“As Christians, we don’t deny the power of God, we walk in His power. Learn how to access the power of God to stand firm in a lawless world.”
All through history it can be seen, if you have eyes to see, the running not only in the opposite direction but as far as possible to escape what you fear most. This is what’s happening now in the world and specifically in America. There is great fear from the violent protesters in the streets and their talk of supporting an ideology of the far left, where many hold the doctrine of socialism or communism. After watching this powerful video on my secure website, please share it with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.
Powerful show Reverend Daniel Blair. Vickie Truett your lovely song “New Creation” is always encouraging and a blessing to hear. Thank you Reverend Daniel Blair for using the music video that Danny (my dear husband) and I made for my song “Forgive Even As I’ve Forgiven You”. May this show and all Tribulation Radio shows ALWAYS GLORIFY GOD!
Praise God, Paula Disbrow, both songs went beautifully with the message to God’s beloved children. You and Vickie Truett are both a great asset to the ministry. God bless you both.