025

 Subject: “Spiritual Blessings Beyond Measure”

Good morning Heavenly Father. We thank you, God, that you’re not some tyrannical ruler ready to cast us into the pit of hell for the least misstep. For indeed we are blessed and so very happy that you have blessed us with every spiritual blessing by bringing all of us, your beloved children, into a closer relationship with you. We thank you, Father, with our arms and hearts open wide for all that you have done for us through your beloved Son Jesus Christ. We count our blessings every day, for the days are gloriously brighter, the music is so much sweater, and the indwelling Spirit fills our every emotional and psychological need with your knowledge and compassionate love. Day by day we feel you drawing us ever closer to you teaching us, among other things, Kingdom principles that not only delight us but absolutely amazes us, that by giving our self to others in service it always brings a greater blessing to us. Thank you, Father God, for teaching us this most beautiful principle that will continue with us forever into heavenly bliss. Let us never forget who we are in Christ! We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3).

Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 1/19/2025

 Subject: “The Love of Christ Constrains Us”

Good morning Heavenly Father. “The love of Christ constrains us” opens up a whole new horizon and helps us to understand why we are so driven to complete all of our work for you. Your love powerfully moves us from one assignment to another in our unending service to you by serving others even when we don’t feel that we are physically able. Following you, Oh Lord, in your death upon the Cross, we have now been made alive; not to live for ourselves but to live for you. Yes, we believe that your deep abiding love constrains us from following the ways of a selfish world, to give ourselves beyond measure by not counting the cost, and to give ourselves to others as you gave your life for us. Therein, we have found our true joy and peace that sustains us even during our most difficult struggles in life. Although we give all that we have, we know that we are constrained from going into debt to give what we don’t have. We pray, Oh Lord, that you help all your beloved children to always listen to you, through the indwelling Spirit, to explicitly follow you in our service to others. We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

“For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again” (II Corinthians 5:14-15).

Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 1/18/2025

 Subject: “He Who Has an Ear, Let Him Hear”

Good morning Heavenly Father. Someone, or perhaps many of your children are really not listening to the Spirit. Otherwise, we would not have so many different opinions, so many different prophecies, and so many different interpretations of your infallible Word, the Holy Bible. We are convinced in our spirit that there is only one voice from only one Spirit who speaks for only one God. We cannot all be right with so many different opinions. So, we pray that you guard our mouths, especially in these last days, to not speak anything claiming that it’s from you unless we know for certain. Perhaps, there has never been a time more urgent, for your chosen people to speak with one voice articulating exactly what we must do in these Last Days to stand against the fallen world run by Satan and the powers of darkness. We want to hear your marching orders directly from you, our only Commander in Chief, the Lord of Glory. We know, Oh Lord, that we must draw a line and not allow the evil world to pass over it, affecting the holiness of your beloved children. We must come out from among them and remain pure. We pray this in the Most Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

“He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” (Matthew 11:15).

Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 1/17/2025

 Subject: “We Call You Lord, Lord”

Good morning Heavenly Father. Oh Lord, the world may be falling apart around us with evil people saying things beyond the pale, yet we desire to always walk in holiness before you. You have taught us that it’s only possible if we truly listen to what you say. We pray, Oh Lord, that we have ears to hear what you say to us through your magnificent Word, the Bible always made alive by the indwelling Spirit. Without the indwelling Spirit, we cannot hear what you say, so we pray that we always humble ourselves by ceasing all our wandering thoughts, vain imaginations, and giving our undivided attention to what you want to say. If we only listen to your still small, yet powerful voice, through the indwelling Spirit, then we can truly call you Lord, Lord. It’s your voice that’s always calling us away from every form of evil either in images, words, or so-called music. Thank you, Lord, that Your voice always comes in loud and clear when someone attempts to set an evil image before our eyes or to express an evil thought through corrupt communication. Help us to be true ambassadors for Christ. We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

“And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46)

Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 1/16/2025

 Subject: “Watch What You Say”

Good morning Heavenly Father. Oh Lord, your Spirit that dwells in every believer must be so grieved with all the corrupt communication in the world today. Individually, we can feel the indwelling Spirit crying forth with enormous tears of grief that deeply saddens our hearts. We have noticed that this corrupt communication among most of humanity has progressed well beyond vulgarity and filthiness. We have observed that this corrupt communication is filled with damaging lies and half-truths intended to divide and destroy their fellow man. This corrupt communication has filled the airwaves, new media, and social media intoxicating the public. Lies laced with half-truths are leading the entire world into greater divisions and open hostility. This has caused total chaos in the streets of many of our major cities in the world causing riots, deaths, and destruction. We pray that all your children will choose to stop being a conduit for spreading this corrupt communication that is dividing and destroying humanity that’s far worse than any supposed thermo-nuclear war. Lead us, Oh Lord, to shut our ears to the lies and half-truths of our age. We humbly pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers” (Ephesians 4:29).

Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 1/15/2025

 Subject: “We Will Rejoice and Be Glad in It”

Good morning Heavenly Father. Oh, how precious are the days of deliverance for all of your children. How precious are the days of deliverance, when you have delivered them from the grips of death, caused by a major car accident, a deathly disease, or some other calamity. How precious are the days of deliverance when you have delivered them from the agony of defeat or the rejection of forced unemployment. How precious are the days of deliverance when you have delivered them from the grips of their dependence on psychological drugs, alcohol, or the distasteful addiction to cigarettes. How precious are the days of deliverance from the power of sin, the emotional pain of guilt and the agonizing pit of un-forgiveness. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for creating a brand-new day, where we are no longer pulled down by our past. Help your beloved children to truly accept your loving forgiveness, to let go of their past, believe in their new life in Christ, never look back, and walk joyously into the new day with their heads lifted high. Thank you, Lord, for creating a brand-new day where we will rejoice and be glad in it! We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

“This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalms 118:24).

Prayers by Rev. Daniel W. Blair 1/14/2025

 Subject: “Casting Evil in Our Own Minds”

Good morning Heavenly Father. We pray, Oh Lord, that especially your beloved children will not dismiss the power of evil that’s growing stronger every day. We believe this is becoming more self-evident among those who are spiritually mature, in those who spend more time in silence and solitude, and in those who spend many hours every day in prayer and meditation. It’s as though a huge wave of evil is enveloping the world and especially this country. We pray that you will give us strength and wisdom on how to guard our every thought. Let us always keep the Cross before us by dying daily to self, casting out every vain imagination, impure, and self-righteous thought immediately. Help your children to see and understand that it’s not all about casting out evil in physical places and in other people, but it’s more about casting out what’s evil in our own minds. We pray that they will also see how essential it is for us not to flirt with evil in our movies, music, and books. Help us to be very discerning on what we watch, listen to, or read, especially on social media. We pray this in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

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57 thoughts on “Daily Devotion”

  1. Brother Daniel, “Renewing Your Mind” is a powerful prayer we all need to hear. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus, not the world. Lord, Draw us closer to You every day til You come to take us home. Amen…
    Thank you for sharing your prayer. God bless you always!!

  2. Amen!
    It is so heartbreaking to see all the evil around us. So sad!! But God promised to watch over His children til Jesus comes and take us home. I pray everyday for God’s divine protection over all of us and our families. Thank you Brother for sharing your prayers. God bless you.

  3. Thank you Brother Daniel for sharing this powerful prayer of standing firm. God bless you always.

    Lord, Empower us to stand firm and stay strong in our walk with You in Jesus’ name. Amen

    1. Much love dear brother, WOW we are close to His return. Standing in agreement with you in prayer. Ps.1

  4. thank you Daniel for never wavering from the truth. from God’s warnings to us all. you always bring light to this darkness. Deb and I so love and appreciate your love and persistent strength for spreading his great love and truth for us. may you be safe.healthy. we love you. eyes and ears wide open.

  5. Thank you Reverend Blair for making the video for my song
    “You Are Beautiful in Jesus”, and using it for your March 13th, 2023 Devotion. May our video ENCOURAGE Christians to ALWAYS STAND FIRM, ALWAYS GLORIFYING THE LORD!

    1. You are most welcome, Paula, my dear sister. It was a joy in the Lord to make all of your beautiful music videos that reside on my website. I believe that all of your beautiful music video greatly encourage the flock. God bless you.

    2. It’s wonderful 😊 to receive a godly uplifting special message. That comes from your heart with the truth of the Gospel. Amen 🙏

  6. Thank you Reverend Blair for making the video for my song Cover My Life With Your Love, and using it for your March 10th, 2023 Devotion. May our video ENCOURAGE Christians to ALWAYS STAND FIRM, ALWAYS GLORIFYING THE LORD!


    1. You are most welcome, Paula, my dear sister, for all that you do for the ministry. Your whole family has been a blessing to the ministry through your love and support. I especially love your singing on my morning devotions. God bless you.

  7. Reverend Blair, your daily devotions ALWAYS ENCOURAGE me in the Lord and are such a GREAT COMFORT and STRENGTH to my soul! Thank you for your ministry! God bless you always!

  8. What a powerful prayer! We all need to open our eyes. We need to stand firm and stay strong in our walk with the Lord every day. Yes the struggle is real but God is bigger and greater than our struggle. Thank you for sharing your heart. God bless you Pastor Daniel.

  9. LORD you are worthy to be praised! Even when it may feel like we are being pressed down and shaken by what we see and are going through. But LORD your word says many are the afflictions of the righteous but You deliver us from all of them. Lord I lift up our brethren that may be afflicted by illness or challenges may You heal where needed and May you make a way of escape. In Jesus mighty name. Amen

    1. Thank you my dear sister, Elda, for your beautiful prayer for all those who are afflicted by illnesses and challenges. The Scripture that comes to mind says, “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). Yes, Lord Jesus, glorify your Name though us in the midst of our sufferings. May God be praised.

  10. Thank you for your beautiful prayer. Thank you for your friendship. I pray you are doing well and in good health. God bless you.

    1. Good morning Sheryl, yes I am doing well and so far in good health, praise God. All the prayers and my writings come directly from our Lord, so we will give Him all the glory. I pray my dear friend that you and your boys are also in good health and drawing ever closer to our risen Lord. God bless you too Sheryl.

  11. Hello my dear friend,
    Thank you for the powerful prayer on More than Conquerors and Have no fellowship with the darkness. This touched my heart. All is well with my soul and I pray all is well with you and your family. You are always in my prayers. Thank you and God bless you.

    1. Wow! So, nice to hear from you my friend. Thank you so much for your sweet comment and especially for your prayers. I praise the Lord that it is well with your soul and I hope and pray that your family is doing well too. We are ok, taking one day at a time trusting in God’s loving providence. God bless you too, my dear friend, Sheryl.

  12. Amen! Lord help us not to fall and be loyal to you as you are so faithful to us! Lord guide us, speak to us, and as many of us are willing to be your hands and feet protect us. Send your heavenly host of angels to surround us. Lord, we need your mighty strength daily! Thank you, Rev. Daniel Blair, for your prayer to our Precious Father!

  13. Amen! Help us Lord to love all especially when we are treated unjustly we can only do it through your strength and love. In Jesus ñame blessing Rev!

  14. Thank you Pastor Daniel for all your prayers. The Coming of the Day of God is so powerful! The battle seems to be so real lately. I’m hanging in there trusting God to get me through it. Please keep me in your prayers. I need prayer of empower to stand strong in my walk with the Lord. I pray all is well with you and your family. May God bless you and be with you.

    1. Thank you Sheryl for your comment about my morning prayers. I am so thankful to hear that you are hanging in there and trusting God.Yes, I have already started praying for you to stand firm in the coming days. We most definitely need one another as we draw closer to the end. Also, thank you so much for your prayers for me and my family. May our God graciously bless you too. Finally, for your private concerns I am sending you a direct email.

  15. Praise the Lord! Lord we thank You for your mercies are new every morning! May we always walk in humility in fear of You by reverence. God bless you Rev.

  16. Good Evening Pastor Daniel,
    Thank you for sharing your messages of “Restore Others” and “Redeem the Time”… Both prayers are so powerful and it is a wake up call for all of us to get our hearts right with God. Thank you for being obedient to God and being faithful to the Lord in all you do to minister to us through your prayers. God bless you my dear friend!

    1. Good Evening Sheryl, It is great to see you here making a comment on my website. It brings great encouragement to my heart that my public prayers are blesssing my dear friends in Christ. You too have been missed, so it is nice to hear from you. God bless you too, my dear friend.

  17. A GREAT prayer and Scripture INDEED, to GUIDE us on how NOT to be derailed, but to KEEP JESUS ON HIS THRONE of our heart, so HE KEEPS HIS RIGHTFUL PLACE there at the CENTER of our life, where EVERY thought and action GLORIFIES HIM when HE is LORD of our life! PRAISE GOD ALWAYS!

  18. Praise the LORD! Good Morning, Family of God! Reverend Blair, what a passionate, loving and humble prayer prayed from the posture of complete adoration unto the Father of Lights! God bless you, Man of God, and thanks for sharing! I am in TOTAL AGREEMENT with this anointed prayer. God bless you all! Agape, Sister Ginger!

    1. Good Morning Ginger. Thank you for your wonderful comment. I am truly blessed that you are encouraged in the Lord with my morning prayers. God bless you my friend and have a wonderful day.

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