GREAT DECEPTION – Is Not What You Think

When the Antichrist or the Beast of the Book of Revelation finally appears like an angel of light he will not be who he appears to be. The Bible says, “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (II Corinthians 11:14). How can such evil be transformed into what appears to be so holy and righteous? This is the great deception that is already coming upon the whole world. How will God’s children, His faithful remnant, prepare for such a time as this when the entire world is being led astray and are being taught how to worship the Beast, either publicly or in the sanctuary of their own homes? Deception is an interesting concept that must clearly be understood if we are to recognize the signs that are being unveiled. Deception is given one spoonful at a time or by such small measures over time that the larger population will never notice until it’s too late. The other key to understanding deception is that much larger events will be unveiled to take your eyes off what is really happening behind the scenes, one step at a time, to deceive you and the rest of the world population. Deception causes many different events to happen to keep your mind preoccupied, which is one of Satan’s oldest tricks. Continue reading GREAT DECEPTION – Is Not What You Think

When Does Lying Become Lying Deception

Most people have told a little white lie and not thought too much about it because it was a slight exaggeration of the facts. While others have told an outrageous lie to conceal the entire truth. Well, dear children, no matter the size, either a little white lie or an outrageous lie, to God it is still a lie and a sin. And every sin has its consequences (Galatians 6:7). Today, I would like to speak to you about when lying becomes lying deception, typically a sin orchestrated by the powers of darkness. This is a sin so grievous in the sight of God that it will receive the same punishment as the devil and his powers of darkness. It is essential that we learn what lying deception is or what it means, so we don’t fall into this horrific sin against our holy God. We need to learn when lying becomes lying deception putting us in league with the devil. Sadly this explanation will shock a lot of God’s children never realizing that their lies have become lying deception putting them in a very dangerous position with God. It will put them in a position to reap the full unmeasured consequences of their sin. Continue reading When Does Lying Become Lying Deception

How To Build Our Self-confidence

Unfortunately, when many come to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord, they don’t have much self-confidence. Often times it happens in their early childhood when parents or others are very critical of them and even express all manner of negative talk about their abilities. This often follows these dear souls into adulthood causing them monumental problems, creating self-doubt and a lack of self-confidence. Not only do they doubt their abilities, but they doubt if they can receive the full portion of a wonderful life free from a life of unrelenting pain, agony, and despair. The good news is that Jesus Christ promises to erase the past as if it never existed. Although many have heard this good news and have sincerely believed it in their hearts, yet they still struggle daily to see it manifested in their lives because their lives often feel like a never-ending Ferris wheel of ups and downs. Dear children, let’s do a deep dive into Holy Scripture and discover how we can experience the great life of self-confidence found only in Christ Jesus. Continue reading How To Build Our Self-confidence

Teach Us To Number Our Days

I have taught this truth from Scripture, to number our days, for many years now, oftentimes in funeral sermons and eulogies. God has taught humanity for many thousands of years that man typically has only seventy years unless he is totally blessed and lives into his eighties. We have all witnessed precious souls, like my younger brother, who only lived one week, and my blessed grandmother who lived well into her hundreds. We have no way of knowing just how long we will be given to live on this planet, so it is necessary to number our days making every day count. Although we could only trust in the providence of God for my younger brother, my blessed grandmother had learned well how to make the most of every day to the glory of God. Contrary to how old we are and the trials that we are currently facing, we can still learn together how to number our days by making every moment of every day count for the best. If we don’t then time will fly by as a watch in the night as if our time on earth never existed; a thousand years in your sight would be like yesterday when it is past (Psalms 90:4-6). Continue reading Teach Us To Number Our Days

Mental Ascent to Heavenly Bliss

It is the Spirit of God that helps us to make the mental ascent to heavenly bliss. Without the Spirit, it would be impossible. Without the beautiful mind created by God, it would be impossible. It’s not only possible for the followers of Jesus Christ, but also essential to maintain our sanity in a world gone mad. All the hateful rhetoric and all the horrible actions of humanity begin in the mind. As we fast approach the End of Time, Satan and the powers of darkness have taken over total control of what most people think even if they vehemently deny it. Satan wants your mind. Thoughts from the enemy come in like a flood leading humanity to think the most horrendous thoughts even if they don’t express those thoughts openly. Often those thoughts from the enemy will return again and again leading most to dwell on those thoughts for hours at a time as if they were their own thoughts. As a believer, if you are honest, you too have had to contend with these unwarranted thoughts invading your space more than you realize. Thoughts from the enemy often sneak in when you least expect them to tempt you to entertain the thought even if it’s only for a brief moment in time. Today we will talk about how to guard your thoughts so that every thought, even for the briefest amount of time, will be pleasing to God. Continue reading Mental Ascent to Heavenly Bliss

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