Category Archives: Articles

Timeless articles written to help Christians stand firm

There’s Power to Stand Firm

We are all facing unprecedented times with the next election in the United States looming closer and closer. There is a lot of apprehension as to which candidate will be elected and the formidable consequences facing all of humanity. Most Christians rely on whatever power they have to stand firm and not be led astray by the great deception. Unfortunately, many are relying on their own choices to determine their best course of action. The good news is that God has given us great power to stand firm on His truth alone and not be swayed by the world’s teaching, much of it manipulated by the powers of darkness under the cloak of religious morality. Yes, we all see the great daggers cast at the other political party; one claiming the other side is the “enemy within” essentially destroying everything Christ stands for and the other claiming the other side is on the dangerous path of “fascism.” Now, some on the right are going so far as claiming the other politician is the Antichrist as they fear the worsening depravity will bring us to the precipice of Armageddon. We must not be swayed by every political hyperbole or fine-sounding argument. Let’s examine everything with a sound mind. Last week we wrote about “Seeing Through A Glass Darkly” returning to the source and interpreting Scripture properly, today we will talk about the great power given to us to stand firm on the truth we have received.

Most of us are familiar with Timothy who was appointed by the Apostle Paul to oversee the church in his day.  Timothy faced a similar situation where he was confronted with many different opinions from very strong-willed men attempting to cast him in one direction, and then another. Let’s explore the counsel given to him by the Apostle, which would be very applicable to our present day. His first counsel was to remember the gift of God, which is the Holy Spirit. How often do those living in our day forget the gift of the Holy Spirit. They forget that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit that lives within us every moment of every day. They have forgotten the many powerful Spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit, allowing them to lie dormant rather than using them. They forget that there is great power in the Holy Spirit to overcome ever obstacle. They forget that the gift of the Spirit was given to us to lead us into all truth. They forget that He is the seal of our redemption, so the Apostle counsels Timothy and us to rekindle the gift of the Holy Spirit within us. When we do it will open doors that we had never known existed. It will show us power that’s beyond anything in the known world.

So, how do we rekindle the fire of the Holy Spirit, the greatest gift ever given to humanity? We can no longer be timid or shy. We must be bold. We must let the whole world know, which begins with our family and friends, that we are a chosen vessel of God to proclaim His goodness to a wayward world. When we rekindle the flame the whole world around us will notice that there is a difference about us. They will see the light shining forth from our face. We will no longer be ashamed of the Gospel but look for every opportunity to share it with whoever we come into contact with from the least to the greatest. We will stop immediately to pray with everyone needing it, even if they don’t know it. We can no longer be secret Christians in our present world, but we must be very visible Christians of the Cross always ready to speak in the name of Christ. Dear children, this will rekindle the fire that will give us the greatest power known to mankind. Until we rekindle the fire by stepping out in faith, unashamedly, we will never see the power. Until we rekindle the fire we will be tossed about by every wind of doctrine and of little use to the Kingdom of God. Until we rekindle the fire we will never become all that God wants us to be in Christ Jesus.

The counsel continues, and the Bible says, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (II Timothy 1:7). They say that the days of uncertainty bring forth the greatest fear. Each candidate has brought forth the greatest fears of electing the other candidate from Nazism to the horrific increase of perversions equaling Sodom and Gomorrah. Even without the election fear has captured the hearts of humanity from the threat of nuclear war to the increase of catastrophic weather patterns, and from increasing lawlessness to global pandemics. Christians are told to fear not but to embrace the power given to us by the Holy Spirit. This power allows us to see beyond the present moment to a time of peace and tranquility. It allows us to see the power of God working in our lives causing all things to work together for the best by opening doors and establishing new priorities. In the power of God, we are no longer locked into the moment but can transcend time and space. Furthermore, we have access to all the Spiritual gifts allowing God to bestow the appropriate Spiritual gift to fulfill His will and destiny for that very moment in time. We are no longer held captive by the ways of the world being tossed in one direction, and then another. On the other hand, we follow Christ in the Spirit, which establishes our destiny to the glory of God.

Once we access this power as believers in Christ we are immediately separated from the world of hate, unforgiveness, and all the emotional trauma associated with it. The power of God puts an amazing love into our hearts completely different from the fallen world. We learn to look at the hearts of others in all their pain and agony. We look well beyond their outward behavior to the child within. Our love is never about getting but giving all that we have to bring them to the foot of the Cross to receive Christ’s tender love. There is great power in our self-giving agape love that can bring the worst sinners to their knees. This love looks well beyond all the arguments and all their various opinions to joyfully share the truth in the power of love. As true believers in Christ we have also been given the power of a sound mind, which is an anomaly in the modern world. As the fallen world continues to add traditions by adding mankind’s interpretations of the truth it grows further and further away from the simple truth. Our sound mind never changes because of the gale force winds of every new opinion. It is not rattled by all the changes in a fallen world, saying one thing, and then another. On the other hand, our sound mind focuses only on becoming all the Christ wants us to be, which allows us to see the eternal depth and dimension of every truth that never changes. Moreover, a sound mind is not taken captive by every emotional and psychological problem plaguing fallen humanity, but it trust in God’s truth alone for all life and godliness (II Peter 1:3-4).

Finally, to him who overcomes Christ will give to eat of the hidden manna (Revelation 2:17). This is a glorious promise to every true believer who has not fallen captive to the world being led in one direction, then in another. Their feet are planted on solid ground allowing Christ to grow them from one degree of glory to another. This manna is the same heavenly food that fed God’s children in the wilderness. We will go through many difficult times as the unrepentant world receives the consequences of its many sins. Although we will be shielded from the horrific consequences, we will still be slightly affected but never destroyed or overcome. We will stand firm continuously partaking of our hidden manna giving us constant encouragement and confidence to face another day. We will never give up on this life no matter how difficult it becomes. As the fallen world continues to cry out in agony and despair we will rejoice in the Spirit and the knowledge that God has not turned His back on us but is going through the same trials and tribulations with us. Unfortunately, it will make no difference who wins the election because mankind’s heart will not change unless He surrenders to Christ alone. The world will continue to get worse falling deeper and deeper into the pit of depravity as we enter the Great Tribulation. On the other hand, God’s beloved children will continue to become more like Christ every day demonstrating the power of the Spirit in love and a sound mind standing firm in the power of God. Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. On Christ the solid rock we stand.

Please join me in prayer,

 Subject: “Making the Right Choice on Election Day”

Good morning Heavenly Father. Oh Lord, let me pray a prayer for the upcoming Election Day that you would give your beloved children great discernment. We desire to follow your lead especially in this particular election and at this point in prophetic history. We pray that your children will look beyond the lies and misinformation that’s being peddled by most of the major networks. We pray that they would even look beyond the fake smiles and the happy face to look inwardly to how she hatefully treated her own staff. We pray that you will cause them to look much deeper than what lies on the surface and would discern the leader who would lead this country on a path of righteousness. Who would lead our country to cherish all life by saving the unborn, and teaching only the truth to our children, giving them liberty to worship you, and respecting the marriage estate between one man and one woman. Let them not be blinded by the rhetoric of socialism that would keep the elite in power and make everyone else poor. We know if they humbly seek your guidance then you will lead them to make the right choice. We pray this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

“But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil” (Hebrews 5:14).

The Gospel Presentation

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which explains the many difficulties that you are currently facing in your life. Well, I have good news, God has solved that problem by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin to show us the way to a beautiful new life in Christ. God has dealt with all of our sins past, present, and future by having His son pay the debt for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross in our stead by allowing all of the world’s sins to be placed upon Him as a sacrificial Lamb. As Christ hung on the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Him to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried for three days. On the third day, Christ arose from death to life everlasting. The good news is if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then we will be forgiven for all of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us into all truth helping us in the transformation process of putting off the old life, allowing the old sin nature to die with Christ, and then putting on our new life in Christ by being raised with Christ to everlasting life. You can accept Christ today by confessing your sins to Him through a simple prayer asking Him to forgive you and make you into a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have done that, then you have just begun the greatest journey of your life that leads to heaven and eternal life. Welcome to the Kingdom.

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

If I could describe the world today with one word it would be an “enigma” (something difficult to understand). Everyone is trying to figure out everything from the latest prophecy to the latest conspiracy theory, and from the latest church doctrine to the latest tradition. The war is raging on social media and in the halls of Congress dividing the nation not between a few political parties but between every human being. If that’s not bad enough the war is raging in the Churches and between the growing number of denominations or sects. The whole world is seeing through a glass darkly. They look, they read, they try to figure things out and they simply don’t understand. People have read the entire Bible, and they still don’t understand. Everything seems like an anomaly, like the shifting sands of the Sahara Desert. As we fast approach the End, we no longer have time to try and figure out things on our own and develop our own little favorite doctrines at the exclusion of others. We don’t have time to seek after our favorite prophecies and sliced up sermons on the internet or social media. Simply put, we are out of time.

We only have one option. We must return to the source and do it quickly. As I wrote in my previous article, Jesus is knocking at the door. We must open the door and enter into the new life that He has predestined for us. Only then after we have seen the risen Lord face-to-face can we no longer see a poor reflection through a mirror or darkly colored glass (I Corinthians 13:12). Today we will take this to the next level where most of His children have not yet entered. Unfortunately, many are Christians in name only, holding tightly to their favorite doctrines, and traditions instead of trusting in Christ alone to make everything clear. The whole Bible was written by men that were inspired by the Holy Spirit opening windows to an unseen world and allowing us to fathom things that seem unnatural to the carnal mind. Only the Holy Spirit can open up the Bible allowing humanity to see its original and deeper truths. Years ago when preaching the Gospel in Russia I was confronted by an individual who said that he would accept Christ, but the Bible was too difficult to understand. After explaining to him that everything would be clear after accepting Christ, he later gave an exhilarating testimony before the Church that Christ made everything crystal clear once he surrendered to Christ as Lord. Even the best commentaries, foot notes, and cross references will typically only show one man’s interpretation. Dear children, it’s essential that we go to the original source while we still have time.

We will all admit that we live in a world of mass confusion with everyone either adopting or developing their own unique beliefs. Some say that they got their beliefs through the detailed study of ancient authors, popular commentators, and even in-depth research of the Bible by looking at the original meaning of each word. Others say that they got their beliefs from their Church doctrines and its traditions. Others say that they have constructed their beliefs from the many visions and dreams that they have had or received from others. Others say that they have developed their beliefs from the many popular preachers and prophets in our day. Others say that they developed their beliefs from following the popular postings and video clips on social media. Some have even said that they have developed their beliefs by receiving communication directly from the Holy Spirit. Finally, we have people continually pulling from all of the above sources making their own choices on what to believe; what to keep and what to cast out. Well, we also know that Satan is an author of confusion. Simply put, Satan doesn’t care what you believe; he says everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. That’s the world we live in as we fast approach the Last Days.

As humanity continues to develop and adhere to their own unique beliefs, then the division between the people continues to grow at an alarming rate. These divisions can quickly turn into violent altercations and even civil war pitting one side against another. There is no greater time than to have God’s beloved children to be united in the truth and stop developing their own unique beliefs, of which many conflict with God’s unchanging word. There is no greater time to understand the context of what was going on with God’s children at the time during the writing of the Bible. We must always ask what it meant to the original recipients and what questions or problems were being addressed at the time. Only then can we ask what it means to us now. Don’t worry, Jesus Christ took care of that little problem by sending every believer the Comforter to understand all of the truth written in His anointed Word, the Bible (John 14:15-31). Just don’t forget the Comforter or the Holy Spirit will also keep the truth in its original context. Moreover, He will never contradict the Word of God or allow humanity to explain the truth away by saying it’s no longer applicable in our day, which we mainly see in the use of Spiritual Gifts. Simply put, the Holy Spirit will lead you to understand the meaning of what it meant then and how to apply it to our lives now.

The key to understanding or interpreting the Holy Bible for our day is understanding that it was written primarily, especially in the New Testament, to help new believers to put off the old life and put on the new life in Christ. The Bible is not meant to be your little Genie in the Bible. On the other hand, as we allow the Holy Spirit to transform us into a new creation by following His does and don’ts of the new life, then we will in time always know the right direction or the right thing to do (II Corinthians 5:17). Furthermore, the more we are transformed in Christ, the more we will be able to hear His still small voice by giving us specific guidance or bringing a Scripture text to our minds that was previously written on our hearts. Now, here is the wonder of our transformation in Christ, as a new creation we will be given eyes to see, to see the great war being waged against humanity, and how God’s children have been given insight on how to stand firm only believing in one truth. We must allow God through the Holy Spirit to develop our belief system from the truth in the Bible. The truth in the Bible is all sufficient, it’s immutable and it is exclusive. We can study all the great biblical doctrines from the past two thousand years, but they must never be allowed to change the truth by adding to it or subtracting from it. Only the truth will be used by the Holy Spirit to grow us from one degree of glory to another until we reach perfection at the conclusion of our journey on Earth.

We must aim for perfection every moment of every day and the one thing that can help us, is to embrace the power and majesty of love. Without true self-giving, agape, love we will never reach perfection, nor will we be assured that we are truly on the right path. Godly love will open windows that we never knew existed showing us the wonder and majesty of God’s perfect timing, His amazing blessings, and His tremendous power to perform miracles beyond our wildest imagination. So, why is this so important to meet the risen Christ face-to-face and be filled with the Holy Spirit? Because without Christ uniting His people together in one truth, then they will be susceptible to the greatest deception to ever ascend upon planet Earth. In the Last Days, Satan and the powers of darkness will proclaim that they can solve all the problems facing humanity. He will proclaim that the divisions are destroying the world, and the only solution is unity of thought among all of its citizens. This unity of thought will be required by the image of the beast in the form of Artificial Intelligence (Revelation 13:15). If believers are not grounded in what they believe, then they will be easily led astray believing that they are making the world into a better place for everyone. However, those who reject the new beliefs will be killed. I pray that all of God’s children will be transformed into the perfect image of Christ, which is our only sure defense of the coming deception. Remember, transformation is only possible if we come face-to-face with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, so that we can know and understand the truth; a truth that will help us stand firm against the deception and the wiles of the devil. Amen, we no longer see through a glass darkly.

The Gospel Presentation

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which explains the many difficulties that you are currently facing in your life. Well, I have good news, God has solved that problem by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin to show us the way to a beautiful new life in Christ. God has dealt with all of our sins past, present, and future by having His son pay the debt for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross in our stead by allowing all of the world’s sins to be placed upon Him as a sacrificial Lamb. As Christ hung on the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Him to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried for three days. On the third day, Christ arose from death to life everlasting. The good news is if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then we will be forgiven for all of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us into all truth helping us in the transformation process of putting off the old life, allowing the old sin nature to die with Christ, and then putting on our new life in Christ by being raised with Christ to everlasting life. You can accept Christ today by confessing your sins to Him through a simple prayer asking Him to forgive you and make you into a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have done that, then you have just begun the greatest journey of your life that leads to heaven and eternal life. Welcome to the Kingdom.

Get  a  copy  of  my  new  book  by  Clicking  Here


This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

Can You Hear Christ Knocking

Once again humanity as a whole has rejected God and has recreated Him in their own image. Since the fall in the Garden of Eden, humanity has attempted to fill this great void in their hearts caused by rejecting God. Humanity created idols, gods made in the images of the known world, and even darker images of the unseen world. The void created in the hearts of humanity is a horrible thing causing them to feel extremely anxious and lost, always searching for some kind of meaning in their lives. In time every type of world religion was created to help mankind to fill this awful void. Although in the beginning it primarily began with idol worship, in time it developed into detailed theology and ever-increasing traditions to help humanity fill the void from rejecting the one true God. We have also observed humanity, especially in the Last Days, attempting to fill the void in their hearts by essentially becoming their own god. Even most of those who have chosen a religious label have allowed themselves to become their own little god sitting on the throne in the throne room of their hearts. There is only one true way to fill that indescribable void bringing us to the precipice of what we were originally created to be. Keep reading to discover how to fill the void in our hearts.

Oh Lord, please help fallen humanity to hear Christ knocking on the door of their hearts. Many things in the known world keep us from hearing that gentle knock. As Christ knocks gently the whole world is banging louder and louder on the door of your heart. Every world religion, every philosophy, every psychological counsel is pounding away on your heart. Every video, every movie, every song, and every opinion is screaming to be heard. Satan and the powers of darkness do not want you to hear that gentle knock or the still small voice of God, so he throws all the screaming voices from the world at you from morning till night. Although many of these voices from the world appear to be harmless and even entertaining, Satan has designed them to keep you occupied every minute of every day. If that’s not already bad enough, Satan has designed social media to keep your mind occupied every moment chasing one rabbit after another, allowing your thoughts to be carried away, going in one direction and then another. Beautiful scripture texts and anointed sermons are sliced up completely out of context designed to never allow us to reach the depth of its original meaning from the Spirit.

So, how do we cut through all these voices coming at us from the world controlled by Satan and his powers of darkness? How can we not take a bite of the proverbial apple from the Garden of Eden? Quite simple stop listening to the world and start listening to God. Listen for the knocking on the door of your hearts. As I had already stated, every known religion in the world was created to fill the void. Unfortunately, Satan has entered every religion and every denomination to help its followers to question every doctrine and even the anointed Word or the original texts by giving them man-made commentaries or cross references to develop their own unique understanding of God. As that understanding is developed and the walls have been erected, the still small voice of God grows fainter and fainter allowing the voices from the world to completely drown it out. This is so unfortunate because the original texts in the anointed Bible had only one purpose to lead humanity to repentance and open the door of our hearts to allow Jesus Christ to make us into a brand-new creation filled with the Holy Spirit and give us direction every moment of every day. Anything added to or subtracted from this original plan opens the door to creating god in our own image or taking a bite of the proverbial apple.

Once we stop listening to the world and everyone’s vain interpretation of how to know God, then we can hear the gentle knocking on the door of our hearts. After we open the door the Comforter will come into our lives with the express purpose of making us into a new creation completely different from the rest of humanity (John 14:15-31). We will have a unique longing to live life to its fullest, never giving up, but always pressing on to the goal of becoming all that Christ is creating us to become. We are no longer interested in what the world has to say. We are no longer interested in the religious interpretation of what God wants us to be. We are no longer interested in living as lukewarm Christians with one foot in the world and one foot in the Kingdom. We are only interested in living every moment of every day for Jesus Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. When we read the Bible, we read it with a new set of eyes searching out every Scripture to become that new person in Christ through the power of His love and the miracle of transformation. We understand that the Bible is a beautiful history of God dealing with humanity in each epoch of our existence on planet Earth. We understand that the New Testament was written specifically for the new children of God where all who answer the call will be filled with the Spirit and taught all things.

Dear children, Christ is gently knocking on the door of your hearts. Stop listening to the world and respond today by opening the door of your hearts and asking Christ to come in to dine with you. The Bible says, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). What a beautiful invitation to dine with Christ allowing Him alone to teach us everything we need to know, to overcome every obstacle that Satan and the powers of darkness will throw at us. One of our first lessons is to control our thoughts, and what we think about because the Spirit is with us every moment of every day. Everything we think about even for a millisecond will come before the Spirit. Every foul thought, every thought of how you were hurt in the past kept alive by unforgiveness, and every thought that doubts God’s ability to give us everything we need for life and godliness will grieve the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 4:30). Literally, it will make the Holy Spirit cry, which will be of no advantage to you. Finally, you will not have time to follow the Spirit in your transformation and follow the world at the same time. We must choose one or the other, not both as the lukewarm church has done. If you are ready to submit your life to Christ and the indwelling Spirit every moment of every day, then you will hear Christ knocking and His still small voice. Stop listening to the world and embrace the silence and solitude.

The Gospel Presentation

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which explains the many difficulties that you are currently facing in your life. Well, I have good news, God has solved that problem by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin to show us the way to a beautiful new life in Christ. God has dealt with all of our sins past, present, and future by having His son pay the debt for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross in our stead by allowing all of the world’s sins to be placed upon Him as a sacrificial Lamb. As Christ hung on the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Him to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried for three days. On the third day, Christ arose from death to life everlasting. The good news is if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then we will be forgiven for all of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us into all truth helping us in the transformation process of putting off the old life, allowing the old sin nature to die with Christ, and then putting on our new life in Christ by being raised with Christ to everlasting life. You can accept Christ today by confessing your sins to Him through a simple prayer asking Him to forgive you and make you into a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have done that, then you have just begun the greatest journey of your life that leads to heaven and eternal life. Welcome to the Kingdom.

Get  a  copy  of  my  new  book  by  Clicking  Here


This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

Finding Rest For Our Souls

The whole world is heavy laden with many worries driving them to the pit of despair. Furthermore, anxiety, stress, and a multitude of other psychological problems are driving the world to the brink of global destruction and even mass suicide. For many years the world has sought to cover up these problem with drugs for every little conceivable physical or mental issue, which have created even greater pain caused by unrealized side effects. The counselor’s offices are full as the whole world has learned how to trust in psychology to solve their multitude of problems. These problems have increased tenfold because of the recent wars, the horrific weather patterns, and the unchecked lawlessness in every area of society. Although many world religions struggle to help their followers, unfortunately, most realize that they cannot bring real change to them and humanity as a whole. As the world turns away from trusting in God exclusively their burdens will only grow heavier and heavier driving them into a deeper pit of despair, to the depths of total darkness, and Satanic influence. As I survey the suffering and confusion in the world my heart is breaking.

Well, here comes Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, allowing His chosen children to see what has been hidden from the rest of the world. Those who come to Jesus Christ, know that He is the Son of God, who can give rest to those who are heavy laden from the many problems of this world. This was the driving force behind all of the Apostles who traveled the known world preaching the Gospel. They had experienced, firsthand, the resources given to those who had been called into the Kingdom of God through faith. It led the Apostle Paul to write, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). Many times in the fallen world, especially in dealing with dispirited people always seeking to tear us down, there is great encouragement knowing that Christ is always with us, building us up in His magnificent love, and showing us that we can do all things through Him. Cruelty in the world can also cause many psychological wounds causing some even to seek suicide to escape the trauma edged on by the powers of darkness. The Apostle Peter also faced many difficulties in his life. Still, he was wholeheartedly convinced that everything was given through the indwelling Spirit to overcome every physical and mental health problem facing every believer allowing them to walk in all godliness. “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.” (II Peter 1:3).

Now, let’s take a step back to understand how to effectively integrate this information into the life of the believer. Jesus Christ immediately understood the problems facing humanity. With His perfect foreknowledge, Jesus understood their pain, their dilemma, and especially their bondage to Satan. Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). All of these wonderful promises spoken of earlier are only available to those who come to Jesus. We must believe that it is only Him that can give us true rest from our labor and the excessive burden causing us untold physical and psychological problems. This rest spoken of by Jesus is the peace that defies understanding, which opens the window to incredible joy and even heavenly bliss. Yet, this cannot be obtained unless we completely trust in Christ exclusively to give us all the solutions for our problems for all of life. Unfortunately, many in our day want the solution to their problems without making a commitment to Jesus to trust Him alone. Unfortunately, we even have many believers who want to put their trust in both the world’s remedies and also in solutions given to us by Jesus Christ. We simply cannot expect anything from Jesus if we have one foot in the world and one foot in the Kingdom, which is lukewarm Christianity.

So, how do we come completely to Jesus? Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls” (Matthew 11:29). This is a most amazing verse in Holy Scripture for it teaches us the truth that was completely foreign to the world at the time and unfortunately even foreign to many believers living in our day. Not unlike the First Century when Christ taught His disciples, legalism had invaded both the world and the church. We live in a day where problems are solved by following a recipe or a ritual of things to do or not do. The Pharisees living at the time of Christ were experts of legalism by continually adding traditions to the law, which is not too unlike the Catholic Church of our day. Unfortunately, this kind of teaching only adds to the burden. Psychology has also followed the same path by producing the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) with all the problems and its so-called solutions, with secular counseling and drug therapy. Jesus said take my yoke upon you, learn from me. Yes, Jesus knew that through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the Holy Scriptures would be written with over 127 commands in the New Testament alone, but His way of teaching them would be completely different from the fallen world.

Jesus said, learn from me; for I am meek and lowly in heart. Jesus was saying I have a completely different way of teaching you than the fallen world. The first step is to come to Jesus alone. To be totally committed to His teachings knowing that they would lead us to find rest for our souls, which includes the whole self, body, mind, and spirit. After we trust in Jesus Christ alone to teach us everything we need to know, then we are ready for the second step. Faith must always come first otherwise we are wasting our time and will never find rest for our souls. Now, for the second step. Jesus Christ will gently take us by the hand and lead us on an amazing journey that will last for our entire life on planet Earth. He will not hand the 127 commandments to us from the New Testament and tell us that we must immediately memorize them and put them into practice. However, He will immediately begin the transformation process in our lives by growing us from one degree of glory to another. We learn how to let the indwelling Spirit teach us in His time the things we must stop doing, putting off the old life, and the things that we need to start doing, putting on our new life in Christ. Here is the amazing thing about your journey, Christ will use the valleys to teach us valuable lessons. He will use our daily reading of the New Testament scriptures to burn a new lesson into our hearts. He will use other believers to teach us things that Christ has already taught them.

When we do this, my friends, then we will have taken Jesus’s yoke upon us allowing Him to make us into a beautiful new creation walking in all godliness. Now, Jesus says, “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). This is a beautiful conclusion, allowing us to see the beauty in taking His yoke upon us. As we grow up in Christ by allowing every hardship and every valley to get us back on the path by teaching us valuable lessons, then heaven begins to come into view. We see that our walking with Christ and learning from Him alone is causing us to turn into a very happy and blessed soul. We begin to understand that it is no longer difficult. We begin to realize with great joy in our hearts that our burden is light. Then we begin to feel the amazing peace that defies understanding as we experience heavenly bliss. So, now we join Jesus Christ teaching others how to come to Christ and put all of their trust in Him alone. All the counsel, all the teaching, and all the preaching, unfortunately, fall on deaf ears until they learn to put their trust in Jesus alone to solve all their problems by making them into a beautiful new creation. Dear children, as we face uncertain days with another category 5 Hurricane bearing down on the United States and World War III on the horizon, it is more than prudent to have Jesus Christ in our life helping us to overcome the many burdens of this life. In the Spirit, Christ will teach us every moment of every day, “The right thing to do.”

The Gospel Presentation

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which explains the many difficulties that you are currently facing in your life. Well, I have good news, God has solved that problem by sending His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who was born of a virgin to show us the way to a beautiful new life in Christ. God has dealt with all of our sins past, present, and future by having His son pay the debt for our sins. Jesus Christ willingly went to the Cross in our stead by allowing all of the world’s sins to be placed upon Him as a sacrificial Lamb. As Christ hung on the Cross, the wrath of God was poured out on Him to pay the penalty for our sins. Jesus Christ died on the Cross and was buried for three days. On the third day, Christ arose from death to life everlasting. The good news is if we believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then we will be forgiven for all of our sins and receive the Holy Spirit. The Spirit will lead us into all truth helping us in the transformation process of putting off the old life, allowing the old sin nature to die with Christ, and then putting on our new life in Christ by being raised with Christ to everlasting life. You can accept Christ today by confessing your sins to Him through a simple prayer asking Him to forgive you and make you into a new creation filled with the Holy Spirit. If you have done that, then you have just begun the greatest journey of your life that leads to heaven and eternal life. Welcome to the Kingdom.

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.

Humanity’s Last Prophetic Warning

Oh Lord, let this last prophecy sink deep into the hearts of all humanity contrary to their nationality, belief system, and even their standing on the world stage. Let it even open the eyes of the agnostic to see the majestic glory of your heavenly Kingdom as the ruler and Creator of all that exists. As we fast approach the end, time is running out for humanity. Over two thousand years ago the Revelation was given to the seven churches in Asia, which became a symbol for every church age (Revelation 2:1-3:22). We are now living in the age of the Lukewarm church, which has integrated the teachings of the world with the holy doctrines of Christianity. The whole Revelation is a dynamic prophecy written for every age from the First Century until now leading God’s children to be prepared for every age. Now, most believers in the church of the faithful remnant agree that this is the final age because almost the entire world has turned away from Jesus Christ as Lord. They no longer keep in step with the Spirit, but have integrated the teachings of psychology, other world religions, philosophies, and science leading them into every perversion and further away from God as their Creator.

With the escalation of the war between Russia and Ukraine, and the escalation of the war between Israel and Iran’s proxies the world is on pins and needles because it could easily lead to World War III, so they cast their trust on their elected leaders and the United Nations. With overcrowded prisons, increasing homelessness, drug addiction, lawlessness, and young children doing the unthinkable the world is on heightened anxiety casting their trust on law enforcement and psychology. With increasing storms, floods, earthquakes, and tornadoes the world is growing weary with the death and destruction, so they grow ever more dependent on governments to fight global warming and the news services to give the proper warnings. With every new virus that threatens another global pandemic, the world is trusting in medical research to discover another new vaccination to cure the masses. Without religion to explain the meaning of life and death or where we came from the world is learning to trust in science and philosophy to chart an unknown course based on mankind’s reasoning or his own understanding. Dear children, this worldly trust is completely foreign to our created souls (body and spirit) causing unimaginable consequences, as we shall see. On the other hand, we were created to trust in God exclusively.

This lack of trust in God, as the Creator of our souls, has led humanity to trust in self and the things that mankind has established.  It has led him to experiment with every strange doctrine, other world religions, and even open the abyss to the powers of darkness. This has led humanity to accept every perversion and to violate every commandment of God. As a result, this has allowed humanity to experience the consequences of their sins of not following what God had created us to be. Yes, you heard me correctly. To not follow what God has created us to be is a sin against our Creator. The consequence is to be left alone in the world without God’s indwelling Spirit to direct us, to perfect us by growing us from one degree of glory to another, and to protect us from the powers of darkness. Now, picture the fallen world that has rejected God as its Creator and has decided to live life without Him, and we see its consequences in the world today on the verge of Armageddon. Let’s be very clear that all the plagues, all the woes, and all the bowls of God’s wrath in the book of Revelation are not coming from a vengeful God, but from the consequences of humanity walking without God.

I hope that you are beginning to see the beauty and perfection of humanity that’s recreated in Christ. Our planet was created in perfection completely different from the rest of creation in the universe because it was created specifically for humanity, man and woman, created in the image of God. We know that the entire world was destroyed once before with water because in their vain imaginations, they turned away from their Creator. We are on the precipice of this happening once again because humanity has turned away from God, although this time the destruction will be by fire (II Peter 3:10-13). I have written previously, “Proof That the World is Ending” which goes into detail of how this will come about. My goal this time is to demonstrate that we cannot prevent or even slow down the inevitable unless we learn how to stop following the world and learn how to trust and follow God exclusively. Before we do, however, let us ponder the great and powerful wonder of walking in Christ as we were created to do. Let us look beyond the natural joy and blessings of being in Christ. Let us look much deeper at miraculous power and amazing wonder of becoming all that we were created to be.

Dear children, we will never experience anything beyond lukewarm Christianity if we don’t stop trusting in the world. Stop your godless searches on the internet that are becoming controlled more by algorithms and artificial intelligence. Godless politicians will never solve the problems facing a wayward world. Psychological counseling, even with all their drugs will never solve the problems facing humanity. Science will never explain the mystery of the universe or understand how to live life to its fullest on planet Earth. However, I have good news. God’s Son, Jesus Christ, promised to send the Holy Spirit to dwell with every new believer in Christ to help them to become all that they were created to be before the fall, before humanity turned away from God. Essentially His job as the indwelling Spirit is to take you back to the Garden of Eden to experience the new life in Christ free from Satan’s dominion and the power of the old sin nature. Every commandment of God written in the Holy Bible is designed to set you free from the old life of sin. Every commandment written on your heart by the indwelling Spirit is designed to show you the miracle and power of walking in Christ. Furthermore, the Spirit does not leave you alone but is with you every moment of every day, bringing forth great miracles, and always working everything together for the good. Even when the world starts to fall apart God’s faithful remnant continues to sing praises in their hearts knowing that they are resting securely in His mighty hands. No matter what happens they continue to rejoice that they are heaven bound.

The rest of the fallen world will be horrified by everything they see from the unchecked lawlessness in the streets to the perversions behind closed doors. The world will be in shock by the increase in unusually strong and devastating disasters explained away by global warming. As the fires begin to engulf cities, nuclear bombs begin to fall, and ravaging gangs are unleashed against the helpless, God’s children will know that humanity is experiencing the consequences of turning away from their Creator. As the sun continues to scorch humanity (Revelation 16:8-9) adding to the fires upon the planet, the world cries out in agony blaming everything and everyone, but they will never blame themselves for rejecting God and allowing every perversion to take place. I have written extensively about the first and second woe in the book of Revelation in my latest book “Annals of Prophetic Writings.” The First Woe (Revelation 9:1-11) describes the results on humanity for trusting in psychology since its conception in the sixth century and the Second Woe (Revelation 9:12-21) describes the results on humanity for trusting in the false teachings of Islam since its conception in 610 AD. Now we are on the verge of World War III and Armageddon as Iran seeks to enlist all the Muslim countries, of the Islamic faith, to come against Israel and her alliances in the West. Once the war starts it will drag in the remaining Eastern alliance of Russia, North Korea, and China to come against the West and America, known as Babylon. And great will be her fall (Revelation 18:1-24). “Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her” (Revelation 18:8).

Dear children, it is past time to start trusting in God exclusively and not trusting in the world. It is past time to be filled with the Spirit every moment of every day allowing Him alone to direct our path. It is past time to start walking in the power and majesty of our Creator becoming all that He wants us to become. Dear children, join the ranks of the faithful remnant and let the joy of the Lord and His love radiate out from yourself even in the midst of the Tribulation.  In conclusion, let’s listen to the voice from heaven, “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities” (Revelation 18:4-5). Amen

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This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2024. All rights reserved.