Many Christians desire a blissful life, while the powers of darkness close in from every side. Many of them long for peace of times past, while dissension and hatred rule the day. Many long for joy, where now it’s just a fleeting memory from days gone by. Most have longed for a blissful life in a dark world. As children of light in a dark world, most have longed for the fruit of that light that would carry them beyond the memories of joy and peace to the blissful life of living in His presence. After watching this amazing video on my secure website, please share it with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.
TIMELY, INSPIRING show as usual Reverend Daniel Blair! Ed Hollyfield your ABSOLUTELY AMAZING song and video “Let’s Return to God” is SO FITTING for this show and SO ESSENTIAL for this time in our HURTING NATION! God bless you always Ed. Thank you Reverend Daniel Blair for making the video for my song “Jesus, You Opened Heaven’s Door”. It is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! May this show and ALL Tribulation Radio Shows GLORIFY GOD ALWAYS!