Are You Prepared for the Antichrist

Are You Prepared for the Antichrist

There are many Antichrist types in the world today, however, the last dreaded Antichrist sent by Satan and the powers of darkness has not yet been publicly revealed (I John 2:18). We will discuss some of the major characteristics of the Antichrist. More importantly, we will help God’s children to prepare for his coming. We will not encourage them to start pointing fingers at potential candidates. This is very important because if we all did this it would lead to hysteria and a global panic. I am confident that when the last Antichrist arrives on the scene God’s faithful remnant will know. It will not be a matter of public debate or open discourse. On the other hand, God’s faithful remnant will spend their time making last-minute preparations for themselves and their families. Before we begin our discussion let me be very clear about what the Bible says, “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” (II Thessalonians 2:3). There are two very important points: we will be here when the Antichrist arrives, if we are still alive, and secondly, there will be a great falling away from the true faith.

Many will claim the name of Christ on that day but only a few will be known by the risen Lord (Matthew 7:21-23). Many people will be led astray by the Antichrist believing that he is the true Christ or the anointed one. Most of the fallen world will blindly follow the Antichrist as the true savior of humanity. Unlike Jesus Christ who came specifically to the children of Israel, the Antichrist will set his sights on the entire world (Revelation 13:7-8). He will not be an isolationist, but a globalist seeking to control the hearts of all humanity. Although he may very well act like an isolationist to gain support from the country from which he arises, he will have plans to enlist all nations to a peace accord with the nation of Israel in his quest for world domination. The prime target for the Antichrist will be the seduction of Christianity and especially the nation of Israel convincing them that he is the true messiah or the anointed one. In essence, Christianity has been seduced for many years by leading them to trust in the works of mankind instead of trusting in God exclusively. This will allow the seduction of Christianity to be more compelling and effectual when the Antichrist makes his bold proclamations that often seem beyond the pale.

Satan from the beginning has always desired that humanity put their trust in him as opposed to trusting in God exclusively. His first words in the Garden of Eden, spoken through the serpent, were to proclaim that God was a liar by telling humanity that they would not die for their disobedience (Genesis 3:2-5). Well, we know how that worked out for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God allowing humanity to live an increasingly shorter life span on planet earth. Furthermore, Satan has been seducing humanity ever since bringing them to the point of serving his Antichrist as the savior of humanity. The characteristics of the Antichrist are not unlike Satan the father of lies. Perhaps one of his strongest attributes is lying to the masses of humanity by proclaiming his innocence for his many outrageous transgressions against the established laws of civil society. There is not even a hint of guilt or remorse. The population will be seduced into believing that others are falsely accusing him making them appear as the liars in the same way that Satan has attempted to turn the tables on God, accusing Him of being the liar. Truly the Antichrist is the man of lawlessness and the son of perdition or a man of eminent wickedness. His aim is the destruction of others for his own benefit.

The Antichrist’s eminent desire is to garner the worship of humanity. In his pride, he will never stop talking about himself but constantly telling everyone about how intelligent he is having the ability to bring peace to a wayward world. In his pride, he will slander others to elevate himself above all others. In his arrogance and pride, he will proclaim that he has the answers to fix all the world’s problems. This pride and seduction will lead many to praise him openly and unashamedly above all others. The Antichrist will not refuse the praise and adoration from others but will act as though he rightfully deserves it by heaping praises upon himself. Seduction and pride will work hand in hand to energize his public following, whipping them into a frenzy of support. They will even be led to strike back at his enemies, causing civil disobedience, veiled threats, and raising money for his personal needs. Many promises will be made by the Antichrist to garner humanity’s support and their undying allegiance to him as the next world leader after the Caesars of old. As the Antichrist slips through each of the legal charges against him, as his predecessor, Adolf Hitler, did before taking control in Germany, his public praise and adoration will increase phenomenally. People will fill the streets bashing those who refuse to publicly worship him as humanity’s new savior.

So, how do we, as the faithful remnant, prepare for the Antichrist? Seduction will be your biggest worry. As his followers are seduced and led astray, they will bring great pressure upon the rest of the world to follow them in their seduction. From social media to the workplace you will be confronted with people who have been swept away by the power and majesty of the Antichrist. If you could only try to imagine what it was like to live in Germany during the rise of Hitler, it would give you a sense of what lies ahead. The faithful remnant will be much like the Jews who hunkered down, tried to escape, or openly denied their ancestry. I would hope that we as God’s faithful remnant will not deny who we are in Christ. I would hope and pray that we would stand firm and not be led astray by a false hope that all will be changed through his tutelage. The only real change is Jesus Christ making us individually into a new creation and changing us from one degree of glory to another (II Corinthians 5:17; 3:18). Also, we must hold tight to the original prophecy that God will not return to set up His Kingdom until after the dreaded Antichrist is publicly revealed and has led the entire world to worship him as the anointed one (II Thessalonians 2:3; Revelation 13:7-8). Furthermore, when Christ returns every eye will see Him descend from heaven in glory to rapture, or catch up, His beloved children (Matthew 24:30-31; I Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 1:7). We as God’s faithful remnant will reject any man who pridefully claims to bring about world peace and prosperity through his own initiative.

Although we may need to be careful with great discernment on who we share the eternal gospel with, we will struggle to ensure that our immediate family is part of the remnant even if we are exposed to those in power. This is something we should be working on now by first warning them of what the Bible says about the Antichrist, as outlined in this article, and secondly to ensure that they are being transformed into the image of Christ every day of their lives. I hope you can clearly see that I am not pointing fingers or naming any person in particular, but I am through the grace of God giving you enough information to beware of the one coming soon to seduce the entire world. There is no time like the present. We must prepare for the Antichrist who is much closer than you think. It is time to look in the mirror at our own Christian walk to determine if we are truly following the risen Christ or are we following the great men of our era proclaiming unbelievable things. Test your relationship today to determine if you are trusting in God exclusively for all of your problems or if you are trusting in psychology and the governmental programs of mankind.

It absolutely breaks my heart that so many people will be led astray. Deception is a slippery slope engineered by the devil. Step by step the powers of darkness will lead you to embrace cute little videos on social media designed to make you question your heritage in Christ where He promises to grow us from one degree of glory to another, giving us everything you need for life and godliness. These little videos also promise to give you wisdom for all of life leading you to put your trust in your own abilities to solve all of your problems. When this happens, then it’s only one small step to putting your trust in the Antichrist who also promises to give you, your family, and your country everything it needs.  We must come out from among them while we still have time. The longer we stay among them the stronger the deception will become causing you to strike out at your own family members who disagree. The great falling away is a reality that will cut into the fabric of every family and every household. God help us to stand firm against powers of darkness and the Antichrist. Finally, don’t just share this article but discuss it with your family and friends, pleading with them to seek the God of heaven who will validate all things.

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