As we face another Christmas in the middle of a plague with the darkness of evil all around us, we must ask the question, “What does the Spirit say to the Churches?” In our amazement, the answer comes quickly. After watching this eye-opening video on my secure website, please share it with others.
This website and its content is copyright of He Reigns Christian Ministries – © Rev. Daniel W. Blair 2020. All rights reserved.
Glory to God
Thank you for your comment my friend, “All Glory to God!”
Reverend Blair, thank you for this VERY THOUGHT PROVOKING message. Thank you also on this show for including the tribute to Ed Hollyfield. He will SURELY be MISSED. But SO GLAD we can ALWAYS hear his SPIRIT FILLED songs on Tribulation Radio and the Tribulation Radio Shows. What a GREAT BLESSING again to hear Ed’s TIMELY, ENCOURAGING song “Let’s Return To God”, TRULY one of my VERY FAVORITE Christian songs I’ve EVER heard. Thank you Reverend Blair for making the video for my song “Give All Your Life to Jesus”. What a GREAT job you did. May this show and all Tribulation Radio Shows GLORIFY GOD ALWAYS, encouraging Christians to ALWAYS STAND FIRM!
Yes, my dear sister Paula, I do encourage everyone to keep listening after the teaching event, to hear the moving tribute of brother Ed Hollyfield. I would encourage everyone listening, to keep his family in prayer. Thank you, Paula, for your kind words and continued support of our ministry both financially and with the gift of your beautiful voice. God bless you.